The more complicated you make this game the more dumb the pking gets, in the good old scape you would have very limited mechanics with set limitations.
Void was one of the bis and was noticeably the best set for pking, in Emps it doesn't matter what gear you throw on you don't really
feel the difference.
You can wear virtus or third age for pking, it doesn't make any noticeable difference.
Alot of new items just eventually become part of the grey mass and one or two items become a meta of rng(and easiest rng at that, there's tons of complicated combos you can do but it's not worth it).
Best range combo in scape: Dbow to gmaul - skill level 7-8
Best range combo in world: Javelin spec - skill level 1
Efficient mage options in scape: Boots, ring, ammy max mage switch for when youre maging.
Efficient mage options in world: 3rd-range with onyx bolts (this is not a joke)
Melee pking in scape: Simple and fun
Melee pking in world: Complicated but fun
Things that ruin pking: (ask me for an explanation why if you're curious, cbf write an essay)
- Pures being able to keep all 3 combat style prayers on at the same time/mains can do same with lower tier prayer
Spirit shield special attacks
Brewing not being punished and players adopting their eating habits from watching My 600lb Life
Onyx/dragon bolts are way too overpowered
Magic is suppose to be more armour orienated
Lack of intuition why to pick x item over y, to me they all feel the same (virtus,third mage..)
1 prayer point drains once every blue moon
Note/ Actually eating would be kind of cool (because you can hit alot too) if people just stopped brewing when their enemy has 0 k0 potential / but they dont