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Emps-World => Guides => Topic started by: Mod Mary on January 26, 2016, 03:38:03 am

Title: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Mod Mary on January 26, 2016, 03:38:03 am

Because here at Emps we highly support custom content, we'd like everyone to invite and try to make custom quests for Emps World. New quests are written in Thomy's newly created Emps script: a simple script language that helps the server understand what kind of quest directions you're giving, without having to complicate things in java.


The script has a lot of limitations, and gets features added over time when they are necessary.

Currently Emps script covers the following quest features:

This means that only custom quests that require gathering of items, search quests or a quiz can be made with this script. Small additions to the game code that cannot be covered by Emps script, like spawning npcs, simple monsters and combining items (with level requirements) are no problem to include in your quest, but will have to be mentioned in detail.

Before you'd like to create a custom quest, keep these limitations in mind and first write a short step-by-step story that will cover the entire quest and your checkpoints. For the example I'll use the Halloween 2015 event quest I made with this system.

Script story

The player needs to help the grim reaper with halloween: talk to the grim reaper and accept the quest. (here you flag the first checkpoint in the quest, the player will directly skip the introduction if met again)
The grim reaper gives the player several tasks. First i wanted to let the player decide which task he was going to do first, which second etc. (This is not feasible with the current system, because you would have to create all the possible combinations and write questlines for each combination.)

The grim reaper gives you the first task: Meet with the barbarian. If you talk to the grim reaper again (without talking to the barbarian yet) he should give you a tip for the barbarian, and thus you need to assign another checkpoint here so your dialogue starts with this tip.
Once you finish all the dialogue with the barbarian, you meet another checkpoint. This signals that the grim reaper dialogue will advance into the next task

The grim reaper gives you the second task: The cook, you need to combine some items to give him the combined item.
Now this is where I cheated a little. In this script you cannot create the recipe for the combined item, this has to be done in the game code itself (any custom or new npcs will have to be spawned in the game config aswell).
Once you do have the combined item, you tell the script the player needs to have this item to advance in the dialogue. The item will then be removed by the script if necessary.

The same thing for the third and last task: in the script the grim reaper will give you a jack-o-lantern mask, and only if you equip the mask farmer fromund will answer on your quest and you will be able to advance. In this case however, the mask will not be removed from the player. Another checkpoint is added here so the grim reaper knows that you completed this task.

This sounds rather easy, but you have to cover any missing dialogue holes! For example, you need to create a dialogue that happens when you do not have a certain item, when you are already done with that quest or when a player loses items that are required in the quest and obtained by the quest npc!

Script syntax

Like any other language emps script has a certain syntax for the program to recognize. Individual commands are seperated by tabs (and not spaces!)

A dialogue starts with
Code: [Select]
d = dialogue_name
Any quest starts with all the NPCs listed, and the dialogues that belong to them, with the appropiate checkpoints (the progress in your quest determines with which dialogue the npc will start)

Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 8977 "Begin quest" | hween_grim_reaper
opt | 384 "Continue quest with the Barbarians" | hween_1_barbarian
opt | 794 "Continue quest with Charlie the Cook" | hween_2_cook
opt | 3917 "Continue quest with Farmer Fromund" | hween_3_farmer

opt | 8977 is the option with the NPC id, so the server knows which npc is talking. NPC 8977 is the grim reaper in Emps.
hween_grim_reaper, hween_1_barbarian, hween_2_cook and hween_3_farmer are dialogue names.

This is an overview dialogue of all the dialogues that the grim reaper uses in the halloween quest. At every checkpoint ($q_quest) the grim reaper answers with a different dialogue. The dialogue names are behind the checkpoint number. This does not need to be done for every npc, it can be shorter, but it definitely keeps the overview.
You can use >= and <= to group dialogues: if a quest has started and you get to checkpoint 1, the npc will always answer with dialogue_name if you use $q_quest >= 1 dialogue_name.

Code: [Select]
d = hween_grim_reaper
if $q_hween == 0 hween_begin
if $q_hween == 1 hween_1
if $q_hween == 2 hween_1_hint
if $q_hween == 3 hween_1_finished
if $q_hween == 4 hween_2
if $q_hween == 5 hween_2_hint
if $q_hween == 6 hween_2_hint
if $q_hween == 7 hween_2_finished
if $q_hween == 8 hween_3
if $q_hween == 9 hween_mask_check
if $q_hween == 10 hween_3_finished
if $q_hween == 11 hween_grim_reaper_end_decide

$q_hween == 0 is checkpoint 0 and thus at the start of the quest the player will be met with the dialogue hween_begin:
Code: [Select]
d = hween_begin
npc "Hello mortal."
plr "Hi @name@, you look grim. I'm sure you have a quest for me!"
npc "Of course I look grim, I'm the @dbl@Grim Reaper@bla@ you fool!"
npc "And yes, I might actually need you to do something for me."
qst "Help the Grim Reaper" "Yes." | hween_cont "No." | hween_abort

Here a question (qst) is asked, and each answer leads to a different dialogue name (d = hween_cont and d = hween_abort). Maximum of 5 answers.
After the player selected yes, the continued dialogue is the following (shortened)

Code: [Select]
npc "Lets start with the Barbarian." $q_hween = 1
to "Start quest" | hween_grim_reaper

Here you set your first checkpoint, $q_hween = 1
This means that the next time you talk to the grim reaper, you go to dialogue name hween_1 (it goes first to hween_grim_reaper and then sees that you are on checkpoint 1, so it starts hween_1).
If you use an overview like mentioned before, make sure you use the 'to' syntax to this same overview everytime you set a checkpoint. This makes it easier to see where the dialogue is heading. Even though the checkpoint is $q_hween == 1, that doesn't mean you should set it 'to hween_1' !

You get the point by now I think. Now you just have to be careful that for every checkpoint in the quest, every npc has an answer when the player talks to him. If you got your first task, but didn't clear the checkpoint with the barbarian yet, the grim reaper has to give you a tip or something. So after the first task you need to set another checkpoint.

Other commands

You can add various other commands to the script that include actions and items:

Here an npc adds a marker for you to the npc you should go to. The marker numbers include the npc id and the location (x and y) of the npc.
Code: [Select]
npc "Come back to me once you succeeded." $q_hween = 2 mark(id, x, y)
Here the barbarian will have a standard answer if your checkpoints do not meet 2 and 3. If your checkpoint is 2 it'll go to the dialogue hween_1_barbarian_treat, same goes for 3. If your checkpoint is not 2 or 3 it will continue to finish the dialogue below and end. This is basically a shorter version of the hween_grim_reaper overview mentioned before.
Code: [Select]
d = hween_1_barbarian
if $q_hween == 2 hween_1_barbarian_treat
if $q_hween == 3 hween_1_barbarian_go_back
npc "Get lost!"
plr "Okay okay... easy..."

Here you check if a player has a certain item in his inventory. If you are looking for a multitude of items you should put (id-amount), else just the id. If a player does not have the item it will continue with the dialogue behind 'else'.
Code: [Select]
d = hween_2_cook_1
plr hasItem(2197) "Hello cook, would you be interested to taste this special recipe?" | hween_2_cook_okay else "I should make those special crunchies that the Grim reaper told me to make." | hween_2_cook_no_item

Identify the npc that is talking to you inside the dialogue_name if you haven't identify this before. You can also use this to have two NPCs talking to you in the same dialogue (like a three-way argument). To find a npc id, use runelocus.com's npc list, or use ::devon ingame: http://i.imgur.com/MpRWCLJ.png
Code: [Select]
npc | 559
Deletes the item from the inventory of the player if inserted in a dialogue frame. At least 1 item id is required.
Code: [Select]
delItem(id-amount, id-amount)
Adds an item to the inventory of a player if inserted in a dialogue frame. If the player's inventory is full, it will be dropped. At least 1 item id is required.
Code: [Select]
addItem(id-amount, id-amount)
Equips the player with this item, but only if the slot is already empty. I'll add the slot id's later.
Code: [Select]
equip(items, slot)
Checks if the player has one of the following item(s) in his inventory (Don't forget to add an 'else' if the item is not owned!):
Code: [Select]
hasItem([id-amount, id-amount]) "dialogue" else "dialogue"
Code: [Select]
has([id-amount, id-amount]) "dialogue" else "dialogue"or if the player has all of the following item(s) in his inventory (Don't forget to add an 'else' if the item is not owned!):
Code: [Select]
hasItem({id-amount, id-amount}) "dialogue" else "dialogue"
Code: [Select]
has({id-amount, id-amount}) "dialogue" else "dialogue"
Checks if the player owns the item (inventory, bank, or equipped). Don't forget to add an 'else' if the item is not owned!
Code: [Select]
ownsItem(id-amount) "dialogue" else "dialogue"
Checks if the player has this item equipped. Atleast 1 item id required. Don't forget to add an 'else' if the item is not equipped!
Code: [Select]
hasEquipment(item, amount) "dialogue" else "dialogue"
Opens an interface popup, like the bank, a guide or note. This interface needs to exist in the game code. I'll list common interface id's later.
Code: [Select]
Puts a yellow marker on the minimap. If the given npc id is close to the location the npc will be marked instead.
Code: [Select]
mark(id, x, y)
Teleports the player to the given coordinates. Commonly z = 0 for ground level. To find coordinates, use the command ::devon ingame: http://i.prntscr.com/942c201f47354a7b8aa87b65268d436d.png
Code: [Select]
teleport(x, y, z)
Name of the player or NPC talking to

Colors, add these tags around the dialogue text similar to the colors used in the chat ingame.
@dre@, @dbl@, @gre@, @dre@, @mag@

Here is the entire Halloween script for study: http://pastebin.com/raw/LjDMZyhP
Please pay close attention to the tabs, spaces and symbols in this script.

Enjoy, I hope some will take up the challenge and know a good story to try it out! If you have any questions, please post!
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Kaarel 123 on January 26, 2016, 06:02:34 am
Thanks for the official release. If anyone has got a good story then I'm willing to make it into a quest.
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Revolutions on January 26, 2016, 07:34:10 pm
are we getting the Emps-script it self? or do we have to write the quest in a notepad
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Mod Mary on January 26, 2016, 08:37:20 pm
are we getting the Emps-script it self? or do we have to write the quest in a notepad
You write it in notepad ++, its just a language, not a program.
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Lars on January 26, 2016, 11:28:22 pm
I predict lots of troll quests.
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Mod Mary on January 27, 2016, 12:05:01 am
I predict lots of troll quests.
Ofcourse we still determine which quests will actually come ingame and which won't.
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Jandar on January 27, 2016, 12:32:06 am
Will there be any award to the writer if he/she wrote a good script and was feature in the game?
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Drugs on January 27, 2016, 12:52:17 am
I think I have a tad more respect for people who code shit for this server now, because what the fuck is that shit
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Mod Mary on January 27, 2016, 01:37:52 am
Will there be any award to the writer if he/she wrote a good script and was feature in the game?
I'm sure we can arrange some award :) And ofcourse you may include your name in the credits ingame!
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Jandar on January 27, 2016, 04:36:38 am
Code: [Select]
d = hween_begin
npc "Hello mortal."
plr "Hi @name@, you look grim. I'm sure you have a quest for me!"
npc "Of course I look grim, I'm the @dbl@Grim Reaper@bla@ you fool!"
npc "And yes, I might actually need you to do something for me."
qst "Help the Grim Reaper" "Yes." | hween_cont "No." | hween_abort

Code: [Select]
"plr "Hi @name@, you look grim. I'm sure you have a quest for me!"
I have a question, the code i quoted above
Is the @name@ also referring to the Grim Reaper's name in the second dialogue or is that your mistake  :P

Code: [Select]
to "Continue" | hween_3 This code: does it show the word "continue" in the game chat dialogue between the player and the npc? Then after that it will go to dialogue Hween_3.  -Just wondering. Other than that I find this Emps script is pretty easy to write.
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Jonneh on January 27, 2016, 02:20:43 pm
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Mod Mary on January 27, 2016, 02:58:10 pm
Code: [Select]
d = hween_begin
npc "Hello mortal."
plr "Hi @name@, you look grim. I'm sure you have a quest for me!"
npc "Of course I look grim, I'm the @dbl@Grim Reaper@bla@ you fool!"
npc "And yes, I might actually need you to do something for me."
qst "Help the Grim Reaper" "Yes." | hween_cont "No." | hween_abort

Code: [Select]
"plr "Hi @name@, you look grim. I'm sure you have a quest for me!"
I have a question, the code i quoted above
Is the @name@ also referring to the Grim Reaper's name in the second dialogue or is that your mistake  :P

Code: [Select]
to "Continue" | hween_3 This code: does it show the word "continue" in the game chat dialogue between the player and the npc? Then after that it will go to dialogue Hween_3.  -Just wondering. Other than that I find this Emps script is pretty easy to write.
@name@ will refer to the person you are talking to. In this case the player is talking to the npc and it will mention the npc's name.

The continue option will not show, it will immediately start with dialogue hween_3 after you click continue in the dialogue frame before that.

Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty."

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan." $q_gnomechild = 2
A perfect example :D Obviously the language will not be permitted in official dialogue :P And i think you missed some tabs (else)
But in this quest if you do not bring the item and you talk to the gnome again you will not be able to finish it!

and here you can add it in the dialogue line itself + a checkpoint for finishing the quest, else it will stay at check 1 and you will be able to keep bringing him 12 guam leaves (unless that was intended) :)
Code: [Select]
d = gnomechild_finish
npc delItem(249, 12) "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Ironman Jack on February 12, 2016, 04:38:05 am
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."

What even. HAHAHA
Title: Re: Emps script: Write your own quest!
Post by: Suryoyo K0 on February 12, 2016, 04:39:23 am
Code: [Select]
d = quest_options
opt | 159 "Begin quest" | gnomechild

d = gnomechild
if $q_gnomechild == 0 gnomechild_begin
if $q_gnomechild == 1 gnomechild_check

d = gnomechild_begin
npc "Got any of that good shit, yeah?"
plr "Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???"
npc "Bring me 12 guam leafs."
qst "Help the gnome child in his dank quest?" "Ok" | gnomechild_cont "Ok" | gnomechild_cont

d = gnomechild_cont
npc "Ty m8." $q_gnomechild = 1

d = gnomechild_check
npc "You brought the good shit?"
if hasItem({249, 12}) gnomechild_finish else gnomechild_scam

d = gnomechild_finish
delItem(249, 12)
npc "Yeah thats the shit. Good shit m8. Ty." $q_gnomechild = 2

d = gnomechild_scam
npc "You tryin to foken scam me m7?"
plr "Cheeky little shit m8 I'll bash ur head in I swear on me nan."
You cheeky little shit, bringing all the thanks from the staff list to you :kappa: