IntroductionThis is a guide for anyone who despises changes.
I'm not an expert at any of this, so these solutions will be really basic and inflexible.
Requirements:A modern browser that supports uBlock Origin (
Edge) and Stylus(
Opera) extensions.
This guide shows how to fix the forum on Chrome, setting everything up may be different in other browsers.How To Remove New EmotesChange:There are some new emotes. That definitely counts as a change and can't be tolerated.
This is what the problem looks like:What you'll be creating:Requirements:uBlock Origin browser extension (
Step 1:Click on the uBlock Origin icon.
Click on "Open the dashboard".
Click on "My filters".
Step 2:Enter this text:
Step 3:Apply changes.
Step 4:Refresh the forum page to apply filter to shoutbox.
Fixed!How To Remove DiscordChange:There's a new thing next to Shoutbox.
This is what the problem looks like:What you'll be creating:Requirements:uBlock Origin browser extension (
Step 1:Click on the uBlock Origin icon.
Click on "Enter element picker mode".
Step 2:Select the new thing.
Select "Create" in the window that pops up.
Fixed... but it still looks different, so continue with the Shoutbox Width Fix.How To Increase Shoutbox WidthChange:Shoutbox width was changed to 75% of what it was before.
This is what the problem looks like:What you'll be creating:Requirements:Discord element has been blocked (follow previous part of the guide).
Stylus browser extension(
Step 1:Click on the Stylus icon in the toolbar.
Choose "Manage".
Click on "Write New Style"
Step 2:Fill the page following these three steps:
1. Copy and paste this into Code 1:
#shoutbox {
width: calc(100%/0.75);
2. Make sure that the rule applies to "URLs on the domain" and
3. Give your style a name, make sure that "enabled" is ticked and then click Save.
Fixed!How To Fix AvatarsChange:Some avatars are huge.
This is what the problem looks like:What you'll be creating:Requirements:Stylus browser extension(
Step 1:Click on the Stylus icon in the toolbar.
Edit the style created in the Shoutbox Width Fix (or create a new style if you'd like).
Step 2:Copy and Paste this at the end of Code 1.
.avatar {
max-height: 100px;
max-width: 100px;
Make sure that the style applies to "URLs on the domain" and
Make sure that the style has a name, that Enabled is ticked and press Save.
Fixed!How To Fix Spoiler Color(for Bright Forest theme)
What spoilers look like:Here's how to change the colors into this:Step 1:Open the Stylus Theme that you created (or if you haven't then you can find out how to do so in other sections of the guide).
Step 2:Paste this at the end of Code 1 and then save the theme:
div[class^='sp-wrap'] {
background-color: #dbe8b8;
border-left: 1px solid #999;
border-right: 1px solid #999;
-webkit-border-radius: 3;
-moz-border-radius: 3;
border-radius: 3px;
div[class^='sp-wrap'] div[class^='sp-body'] {
background-color: #e9f1d5;
What spoilers are changed to:Fixed!Other FixesHow To Fix VotingWhat's this about?Would you like to vote but don't like how much effort it takes to open the voting sites one by one? Wouldn't it be nicer if you could just click a bookmark, log in, click the same bookmark again and have it open all the voting sites on which you haven't voted yet?
What you'll be creating:Step 1:Create a new bookmark. In Chrome you can just right-click on the bookmarks bar and select "Add page..."
Give it a name, save it to bookmarks bar and change the URL to this:
javascript:{if(window.location.href==''){el=document.querySelectorAll("[src='./img/attention.png']");for(var i=0;i<el.length;i++){el[i].click();};}else{window.location.href='';}};void(0);
Step 2:Click the bookmark, log in (if not already logged in), click it again and then you're on your own.
Now vote!