Emps-World > Guides
Draynor Manor I quest guide.
For Freedom:
You can start a quest by clicking on "Draynor Manor I"
1. You can start This quest by talking to Roddeck, who can be found upstairs in Draynor Manor.
There's 2 ways to get there quickly.
1st - Barbarian teleport.
2nd - Draynor village teleport (Amulet of glory)
Once you get into the Draynor Manor, climb-up on 2nd floor and talk to Roddeck.
2. Roddeck asked you to find Muncher. His hound is downstairs in the mansion.
Talk with Muncher...
3. You should report back to Roddeck.
4. Roddeck wants you to feed Muncher some raw yak meat.
Yaks can be found in neitiznot island. Use Neitiznot Island teleport(Games Necklace). Kill yaks for their meat, or buy it from players at ge.
Run back to Draynor Manor and feed Muncher.
5. You should let Roddeck know that you fed Muncher.
You already know where's Roddeck, talk to him. (2nd Draynor Manor floor).
6. You need to take Muncher for a walk to the Black Knights' Fortress.
Once you reach Black Knights' Fortress u'll get another mission.
7. You should report back to Roddeck.
Talk to Roddeck.
8. The Grim Reaper upstairs in Draynor Manor asked you to have a word with him.
Talk to Grim Reaper.
Congratulations, you've completed Draynor Manor I quest.
As a reward you get Muncher pet.
You can earn skulls only if you have released Muncher pet. Best way to get skulls is to kill low level monsters. You can also increase speed of skulls earning by attacking couple monsters at one time. You can do that by using multi attack spell(magic) or red chinchompas(range) in multi zones.
*Ancient creatures
*Abyssal demons
*Abyssal creatures
Where's the game necklace to teleport to Neitiznot quickly?
For Freedom:
--- Quote from: Charr on October 29, 2017, 11:44:41 pm ---Where's the game necklace to teleport to Neitiznot quickly?
--- End quote ---
Yep thanks
Saif Nawaf:
The quest itself is really simple. Nonetheless, some players find this guide pretty useful.
who is reddock and raddock
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