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Re: Vesta's Statiu's Zuriels.
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2014, 09:58:07 am »
I don't see why you people hate on new updates? I mean would you like to do the same thing every god damn day? Some change would bring new opportunitys which would lead to the fact, that there is more to do, than that what we have done for the past years. Updates are required and new items are one way. The fact that people say that these new items are OP, you haven't even seen them yet? Why are you prejudging, maybe they'll be perfectly balanced and fun to play with.

So you do NOTHING repetitive on emps? So you dont skill any skills because you have to repeat them to get a higher level right? Or kill mithril dragons to get a z spear because it's repetitive?

How many times do I need to say that EVERY UPDATE on Emps has an unique feature or change that is not comparable with Runescape...

Mary... the only thing not comparable to runescape are the donator blades. Although they are similar to sara sword, most of the players like seeing something different from the original.

Now there's the point. If something new gets added, I don't have to be skilling or killing mith drags. That's the point: to give us MORE things to do.  I understand that it might be repetitive but then there is more actions to repeat.
Someone must have overlooked the news section the last 2 months... There's plenty of new stuff to do, even I didn't do every new thing yet o.O

Yeah, I'm really pleased with the updates so far and I would like them to continue. That's all.

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Re: Vesta's Statiu's Zuriels.
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2014, 11:32:15 am »
The poll in this thread is a little bit unfair because it's biased. There is no information given about how the armours work, about their strength nor how they will be obtained?

Yet the accuracy and strength bonuses of the armours are unknown. It will probably be a mix of bandos and 3rd age. Moreover, they'll be fully degradable. That means that once you start a fight, the item becomes untradable and turns to dust after X hits. The amount of hits the weapons/armours can do hasn't been decided yet.

I would enjoy if polls are fair, that means that they contain some details. Thus they should be run by us! Moreover, we can't run a poll on every update because that's simply never going to work out. There is no 100% majority agreeing on game updates. Imho the point of this thread was just to make new armours negative, no matter how they turn out to be.
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