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Offline L3gal

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Quick question.
« on: June 02, 2018, 09:15:43 am »
I started playing Emps-Scape since i was a small kiddo,actually played it earlier than the original runescape.Thanks Emps-Scape for the great memories aswell.Anyways,quick question,why did Emps-Scape close down for a long time and the name changed? Is there a possibility that the OSRS version will come back anytime?

Best Regards,

Offline Jp

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Re: Quick question.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2018, 10:22:33 am »
Emps-Scape was closed by Jagex.
Hello Emps-Scapers!

I have some unfortunate news to bring you; this is the end of Emps-Scape.

After a many years of development, we have to shut down Emps-Scape because of copyright infringement issues. I was given the option of either closing the project or going to court against Jagex. I have chosen the first option, because I don't want to ruin my life, I hope you respect that decision.

Jagex has given me this opportunity to write my last message to you, which I am very thankful for.

I want to thank everyone who's supported Emps-Scape over the years, without you none of what we achieved would have been possible. Though I've learnt a lot and enjoyed my time here, I understand now that Private Servers are wrong and I would implore all of you to think about the negative implications before running or playing a private server in the future. The private server community has been profiting from a product Jagex produced for a long time now and not only is it unquestionably illegal, it's also a very negative pursuit morally.

I make no excuses for my part in this site, I wanted to learn programming and this allowed me to do so, without giving anything back in return. Jagex offered me the opportunity to step away from my work here without reprisal and I'm very thankful for that as many companies would not have done the same.

Thank you all again, you're a great community and one I shall miss.

All the best,

As for the OSRS version of Emps it's extremely unlike to happen ever. Never say never though.

Offline Just Humen

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Re: Quick question.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2018, 11:01:30 am »
As for the OSRS version of Emps it's extremely unlike to happen ever. Never say never though.

Emps-World Player Moderator since Saturday, August 13th, 2016.
Emps-World Game Moderator since Friday, October 28th, 2016.
Resigned on Sunday, January 1st, 2017.
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