I get your point but I do think you're exaggerating a bit.
Overloads definitely are a step down in terms of maxhit for melee. I can't deny that, it's a fact. However, zbrews decay and overloads do not. After a minute or two your zbrew boost will drop down to 120 rather than 123. This either prevents you from having to repot every time your stats decay or saves you a fuckton of inv slots you'd waste on extra pots to drink to keep your stats up. Either way that is definitely something I would make overloads for.
You can still use brews with overloads, iirc thomy said they restore themselves back to 120 every 15 seconds. This does seem a bit clunky, maybe we could have it so that drinking a super restore immediately puts you back up to 120 after brewing down? That would be a huge improvement.
I would not be against bringing supers back to 118. It would definitely be beneficial for pkers and people that aren't at the point where they can make overloads yet.
I'll make a seperate topic on brews, was in the middle of writing it anyways.
Most fights in wilderness don't last more than 1 minute to begin with, besides zamorak potions in wilderness we're used not once per fight but more; they had a mechanic that it boosts your stats and heals at the same time. (if you're 59 hp your enemy ags specs, quick way to hop up in hp and gain back potion boost at the same time)
6 minutes in pvp really doesn't mean alot, people go to have a cigarette/make coffee and afk between fights alot. I'm doing it right now typing this reply whilst someone is waiting for me in wild.
Previous system to me, was perfect.
You could have expanded on that system, that was already perfect and made it more useful for people who want 6 minutes boost.
Also @Thomy alot of pkers specifically liked the zamorak brew effect/how it was so that's something to consider.
Also atm if you combo pot with food, your stats are back down to 115 for the majority of the fight