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Offline Dkb15

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to Thomy
« on: August 13, 2019, 07:52:48 pm »
Hi im really liked this server but i so off playing this server because i cant forgot the Emps-Scape its was soo good server.The Emps word is differren then i expecte would be. Emps-Scape server everyone liked play  bacause it was regular server wich  hading have  alot usel items like chaotic or someting elss. Now you new emps world server is not popular because its not like Emps-Scape you maked Emps world in diferent server.I liked Emps-Scape server because he had  best item  bandos, armadyl. zamorak spear. dragon claws, ags the items was regula . I was so happy then Emsp Word server was created but then i so server i was so disapointed because in server has a new useles items. Im really want what Reall Emps-Scape would be back and nofing would be change . Im playes Emps-Scape since i was 7 age.
In my opinion if you try one more time to make same server like was Empscape and you would not change enifing players would back. Thomy if you readed it can you write me answer.. IM know what its was hard for you to close Emps-Scape but remember people who liked to play server and try to make same server like Emps-Scape was. Go see Old Emps-Scape videos and you gona see how people liked to play always gona hope what you gona understun and you gona back Emps-Scape!!!!!! Waiting your answer
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 08:15:24 pm by Dkb15 »
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Offline S Clegane

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Re: to Thomy
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2019, 10:25:39 pm »
Fuck knows why this video is still being posted when it's already 10 years ago... Move on with life, get a job, join Emps-World on your own free time whenever you can. Don't dig into feelings/nostalgia with RSPS. You will find out one day why.

Offline Jhonson

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Re: to Thomy
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2019, 01:12:00 am »
Emps-World now offers much more content for players to enjoy then ever before and our developer will continue to work hard to make this game fun for everyone. Like any other game in existence we must move forward and bring out new content for our community.
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