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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2017, 07:06:32 pm »
No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.
So what you're saying is that stakers get cleaned and can't stake anymore so they quit, but when they can't stake anymore because restrictions they don't quit.

No you didnt get my point. Having "item staking" disabled makes stakers in general find another way of entertainment or money making methods instead of just gathering 24/7 at the arena.
They're not going to find other ways, do you think a drug addict addicted to heroine will suddenly be fine with injecting himself with water?

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Offline Skill0wzer

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2017, 10:21:07 pm »
They're not going to find other ways, do you think a drug addict addicted to heroine will suddenly be fine with injecting himself with water?

Quite an example for staking  :o
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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2017, 01:01:28 pm »
I dont even know what to write.

Why wouldn't you just listen to my advice before you proceeded the update.
Toxicity cant be the reason why you turned your back to duel arena. Duel arena is the only one who was there for us when no one else was :(
I can only imagine that the player count have fell down by atleast 10%. And thats why you reconsider reverting it now.

Toxicity have excisted from day one in this game, and probably will to the last breath it takes. And you wont get it away by limiting or removing objects or activities ingame. When staff members cant go by a good example, what would you expect from other online players.

Get staking back to what it used to be, start giving harsher punishments. Applies for all, even staff members.

No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.
So what you're saying is that stakers get cleaned and can't stake anymore so they quit, but when they can't stake anymore because restrictions they don't quit.

No you didnt get my point. Having "item staking" disabled makes stakers in general find another way of entertainment or money making methods instead of just gathering 24/7 at the arena.
They're not going to find other ways, do you think a drug addict addicted to heroine will suddenly be fine with injecting himself with water?

A heroin addict will find always find a way to find something to intoxicate himself one way or another. If he doesnt, then he is not a heroin addict. Heroin addicts either die, or manage to quit. Its not like if they want heroin, but cant get it thinking they will quit. It doesnt work like that. They will die before that stage.

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Offline Martin

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2017, 05:23:07 pm »
I was just watching a documentary about taking risks today and it was explained that people take risks because there is the possibility of an extraordinary outcome, they also get the adrenaline rush taking the risk when staking that they may lack in their everyday life which could be the sole reason someone is playing this game. I think the faster we change it back to no limit the better it is for everyone.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2017, 05:30:54 pm »
I was just watching a documentary about taking risks today and it was explained that people take risks because there is the possibility of an extraordinary outcome, they also get the adrenaline rush taking the risk when staking that they may lack in their everyday life which could be the sole reason someone is playing this game. I think the faster we change it back to no limit the better it is for everyone.
Damn, they make documentaries for something so obvious? ._.

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