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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2017, 09:32:13 am »
If its about keeping the rules standing, I suggest closing duel arena for good
If its about not risking losing ' Stakers ' as they're huge part of the game, keeping a cash staking instead of both items + cash is important to not crash everything the server worked for .

Imho reverting the duel arena back to what it used to be and just acting much stricter on offensive language (uuid mutes, clan chat bans, etc.) would do fine.

Account temporary/permanent bans are nice too.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2017, 09:43:25 am »

Some cases dont even care if they get muted or banned, from the moment that they get unbanned/unmuted they'll do it again. From what I've learned so far is that more severe punishments won't solve anything, maybe in the beginning people will be scared from them and behave but after a while they'll get used to it and we will be back where we started. Even if you give an IP-ban people still find a way around it so I'd like to see you try banning every player who is flaming every once in a while. A more efficient way of solving things would be closing the duel arena for good. This would attract more players to wilderness and parts of the game that they may not even have tried before because they were stuck in the stake-loop. If they want to risk a certain amount of gold they can do it at wildy at own risk.

To solve the problem, we have to know what are the beginning factors that are causing it. I think the consequence caused by staking and the flaming-behaviour are two different problems, though they are also related to each other. Since the staking had been limited, a lot of those stakers came to wildy to PK. Pking community is not any better than staking community, as you can sometimes see at Emps-cc, some guys are just flaming or pissing others of due to dieing/winning in the fight.

Also, I do think that SEVERE punishments do help people at learning what you SHOULD do and what you SHOULDN'T do. Paying 500m for an offensive language rule break is not severe? I think that will be enough to teach some people to change their behaviour.
The beginning factors do not always lay in the game itself, it may just be the behavior of this specific person (I can name you one case already where this is the problem) or maybe something happened to this person in his life which caused him to get triggered/salty and thus flame. If you really want to implement punishments like this you would need to start writing exceptions etc. you can't take everything into account and so some players would be punished in an unfair way IMO. If you want to implement punishments like this you will also have to punish poor players who don't even have 30m, will you keep them muted for months and months? Because I've been playing since the beginning wind even I don't have 500m cash in my bank. IMO there would be too much flaws in punishing players harder. If we're talking about repetitive punished players we can punish them like this yes, but they'd find out that making a new account and training it would be faster and you'll end up in the same routine. Or even worse you'll end up with only level 3's at duel arena fistfighting eachother because their other account is muted/banned and realised a new account is way easier/profitable for them so they've just traded over their items to a new account -> loop.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 09:50:21 am by Zeepleeuw »
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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2017, 09:52:14 am »
The beginning factors do not always lay in the game itself, it may just be the behavior of this specific person (I can name you one case already where this is the problem) or maybe something happened to this person in his life which caused him to get triggered/salty and thus flame. If you really want to implement punishments like this you would need to start writing exceptions etc. you can't take everything into account and so some players would be punished in an unfair way IMO. If you want to implement punishments like this you will also have to punish poor players who don't even have 30m, will you keep them muted for months and months? Because I've been playing since the beginning wind even I don't have 500m cash in my bank. IMO there would be too much flaws in punishing players harder. If we're talking about repetitive punished players we can punish them like this yes, but they'd find out that making a new account and training it would be faster and you'll end up in the same routine. Or even worse you'll end up with only level 3's at duel arena fistfighting eachother because their other account is muted/banned and realised a new account is way easier/profitable for them so they've just traded over their items to a new account -> loop.

Yeah, buying yourself out of a punishment will never be a thing. Can guarantee that. Exception being scammed items, but that's another story.
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Offline Ameer

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2017, 10:11:01 am »
If its about keeping the rules standing, I suggest closing duel arena for good
If its about not risking losing ' Stakers ' as they're huge part of the game, keeping a cash staking instead of both items + cash is important to not crash everything the server worked for .

This could also work. We'd move 'staking' into the wilderness where actually some skill would be involved in fighting each other. This was also partly the concept of the duel arena change... which didn't work out either.

Imho reverting the duel arena back to what it used to be and just acting much stricter on offensive language (uuid mutes, clan chat bans, etc.) would do fine.

I Quote from Fate
Extensive mutes do nothing to correct a player's attitude.  It only makes them worse.
The same thing applies on bans

UUID mute / ban a person for such things means you're asking him to leave the game which is something I doubt you're willing to do since at least 10 players out of active 70 players will face that punishment.

Removing duel arena might help reducing the amount of fights that happens from this
with also maybe a timer that won't allow you to speak at cc for like 2 mins after you kill a person at wilderness therefore it gives them 2 mins to calm down if they didn't then a kick from an online staff member can take place.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2017, 10:29:57 am »
If its about keeping the rules standing, I suggest closing duel arena for good
If its about not risking losing ' Stakers ' as they're huge part of the game, keeping a cash staking instead of both items + cash is important to not crash everything the server worked for .
This could also work. We'd move 'staking' into the wilderness where actually some skill would be involved in fighting each other. This was also partly the concept of the duel arena change... which didn't work out either.

Imho reverting the duel arena back to what it used to be and just acting much stricter on offensive language (uuid mutes, clan chat bans, etc.) would do fine.
Let's actually go with what Ameer said. The former option only being used if the latter doesn't work out.

UUID mute / ban a person for such things means you're asking him to leave the game which is something I doubt you're willing to do since at least 10 players out of active 70 players will face that punishment.
I think that if a player continually breaks the rules and shows absolutely no sign of improving or wanting to improve they should be removed from the game completely regardless of what playercount we have. That +1 to the playercount does not outweigh the negative impact that a player like that has on the game.
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Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2017, 11:42:29 am »
same amount (or even more) of negativity comes from wilderness just as it comes from duel arena. you just notice it less, because half of the players in wilderness are quite competent, while the other half are just the same as in duel arena. in case of duel arena, 80% of the players are "flamers" who don't know how to accept defeat and only want to make quick money, while other, 20% act politely and accept defeat.
imo the the solution to that would be to actually reward players for being nice and condemn the players that flame to much more severe punishments. considering that most of the players, that are that way, don't usually visit forums, that should be constantly published while opening the client and (optional) in game. if that's not the case you'd want to go with, do competitions like "the most helpful, or competent players in emps scape" on forums and reward them.
removing the gambling from the game won't work...EVER, because if it is removed, instead of staker's negativity being concentrated to each other and the community, it'll be centered towards the staff and the development team.

Offline Charr

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2017, 11:55:16 am »
same amount (or even more) of negativity comes from wilderness just as it comes from duel arena.
In the wilderness your input has a lot more influence in a fight, something you have a slight degree of control over if you will. In the duel arena you don't have any control and it's basically a 50/50. That inherently creates less frustration than the duel arena. Frustration might come from players not knowing about certain things, but that's nothing that can't be resolved with a guide or two.

imo the the solution to that would be to actually reward players for being nice and condemn the players that flame to much more severe punishments. considering that most of the players, that are that way, don't usually visit forums, that should be constantly published while opening the client and (optional) in game. if that's not the case you'd want to go with, do competitions like "the most helpful, or competent players in emps scape" on forums and reward them.
Yeah thanks for the free rewards. In all seriousness you'd either have severely underwhelming rewards that are just going to give free stuff to people that were already nice (which isn't too bad I guess) or you're going to create people that put on an act in an attempt to get the rewards.

removing the gambling from the game won't work...EVER, because if it is removed, instead of staker's negativity being concentrated to each other and the community, it'll be centered towards the staff and the development team.
That already happens with basically any update. While the already existing gambling addicts will do that, the creation of new ones is completely halted. I would consider that to be a benefit.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2017, 01:38:14 pm »
No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #53 on: May 19, 2017, 03:14:58 pm »
No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.
So what you're saying is that stakers get cleaned and can't stake anymore so they quit, but when they can't stake anymore because restrictions they don't quit.

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #54 on: May 19, 2017, 03:31:52 pm »
No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.
So what you're saying is that stakers get cleaned and can't stake anymore so they quit, but when they can't stake anymore because restrictions they don't quit.

No you didnt get my point. Having "item staking" disabled makes stakers in general find another way of entertainment or money making methods instead of just gathering 24/7 at the arena.

Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2017, 03:43:19 pm »
No, please let it be as it is and dont revert back to item staking. Thomy made a great decision by limiting the stakings to 1M at first and then up to 10M. That in my opinion is enough and decisive. When stakers stake they get more and more greedy until they go all in and perhaps lose their bank, resulting a quit from the game as that happens most of the time. We dont want that to happen, especially this period where we need more players to make the server grow just like in the past.

We have to keep in mind that this beautiful game isn't just about staking. However, there are so many ways in which we can enjoy playing it and one of the main reasons are creating our own adventures, playing with friends as well as, exploring the world and improving skills and so on.
So what you're saying is that stakers get cleaned and can't stake anymore so they quit, but when they can't stake anymore because restrictions they don't quit.

No you didnt get my point. Having "item staking" disabled makes stakers in general find another way of entertainment or money making methods instead of just gathering 24/7 at the arena.
"stakers finding other ways of making money" LOL

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2017, 03:51:27 pm »
"Other ways" being staking in wilderness

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2017, 03:53:52 pm »
bring bek old duel arena

Offline Ameer

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #58 on: May 19, 2017, 03:54:59 pm »
Nvm remove

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Re: Regarding The Stake Limit
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2017, 06:30:20 pm »
I have more 2 ideas regarding this issue:

1.Limit the flamming in duel arena only, I am not sure if that is possible to code.

The idea is to add words blocker (only in duel arena) which contain all flaming words ( in certain languages) .

2.New punishments such as if you flame at arena you get 'ban' from staking for a month, second flame gets you 'perm ban' from staking.
By ban I mean the ability to stake.
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