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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2017, 04:43:25 pm »
It's more about people not staying, regardless if they're new or not.
I remember when there was vote system added into the game, and I don't know why would you remove it.

Because it simply doesn't work.

If you check the Runelocus rsps list, there are maximum of 5 servers with more players than Emps has, the most active having around 400 player daily peaks. The second most active has 200 players if even that and the rest are in the same category as emps with 100-200 players. The most successful ones are pre-EOC servers. As long as majority of our player base is nostalgia QQ'ers, we'll have no chance of growing anywhere. The sponsored servers are even more dead than Emps is.

Voting will not achieve anything because people are no longer actively searching for private servers as they did 5-10 years ago because OSRS exists. It's a waste of resources.

Offline Special K0

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2017, 07:03:47 pm »
It's more about people not staying, regardless if they're new or not.
I remember when there was vote system added into the game, and I don't know why would you remove it.

Because it simply doesn't work.

If you check the Runelocus rsps list, there are maximum of 5 servers with more players than Emps has, the most active having around 400 player daily peaks. The second most active has 200 players if even that and the rest are in the same category as emps with 100-200 players. The most successful ones are pre-EOC servers. As long as majority of our player base is nostalgia QQ'ers, we'll have no chance of growing anywhere. The sponsored servers are even more dead than Emps is.

Voting will not achieve anything because people are no longer actively searching for private servers as they did 5-10 years ago because OSRS exists. It's a waste of resources.

Your information on the other servers is outdated by quite a lot. I'm not going to name the servers unless I'm specifically requested to (I believe it's against the rules to advertise like that) but there is one server peaking at slightly over 1k players, another two servers have well over 600 players at most times. There are quite a lot of servers that have far more players than Emps. Even some servers which basically have had no effort put into them whatsoever, simple downloads from RSPS downloads sections and instantly hosted - reaching over 50 players. That's the worrisome part about Emps right now, I feel like most of the staff has given up because the methods they're used to do not work anymore. Well, here's some news for you. Things change, try applying new methods..
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Offline Charr

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2017, 07:20:44 pm »
I feel like most of the staff has given up because the methods they're used to do not work anymore.
The function of the staff team is to enforce the rules. Nothing more.

Offline Special K0

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2017, 07:27:45 pm »
I feel like most of the staff has given up because the methods they're used to do not work anymore.
The function of the staff team is to enforce the rules. Nothing more.
I was referring to the staff as the entire staff, including Thomy. Who else would be handling this type of stuff if not the very staff members..? Thomy is also a part of staff FYI.

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2017, 07:32:41 pm »
I feel like most of the staff has given up because the methods they're used to do not work anymore.
The function of the staff team is to enforce the rules. Nothing more.
I was referring to the staff as the entire staff, including Thomy. Who else would be handling this type of stuff if not the very staff members..? Thomy is also a part of staff FYI.
Don't get cocky with Charr. He will destroy you FYI.

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Offline Charr

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2017, 08:40:09 pm »
I was referring to the staff as the entire staff, including Thomy. Who else would be handling this type of stuff if not the very staff members..? Thomy is also a part of staff FYI.
The staff team (meaning anyone that isn't high admin) enforces the rules, that's all they're responsible for. Thomy is the owner, his responsibilities are to do whatever the hell he pleases, he's not part of the staff team. Martin is the staff manager, his responsibility is to manage the staff team. Paty is a high admin responsible for account recovery and things related to that.

Granted I know we don't have FAQ topics explaining this type of stuff, but it isn't rocket science. Considering the functionality of the staff team is already brought into question on occasion, I do not think it's a smart idea to throw more responsibilities at them.

All new players need is a place to ask questions, and they have that. It could be improved upon, but it's not a life threatening situation. You could quite literally improve their situation by helping them yourself. So why do you panic like you've got no influence on the situation?

Growth is a gradual process. You can not do something and expect to gain a shit ton of players out of nowhere. So long as we get new players, we will grow, the amount does not matter as long as they keep playing. As such, that should be our focus.

You've been back for four days now, I think it's about time you calm the hell down. Stop acting like the server's caught on fire, Thomy's knocked out on the floor and Martin is running around screaming 'the end is nigh' with his pants on his head. This isn't the case at all.  We've experienced visible growth in the last month. We've gotten a considerable amount of donations due to dxp scrolls being made tradable. I don't see the cause for worry.

Given your earlier mishap about experience rates, I recommend you spend some more time doing research before you discuss these kinds of topics. This is purely a recommendation though, you're completely free to discuss what you want.
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Offline Special K0

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2017, 08:53:31 pm »
I was referring to the staff as the entire staff, including Thomy. Who else would be handling this type of stuff if not the very staff members..? Thomy is also a part of staff FYI.
The staff team (meaning anyone that isn't high admin) enforces the rules, that's all they're responsible for. Thomy is the owner, his responsibilities are to do whatever the hell he pleases, he's not part of the staff team. Martin is the staff manager, his responsibility is to manage the staff team. Paty is a high admin responsible for account recovery and things related to that.

Granted I know we don't have FAQ topics explaining this type of stuff, but it isn't rocket science. Considering the functionality of the staff team is already brought into question on occasion, I do not think it's a smart idea to throw more responsibilities at them.

All new players need is a place to ask questions, and they have that. It could be improved upon, but it's not a life threatening situation. You could quite literally improve their situation by helping them yourself. So why do you panic like you've got no influence on the situation?

Growth is a gradual process. You can not do something and expect to gain a shit ton of players out of nowhere. So long as we get new players, we will grow, the amount does not matter as long as they keep playing. As such, that should be our focus.

You've been back for four days now, I think it's about time you calm the hell down. Stop acting like the server's caught on fire, Thomy's knocked out on the floor and Martin is running around screaming 'the end is nigh' with his pants on his head. This isn't the case at all.  We've experienced visible growth in the last month. We've gotten a considerable amount of donations due to dxp scrolls being made tradable. I don't see the cause for worry.

Given your earlier mishap about experience rates, I recommend you spend some more time doing research before you discuss these kinds of topics. This is purely a recommendation though, you're completely free to discuss what you want.
Didn't thoroughly read what you said, can't be bothered with that much text tbh lol. But Thomy is a part of staff. Who do you think picks the staff managers?
Here's a quick "explanation" of staff that I could find:
to be or provide the people who work for an organization.
Of course it's provided in a slightly different context but you'd have to be an idiot not to include the founder of the 'organization'(in this case).
You seem to have the idea that I'm super excited or mad or some shit, no, I couldn't really give a rats ass about any of this shit, I'm only trying to help you people out here because you've obviously all given up.. If you'd like me to stop, just say the word. Doesn't bother me one bit.

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Re: Let's discuss about new players coming to this server.
« Reply #37 on: February 09, 2017, 09:37:30 pm »
Called it.

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