Emps-World > Guides

How to fix forum.

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--- Quote from: Thomy on December 11, 2017, 08:13:38 am ---Actually that 'fix' is now obsolete. Avatars wouldn't resize because of a php module missing after a webserver update. Should be fine now. ;)

--- End quote ---

His is still so big :'(
Is that intentional? Sowwy for double post again, needed to ask.

Also re-added it into the guide because it's either intentional which makes it a change or it's a bug and the 'fix' provides a half-assed solution that doesn't require patience.

Any staff member pin this topic please.

We have spoilers, they're gray, even if you're using a green theme... I added a section to the guide that changes the background color of the spoilers to green, so that it looks a bit better in the only forum theme that matters.

Update (June 05, 2018):
Added a fix that makes voting easier.
Update (June 16, 2018):
Added a fix that makes comparison in Highscores better.
Highscores Comparison[close]

Stylish was sold to some scumbags that are now using it to track your whole browsing history or something like that, which means that Chrome and Firefox blocked it. So uninstall Stylish, replace it with Stylus(Chrome, Firefox, Opera) and then repeat the steps that used Stylish but now do them in Stylus.

Updated the guide from Stylish to Stylus as well.


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