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« on: February 17, 2019, 11:02:58 pm »
Tons of issues with PvP at the moment.

AGS is garbage - max hit is nice but you can't hit over 50
D claws are still bugged - ?
Range is op - 10m gear hits 70s with no problems and tanks even harder
Combat triangle doesn't work as intended - you can tribrid a braindead ranger not switching prayers and still get outdamaged.

Also healing is stupid. I know this was being discussed in a topic before. Maybe timers aren't the issue, at the moment you can basically eat, hit, dance, teleport, brew, eat twice, hit again and do all that at once. That's what makes healing op - that you can heal while doing other stuff.

Why do ancient bolts have a lower attack bonus than onyx bolts??

Reply to this thx.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 11:22:02 pm by Earl »

Offline Drugs

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Re: PvP
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2019, 07:06:11 pm »
Update multi zone icon

Add additional information on wilderness warning sign

Make laughing emote whilst you are muted ban-able by up to 7 days.

Make it an option to ignore list everyone who has been to wild at once, including yourself.

Make a new broadcast for when people bring more than 3 brews to edge-pking call it [R***-Alert] (you can add more broadcasts in the future)

Every friday-sunday add multi-zone icon to edgeville, just the icon, it will be enough to get 20 people in there.

If you get 3 [R***-Alert] 's in less than 5 minutes you will be teleported inside of unlit beacon and skillers can light it for best firemaking experience in the game, in the end your items will be shared between the players lighting the beacon.

If you move around in fight every 2 seconds ::firstperson will go on for 20 seconds

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Re: PvP
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2019, 08:59:03 pm »
Good to see Lihtuanians can gather 20 people to kill 1, but can't get 1 to give feedback.

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Re: PvP
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2019, 08:25:09 am »
Let's be fair here. Lithuanian clan is decent,because we have alot of players in our clan, Most Of us know how to fight in wilderness,we are not afraid to fight clan VS clan or 1v1 and so on. Of course we have players who hate us, because get killed in wild while pvming or just in unfair fight 1 VS 3 or so, BUT wilderness is dangerous place and by entering there u accept that fact that u can be killed by One, two or few people. Most Of players don't understand that or just don't want to and thats not our problem. I got killed many times in wild and I understand what can happen if I enter to The wilderness. I don't see a point to hate us for no reason or because you are angry abou that u got killed.
Peace and love from Lithuanian Clan 😘
~Emps-scape/world player since 2007 ~

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Re: PvP
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2019, 11:12:46 am »
Cannot really say for the popularity of range when pking but I do think range and especially c'bows are very strong right now.

Combat triangle doesn't work as intended - you can tribrid a braindead ranger not switching prayers and still get outdamaged.
This however.
Magic should never work with melee or range gear and should splash more. Even though my few small tests were against hero and dummy (no def) but it's pretty odd that
I never splashed with neither ice barrage or teleport block. I always froze or teleblocked dummy or hero with melee gear (again 0 def!). I do assume the situation is the same with ranged gear.

I was quite reliably able to freeze ancient gladiator fairly often too while I was in melee gear. Hits aren't that high usually but the effect (freeze) still goes through even if you hit 0.

Teleport block against gladiator seemed to hit more often than ice barrage. Assuming this is because the spell only has effect and doesn't do any damage or isn't simply affected by mage bonus.
Can see here me applying the teleport block on first hit, splash on second and the third one was succesful too but didn't fit there:
Also some picture from Discord where a person teleblocked his opponent through mage pray while wearing full 3rd age melee:

Solution to this would be to revert the change where hitting 0 can still apply the spell effect. I remember that being changed at one point but it was changed because spell effects almost never hit so nerfing it could make ice barrage etc... lose their "purpose". Cannot find link to that update thread though.
Spell Effects
I've been watching some wilderness fights and this has been a topic for quite a while now: The hit chance of spell effects. Magic hit chance and spell effect chance have always been one value and with this update I am separating them. The chances of successfully applying a spell effect on your opponent is double your accuracy. So even if you've got only a chance of 30% to hit your enemy with a magical attack, the chance for a spell effect to apply is 60%. This change may sound harsh, but I think that freezing spells in the wilderness have lost their purpose. The damage output is fine imho and I don't want to change that.

Online Thomy

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Re: PvP
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2019, 11:23:53 am »
Spells have double the accuracy to apply their effects. That was changed in a previous update due to a large amount of complaints about the exact opposite: spells not hitting. We can just revert it and have another topic popping up a few months later complaining about the same thing again. Whatever... I will revert it, because it the solution wasn't very intuitive and is no longer necessary with the current bonus system.

Also the tests with barraging npcs in melee armour are quite unfair, because there is no difference if you barrage them in melee gear or not wearing anything at all. There's no negative bonuses! Amulets, certain gloves and boots give quite decent magic offensive bonuses that allow you to be able to hit your enemy with spells.
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Re: PvP
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2019, 11:44:26 am »
Also the tests with barraging npcs in melee armour are quite unfair, because there is no difference if you barrage them in melee gear or not wearing anything at all. There's no negative bonuses!
I do understand that but imho it's quite weird to use magic with melee or range gear. Spells do not hit that high that often but that wasn't the problem here.
How has the current system changed since the change to spell effects? Does the revert have a big impact on spell effects because I or anyone else don't want them completely ruined.

Online Thomy

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Re: PvP
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2019, 01:17:49 pm »
No, it shouldn't ruin magic other than giving you way lower chances to freeze in non-mage gear. It'll apply the spell effect when not splashing.

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Re: PvP
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2019, 03:09:03 pm »
The more complicated you make this game the more dumb the pking gets, in the good old scape you would have very limited mechanics with set limitations.
Void was one of the bis and was noticeably the best set for pking, in Emps it doesn't matter what gear you throw on you don't really feel the difference.
You can wear virtus or third age for pking, it doesn't make any noticeable difference.

Alot of new items just eventually become part of the grey mass and one or two items become a meta of rng(and easiest rng at that, there's tons of complicated combos you can do but it's not worth it).

Best range combo in scape: Dbow to gmaul - skill level 7-8
Best range combo in world: Javelin spec - skill level 1

Efficient mage options in scape: Boots, ring, ammy max mage switch for when youre maging.
Efficient mage options in world: 3rd-range with onyx bolts (this is not a joke)

Melee pking in scape: Simple and fun
Melee pking in world: Complicated but fun

Things that ruin pking: (ask me for an explanation why if you're curious, cbf write an essay)
  • Pures being able to keep all 3 combat style prayers on at the same time/mains can do same with lower tier prayer
    Spirit shield special attacks
    Brewing not being punished and players adopting their eating habits from watching My 600lb Life
    Onyx/dragon bolts are way too overpowered
    Magic is suppose to be more armour orienated
    Lack of intuition why to pick x item over y, to me they all feel the same (virtus,third mage..)
    1 prayer point drains once every blue moon

Note/ Actually eating would be kind of cool (because you can hit alot too) if people just stopped brewing when their enemy has 0 k0 potential / but they dont

« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 03:18:57 pm by Drugs »
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Re: PvP
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2019, 03:17:27 pm »
Many thanks for this! I already had a few changes ready for the next patch that try to solve some PvP issues:
  • Morrigan javelin special attack nerf: 125% initial damage instead of 135% and bleed is capped at 5 damage per tick.
  • Eating guarantees 1.5s and brewing 0.5s attacking delay. Can keep eating or drinking potions, but your next attack will just be furtherly delayed.
  • Overload effect restores less stats in PvP: Consecutive brew drinking will keep stats down longer.
  • Reworked sapphire - diamond bolt effects.
How are enchanted bolts too strong? Do they proc too often? Currently they have a 20% chance to be applied. The OSRS wiki has much lower chances... more like 5-10%. Should we also lower that?

A lot of our equipment gives good prayer bonuses. That may be the reason for prayer not really going down. I could increase the base drain rates OR improve the smite effect?
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 03:19:10 pm by Thomy »

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Re: PvP
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2019, 03:22:46 pm »
Many thanks for this! I already had a few changes ready for the next patch that try to solve some PvP issues:
  • Morrigan javelin special attack nerf: 125% initial damage instead of 135% and bleed is capped at 5 damage per tick.
  • Eating guarantees 1.5s and brewing 0.5s attacking delay. Can keep eating or drinking potions, but your next attack will just be furtherly delayed.
  • Overload effect restores less stats in PvP: Consecutive brew drinking will keep stats down longer.
  • Reworked sapphire - diamond bolt effects.
How are enchanted bolts too strong? Do they proc too often? Currently they have a 20% chance to be applied. The OSRS wiki has much lower chances... more like 5-10%. Should we also lower that?

A lot of our equipment gives good prayer bonuses. That may be the reason for prayer not really going down. I could increase the base drain rates OR improve the smite effect?
Bolts are very consistent on top of their proc, and range gear has very high magic defence.
If you're taking the route of being able to keep 3 combat styles prayers on and the same time I would think increasing drain is better?
But at the sake of pvmers not losing their precious inventory spots for more restores I would just make it so putting on melee offensive prayer cancels range/mage offensive prayer if one is already on?

edit: And what Earl said above isn't that offensive imo, it's just true. After this update lithuanians would have most data about new update and can easily give feedback. I only pk on weekends and my aim for suggesting things is to keep stuff fresh in pking, but when you're behind suggesting some drastic changes and later it comes out that people don't like it but give 0 feedback you feel at fault.
As long as Thomy is willing to make updates to the game we can all give feedback every now and then.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 03:27:52 pm by Drugs »
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Re: PvP
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2019, 03:25:47 pm »
That sounds like a great solution - only 1 active combat prayer at a time.
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Re: PvP
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2019, 03:31:28 pm »
For once, exclude word Lithuanians from context. Makes feedback worst. Other than that, feedback from few replies are good enough.

Online Thomy

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Re: PvP
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2019, 03:50:04 pm »
Keep this discussion fair and factual - I really don't want wish to start moderating posts here. We are talking about the power of items here and not individual fighting styles.

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Re: PvP
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2019, 04:54:22 pm »
In my opinion magic isn't very good at this current state. Using it puts you in a huge disadvantage in comparison to other combat styles. You can easily hit 60's+ with melee and ranged meanwhile with magic you struggle to even reach 50's. I think magic overall needs a buff, whether it's the spells, magic weapons or armour. Something has to be done so it can compete with other combat styles and be more used and useful both in PvP and Pvming scenarious.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 05:11:33 pm by Cahit »
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