Recently, a player pointed out that there was no firemaking guide. So I decided to make one.
What is Firemaking?
Firemaking is a skill in which you burn logs with a tinderbox in order to create a fire. The fire has no use besides to cook various raw meats and foods on. It is a fairly easy skill to train, but you do lose money doing it.
How do I Start Firemaking?
In order to start firemaking, you will need a tinderbox and some logs. A tinderbox can be bought from any general store, but I suggest just teleporting to Barbarian Village and going to the General Store there. The tinderbox will cost 1 gp. Below is a graphic that shows how to get there. After you have the tinderbox and some logs, you left click on the tinderbox, and then left click on the logs you wish to burn. Ta-dah! You have officially began firemaking.
How Do I Obtain Logs?
In order to obtain the logs needed for firemaking, you can either purchase them from other players or train woodcutting and and get them yourselves. You can find Skill3r Way9's guide here: Gloves
How Many Logs do I Need to Get 99 Firemaking? And What are the Level Requirements?
All in all, you will need 6688 logs, 4457 with brawling gloves, 3344 with double experience enabled, or 2230 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
Normal Logs - Level 1 Firemaking - 280 exp per log, 420 with brawling gloves, or 560 with double experience enabled.
Oak Logs - Level 18 Firemaking - 420 exp per log, 630 with brawling gloves, or 840 with double experience enabled.
Willow Logs - Level 33 Firemaking - 630 experience per log, 945 with brawling gloves, or 1260 with double experience enabled.
Teak Logs - Level 38 Firemaking - 735 experience per log, 1102.5 with brawling gloves, or 1470 with double experience enabled.
Maple Logs - Level 48 Firemaking - 945 experience per log, 1417.5 with brawling gloves, or 1890 with double experience.
Yew Logs - Level 63 Firemaking - 1421 experience per log, 2135.5 with brawling gloves, or 2842 with double experience.
Magic Logs - Level 78 Firemaking - 2128 experience per log, 3192 with brawling gloves, or 4256 with double experience.
How Many of Each Log will I Need to Progress to 99 Firemaking?
You will need:
13 normal logs until level 18 firemaking, 7 with double exp enabled, 8 with brawling gloves, or 4 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
35 Oak logs until 33 firemaking, 18 with double exp enabled, 23 with brawling gloves, or 12 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
19 Willow logs until 38 firemaking, 10 with double exp enabled, 13 with brawling gloves, or 6 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
72 Teak logs until 48 firemaking, 36 with double exp enabled, 48 with brawling gloves, or 24 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
302 Maple logs until 63 firemaking, 151 with double exp enabled, 201 with brawling gloves, or 101 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
887 Yew logs until 78 firemaking, 444 with double exp enabled, 591 with brawling gloves, or 296 with both brawling gloves and double experience.
5360 Magic logs until 99 firemaking, 2680 with double exp enabled, 3573 with brawling gloves, or 1787 with both brawling gloves and double exp.
Firemaking Skill Cape and it's Location
I hope you enjoyed the guide! If there is anything that needs changed or added, make sure to let me know. Good luck (: