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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2017, 05:32:58 pm »
There should be more encouragement for people to interact with other players and less focus on getting people to train skills.

One possibility could be to make use of the daily tasks system more.
I would recommend removing the total level requirement from daily tasks and make them available right away, because it's a good way of introducing different content to people, I remember that I became a moderator before I unlocked daily tasks and that should be a sign that it takes way too much time to unlock daily tasks, especially if one focuses on just a few skills in the beginning, while they get used to the game.
Then after that there would be a possibility to add completing minigames to daily tasks.
Something like:
  • Win 2-5 rounds of Pest Control
  • Win 1-2 rounds of Castle Wars
  • Stake 10m just kidding

Create an official "staking" clan chat.
Add an NPC in duel arena that encourages people interested in staking to join it so that they can invite each other to stake. When talking to the NPC, include an option to join the clan chat, so that instead of leaving the clan chat they are in and joining the new clan chat, they can talk to the NPC and use only one click to join the "staking" clan chat.
Don't allow people who were in the "staking" clan chat to join clan chats other than "staking" for 5-15 minutes after they've lost a stake, to give them some time to calm down.
Then removing staking limit may be something that could be considered to get rid of middle-man stakes.

As for the suggestion of having a separate clan chat for new players again, in my opinion that should never happen again, if anyone should be separated from the rest of the community then it's the stakers. For the new players it's more important that they interact with more experienced players (preferably mostly those, who are not mentoring them), in that people should be encouraged to actually learn and try out new things themselves, instead of having someone give them step by step instructions for everything as that turns the game into a pointless grind with no rewards.
The reason for that is that people are taught to get things before they need them, that may be smart for experienced players, but removing the part where people find out that they need something and then figure out how to get it, also removes the satisfying feeling of actually getting the item that they needed.

I think that overall people should be encouraged to have less items stored in their banks, not sure how this could be done but it could be something to consider.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 07:20:27 pm by Tulrak »

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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2017, 05:34:28 pm »
@Otto i swear to god i knew you were going to pick on my word choice. But skill being faster = easier. Otherwise one might think that running a marathon is also easy unless you find steping one foot in front of another difficult in some way.
Unlike you i seem to enjoy the foreplay(grinding to 99) just as much as i enjoy the happy endgame content ;)

Awesome feedback so far! I am astonished how fast and how many posts already arrived. Big thanks from my side. :D
That shows how much we actually care about this game as it has been a large part of our childhood and we have fond memories of this for many years to come.

So far I could change following things:
  • Something I forgot?
Changing Barbarian to another home area(Varrock and Falador in my opinion are too large for the 100 players we have. Needs to be compact)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 05:47:33 pm by Il Skill L »

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2017, 06:24:33 pm »
The lack of people playing mini-games triggers me, mini-games brought a lot of fun to the server and I hate to see them die out. My suggestion is to add worth while rewards to our current mini-games (Make them untradeable) or even add a new refreshing mini game that can breathe new life to the server. (I'm down for some soul wars) give players a reason to go play them, because honestly I don't see myself playing the current mini-games with their current rewards. Hell, throw some old school rares in there but make them cost a lot of tickets where players have to spend days/months/years playing in order to buy them. (Players with old school rares, please no hate)
Cosmetic rewards, regardless of how long it takes to get them or how good they look, will not keep a minigame alive. Everyone is just going to get one and stop playing the minigame altogether. If you want people to continually play minigames find something they'll want to get over and over, like brawlers.

Staff Hosted Events
I know that this depends on the availability of the staff team, but I would really like to see them hosted maybe 3 times a week? I really enjoyed the event divison hosted, got many members playing castle wars (Fucking miracle) Honestly a lot of people would play castle wars/pest control if double tickets were to be enabled. (It's sad, but the truth must be told) I'm also down for like duel arena tournaments, hide n seek, and much more! Also, don't be shy to host forum related events.
Step 1: Create topic about you hosting a CW event and plan a date/time a few days or a week in advance
Step 2: Spread information
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit

New Players
I speak for everyone when i say, I see a lot of new players in grand exchange simply begging to everyone for cash/items. I believe the reason is because not that they're lazy, but it's their lack of knowledge on how to get cash/items and 9 out of 10 times when they ask noob questions, everyone ignores them or simply make fun of them. How to fix this problem you ask? I believe someone said that there was a "Help" cc where all new players go in by default to ask questions... hell i'm down to join that cc and answer their questions while i'm skilling. (Rune crafting is boring af)
More often than not whenever I run into someone like this rather than ignoring them I actually attempt to teach them to make money. They're either completely unwilling to or they literally never beg again after (the latter being a lot rarer). These people are mostly cleaned stakers. I'd be all for that cc, it would still be a good idea.

Lending Item feature
I know that this got shot down before, but I really believe lending items to new players can help them progress in the game much quicker, and will eventually keep them in the server. At this point, I feel like new players are ignored and I bet they feel the same way. Of course these items will always be protected and won't disappear upon death and members can't enter the wilderness with lent items. (Let's make it where we can only lend maybe 3 items for a max of 24 hours)
The speed at which a new player can progress is already way more than enough. No matter how lending items is implemented, it will give players less of a reason to buy stuff they don't yet have. Selling items is already something that takes a while, lending would make this a longer process. As a fresh account if you do a bit of research you can get yourself any item you might need as a new player within an hour or two, that's fine as is.

There should be more encouragement for people to interact with other players and less focus on getting people to train skills.

One possibility could be to make use of the daily tasks system more.
I would recommend removing the total level requirement from daily tasks and make them available right away, because it's a good way of introducing different content to people, I remember that I became a moderator before I unlocked daily tasks and that should be a sign that it takes way too much time to unlock daily tasks, especially if one focuses on just a few skills in the beginning, while they get used to the game.
Then after that there would be a possibility to add completing minigames to daily tasks.
Something like:
  • Win 2-5 rounds of Pest Control
  • Win 1-2 rounds of Castle Wars

Create an official "staking" clan chat.
Add an NPC in duel arena that encourages people interested in staking to join it so that they can invite each other to stake. When talking to the NPC, include an option to join the clan chat, so that instead of leaving the clan chat they are in and joining the new clan chat, they can talk to the NPC and use only one click to join the "staking" clan chat.
Don't allow people who were in the "staking" clan chat to join clan chats other than "staking" for 5-15 minutes after they've lost a stake, to give them some time to calm down.
This doesn't sound too bad, but people will just find ways around it. It's not like people don't go on second/third/fourth accounts to continue flaming in emps world cc.

(preferably mostly those, who are not named Charr), in that people should be encouraged to actually learn and try out new things themselves, instead of having someone give them step by step instructions for everything as that turns the game into a pointless grind with no rewards. The reason for that is that people are taught to get things before they need them, that may be smart for experienced players, but removing the part where people find out that they need something and then figure out how to get it, also removes the satisfying feeling of actually getting the item that they needed.
Because screw Charr and screw how he enjoys playing the game. Screw him for answering people's questions. I, of course, am an expert on what Charr does for I follow him around at all times.

Skilling being too easy / annoying - Thieving as example.
Focus on the latter, as the former might actually turn people away that just started out.

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New players , future updates
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2017, 07:09:20 pm »
Here is what I got:

1. For getting new players I would suggest making something like "Reffer a friend" system.

After a player gets few refferal points or something else that would count his success, he should be rewarded.

Also, the players that are new (invited by their friends) to the game would have to reach certain combat or total level to make refferal count. That would prevent just making level 3 accounts to get reward.

Similar refferal system is used by League of Legends.

2.About mini-games now

My personal opinio about why people dont play mini-games that much is they are not motivated. With this one i suggest adding some new untradeable and tradeable rewards such as weapons, armors and skilling items.

3. Now here is the thing I would personaly like the most. I would like to see new dungeon that would be super hard. It would also require more people to complete. That would make people get in teams and cooperate with each other. Im also suggesting adding green text message in chat which shows your boss killcount and a drop that player recieved.

My apologies if I said or spelled something wrong.
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Offline Il Skill L

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Re: New players , future updates
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2017, 08:24:52 pm »
2.About mini-games now

My personal opinio about why people dont play mini-games that much is they are not motivated. With this one i suggest adding some new untradeable and tradeable rewards such as weapons, armors and skilling items.
I sincerely doubt we need more weapons/armours in this game right now :/

EDIT: Also Thomy, please look at:
Specially the skills section, all ideas in that list were widely supported by our players.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 09:42:55 pm by Il Skill L »

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick

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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2017, 09:12:21 pm »
As i've been skiller for 95% of my time here I'm going to speak about skilling and not so much about PVM or PVP.
Back when i joined(who the hell remembers when was that) the most appealing thing for me was that Emps was placed perfectly between the exp rates of runescape and other private servers. It seems to me that every update that has been made to improve skilling has made it easier and easier (For example bringing all rocks to barbarian). I understand that the idea behind it was to bring community closer together(for that i would suggest changing home to Yanille, might not have a massive effect but it would definitely be more attractive place than Barbarian) and there's nothing wrong with that but you're kind of losing the challenge of skilling that it used to be.
And some skills are just ridiculous. For example thieving. I understand that removing seed stalls from draynor made the skill much more difficult to autoclick but god how painful it is to train it(notice only 4 ironman accounts that have 99 thieving).

EDIT: Also the game has gone much more individual based imo which isn't a good idea. I've brought up many times the conversation about Jad minigame. I understand that you put much effort into coding that new style jad, but back when you had to group up with your friends in veracks to kill Jad(most damage won the f cape) it brought people together. New friendships and connections were made.

Old jad game was very fun and a lot of people were doing it as fun part of their nights.
I would like to see new beginning home Yanille instead of barbarian, would be better to organize stuff and skilling.
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2017, 11:10:31 pm »
There should be more encouragement for people to interact with other players and less focus on getting people to train skills.

One possibility could be to make use of the daily tasks system more.
I would recommend removing the total level requirement from daily tasks and make them available right away, because it's a good way of introducing different content to people, I remember that I became a moderator before I unlocked daily tasks and that should be a sign that it takes way too much time to unlock daily tasks, especially if one focuses on just a few skills in the beginning, while they get used to the game.
Then after that there would be a possibility to add completing minigames to daily tasks.
Something like:
  • Win 2-5 rounds of Pest Control
  • Win 1-2 rounds of Castle Wars
  • Stake 10m just kidding

Create an official "staking" clan chat.
Add an NPC in duel arena that encourages people interested in staking to join it so that they can invite each other to stake. When talking to the NPC, include an option to join the clan chat, so that instead of leaving the clan chat they are in and joining the new clan chat, they can talk to the NPC and use only one click to join the "staking" clan chat.
Don't allow people who were in the "staking" clan chat to join clan chats other than "staking" for 5-15 minutes after they've lost a stake, to give them some time to calm down.
Then removing staking limit may be something that could be considered to get rid of middle-man stakes.

As for the suggestion of having a separate clan chat for new players again, in my opinion that should never happen again, if anyone should be separated from the rest of the community then it's the stakers. For the new players it's more important that they interact with more experienced players (preferably mostly those, who are not mentoring them), in that people should be encouraged to actually learn and try out new things themselves, instead of having someone give them step by step instructions for everything as that turns the game into a pointless grind with no rewards.
The reason for that is that people are taught to get things before they need them, that may be smart for experienced players, but removing the part where people find out that they need something and then figure out how to get it, also removes the satisfying feeling of actually getting the item that they needed.

I think that overall people should be encouraged to have less items stored in their banks, not sure how this could be done but it could be something to consider.

Arranging a team consisting of unique players (no multilogging) to begin a game of CW should be a daily task itself worth 1M xp to a skill of the player's choice.
I wouldn't have my Ava on my Ironman if it weren't for multilogging.

@Otto i swear to god i knew you were going to pick on my word choice. But skill being faster = easier. Otherwise one might think that running a marathon is also easy unless you find steping one foot in front of another difficult in some way.
Unlike you i seem to enjoy the foreplay(grinding to 99) just as much as i enjoy the happy endgame content ;)

I don't mind the grind as long as I get rewarded for it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 11:13:51 pm by Someone12116 »
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2017, 11:15:34 pm »
Moving the game's home isn't something I feel is necessary, I would much rather see barbarian village fixed up. Yanille is mostly unconfigured, while everything in barbarian village is. It really would just be a matter of removing a bunch of things like the magic trees/rune ores and possibly replacing them with things that are more catered towards new people.

EDIT: Also the game has gone much more individual based imo which isn't a good idea. I've brought up many times the conversation about Jad minigame. I understand that you put much effort into coding that new style jad, but back when you had to group up with your friends in veracks to kill Jad(most damage won the f cape) it brought people together. New friendships and connections were made.
Group content is something that definitely helps bring people together, but the way that jad minigame was designed wasn't the right way to go about it. Only one person got rewarded for it. Something like kolodion is a better way of doing it, all we need is more things like that. I'm not entirely sure if it should be given a high priority though, given the difficulty of consistently grouping up without knowing every active player.

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Re: New players , future updates
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2017, 11:59:10 pm »
2.About mini-games now

My personal opinio about why people dont play mini-games that much is they are not motivated. With this one i suggest adding some new untradeable and tradeable rewards such as weapons, armors and skilling items.
I sincerely doubt we need more weapons/armours in this game right now :/

EDIT: Also Thomy, please look at:
Specially the skills section, all ideas in that list were widely supported by our players.

All of these please!
Also area for maxed people 8)
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 10:13:07 am by Skill0wzer »
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2017, 01:45:27 am »
The lack of people playing mini-games triggers me, mini-games brought a lot of fun to the server and I hate to see them die out. My suggestion is to add worth while rewards to our current mini-games (Make them untradeable) or even add a new refreshing mini game that can breathe new life to the server. (I'm down for some soul wars) give players a reason to go play them, because honestly I don't see myself playing the current mini-games with their current rewards.
IMO, I feel like one of the major problems our minigames currently have are the current rewards either having little to no desire/profitability to the majority of current players or any of these untradables simply already being owned by most of them. Elite Void is a pretty good example: tier-65 armor that is basically some of the best PvM armor available to us (on par or arguably better than Bandos/Third-Age where damage soaking/defense isn't much of a priority). When it was untradable from the very beginning, there was reason to actually play PC since there was no other way to obtain the armor yourself. After the change to Elite Void to make it better than standard Void, there still was a reason for players to play PC if you didn't own the Elite Void since it was still untradable (albeit probably a bit more frustrating).
However, when the armor was made tradable, playing PC became less of a necessity since players could simply buy the sets off of other players. People were still probably playing PC for awhile to use the sets to make money, but I'm sure after awhile as more sets made their way into the game this number quickly died down. Lots of the sets were able to spread around to our playerbase as a result.
Simply making the sets untradable again didn't really rejuvenate anyone's desire to play PC unless you were missing a set and you missed out on the ~year long opportunity to buy yourself another set while they were still tradable. Most older players probably won't be willing to play PC anymore since they already have Elite Void and therefore buying more Elite Void is utterly useless to them. The rest of the rewards in the PC reward shop aren't particularly desirable either aside from Vigour which is a rather painless grind. Most of the stuff is cosmetic or XP, and it seems like not a lot of players care much about the XP.

Adding a new minigame probably wouldn't really fix much since it's hard to assemble groups for these minigames as it is already. I do feel that addressing the current situations of the rewards would be a much better solution with possible tweaks/changes to the minigames themselves as well.
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2017, 10:10:21 am »
There is so much to read here, and i will be honest. I barely read anything but Tulraks suggestion. The idea seems fun, would have been a fun minigame.

But imo, the problem is not the lack of minigames. The problem is that the game have to adapt to the player count. Currently, at the state we are in now with 60-90 online players. What we need is a smaller hometown for first being. Yanille would be a great place.

Grand exchange? I know this was a lot of work making, testing and all of that stuff that comes with something new. But seriously. This is a quote i will give out there from a irl friend of mine who previously used to be a master mercher in this game back in the days. He started playing around the same time as me, and i remember what kept him in the game for so long. Merching. He loved to stand in falador for hours and just merch, dont ask me why but he did. He had a way more stable bank than me and had way more contact with players to get items that was needed for skilling or pvm, but he also got the bigger game knowledge cause he went pvming with players he bought stuff from.

He said something like this when he quit fully some weeks after GE being out.

"As far as GE goes, it just takes out all the charm of what i loved in this game. Interacting with players, connecting a network while making friends and future contacts item and skillwise, that's what i loved about this game. Now that GE is up, less players actually wont bother standing around the GE and selling their stuff, it's harder to get that contact with other players. It was a great way making friends but also doing something productive. Now players play more for themselves and dont really need that same interaction"

What i think you should have done, instead of asking for a new player experience. Ask what people that already plays the game what they used to like/love about the game. Emps-world needs to get back to their roots again.
A topic like this, is something you should make. #LetsGetBackToOurROOTS

It would have been easier for majority of players atleast the ones from scape, if you asked them what they used to love about the game.
What do they miss?

Il Skill l suggestion with the old Jad game applies for me. I used to love when we grouped up killing the jad. Same goes for good old Emps-Wars. Was a real fun time, and it forced you to interact with players. Interaction is a big part in this game. Make updates that forces people to interact instead of having a game where everyone just focus on themselves getting the biggest bank or the biggest stats.

Currently, people never play any minigames as far as i have reckoned. So simply, make it less available as they will enjoy it once it gets there. Have a gamemode open at different times of the month. Mon-Friday Emps-Wars is open. The other minigames wont be available. Force us to interact playing minigames together. Rotate the minigames as it wont be the same every week/month. I am not suggesting the what time it should and should not be up. But it would definitely get a group going on this exact time.

Look at league of legends. There is a reason they dont have URF and the other game modes available at all times. They know for sure people will get bored of it. What they also know is when the weekend hits up, and something that haven't been up for a while gets up, it will get players playing. My friends that don't play league on a regular basis always hit up a group when URF (as example) gets up. That weekend, they will be playing a lot of URF. But they will get bored of it towards the end. But hey, Riot succeeded for that exact reason. They manage to keep players that doesn't play on a regular basis in the game.

I can give you more examples, but i feel my brain have worked too fast on this sunday morning now. So i will give it a rest until i mange to process what the fuck i just suggested!

Something new that just striked my brain; We need something that benefits being in a clan more. Give a monthly rank for the most active clan, give them a monthly item, give them something that makes being in a huge clan attractive. Clan events used to be the best events.
I remember when TNG used to host emps-war events. We filled up that thing. Just goodgood times.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 10:15:35 am by Avenus »
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2017, 11:10:58 am »
I've seen especially minigames being mentioned a lot. I think that this may be a good point to increase the fun of playing Emps-World, but is a little bit off-topic, no? I am still going to take a look at how minigames could be improved. Though I think that it won't affect new players too much. So what could be done to make the game more attractive to especially new players?

I would suggest following changes to the game:
  • Minigame finder - A tool where you can find a group of people to join specific minigames. The tool would also show current activity in minigames, so it'll be easier to see what is popular.
  • Featured minigames - Higher rewards for featured minigames. I could imagine something like 20% additional tickets. These would rotate based on an in-game timer. For example Castle-Wars being highlighted for an hour with broadcasted messages.
  • Unique daily minigame task. Separated from skilling tasks; you will also always get a unique daily minigame task.
  • Emps-Wars and the Jad minigame. I could re-create those as featured minigame modes? So every now and then, Castle-Wars will turn into Emps-Wars and the Fight pits into the Jad minigame.
  • Cash rewards for daily tasks - Making them especially useful to complete for newcomers. I could even change them the way they are in RS, where you have to hand in the created items and get other items as reward. Reward could be current GE price and the system would just throw them into the GE system. Thoughts?
  • Quests in or around Barbarian village that give new players armours and beginner items. It will make the game's start definitely easier and will give some guidance on what to do and where to do it?

Thanks so far! :)
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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2017, 11:14:52 am »
Quote from: Avenus
Grand Exchange
I do agree that GE is hurting more than benefiting us right now. I'm just afraid this update took too much Thomys time to revert it just like that and i can't blame him for that.
Rotate the minigames as it wont be the same every week/month.
That's a very interesting idea actually! Instead of spreading people around different minigames you could guide them into one..
We need something that benefits being in a clan more.
I'm afraid this might require a little larger playerbase than we have right now.. Also Bigdicks would win all the time

* Minigame finder
I don't think that would have much of a effect. People tend to play minigames if they need a specific item and not so much for the fun of it. Therefore if i need a void set then seeing if emps-wars has 15 players meanwhile pest control has 3 won't bring me to emps-wars..

* Quests around Barbarian
I see you're not into changing our home town? + we already have the very first quest that gives you items to start off.. Don't think that would be a solution either.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 11:20:46 am by Il Skill L »

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
King125: i could make more sucking emps scape dick

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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2017, 11:20:10 am »
Grand Exchange
I do agree that GE is hurting more than benefiting us right now. I'm just afraid this update took too much Thomys time to revert it just like that and i can't blame him for that.

I really don't think the GE is hurting the game at all. I still see people spamming sell/buy at the GE area. Imho it is a really great assistance and really shouldn't be disabled. It also gives us the opportunity to monitor item prices, which directly results in price charts on the homepage and the price checker.

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Re: New Player Experience - Discussion
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2017, 11:23:07 am »
IMO, I feel like one of the major problems our minigames currently have are the current rewards either having little to no desire/profitability to the majority of current players or any of these untradables simply already being owned by most of them. Elite Void is a pretty good example: tier-65 armor that is basically some of the best PvM armor available to us (on par or arguably better than Bandos/Third-Age where damage soaking/defense isn't much of a priority). When it was untradable from the very beginning, there was reason to actually play PC since there was no other way to obtain the armor yourself. After the change to Elite Void to make it better than standard Void, there still was a reason for players to play PC if you didn't own the Elite Void since it was still untradable (albeit probably a bit more frustrating).
However, when the armor was made tradable, playing PC became less of a necessity since players could simply buy the sets off of other players. People were still probably playing PC for awhile to use the sets to make money, but I'm sure after awhile as more sets made their way into the game this number quickly died down. Lots of the sets were able to spread around to our playerbase as a result.
Simply making the sets untradable again didn't really rejuvenate anyone's desire to play PC unless you were missing a set and you missed out on the ~year long opportunity to buy yourself another set while they were still tradable. Most older players probably won't be willing to play PC anymore since they already have Elite Void and therefore buying more Elite Void is utterly useless to them. The rest of the rewards in the PC reward shop aren't particularly desirable either aside from Vigour which is a rather painless grind. Most of the stuff is cosmetic or XP, and it seems like not a lot of players care much about the XP.

Adding a new minigame probably wouldn't really fix much since it's hard to assemble groups for these minigames as it is already. I do feel that addressing the current situations of the rewards would be a much better solution with possible tweaks/changes to the minigames themselves as well.
Very valid points overall. After you've gotten the rewards you need from a minigame there really isn't very much of a reason to play it. Cash rewards might be a solution, though that could turn out bad as well. Can't really think of any good rewards atm.

But imo, the problem is not the lack of minigames. The problem is that the game have to adapt to the player count. Currently, at the state we are in now with 60-90 online players. What we need is a smaller hometown for first being. Yanille would be a great place.
When nostalgia completely destroys your perception of the size of towns.

Grand exchange? I know this was a lot of work making, testing and all of that stuff that comes with something new. But seriously. This is a quote i will give out there from a irl friend of mine who previously used to be a master mercher in this game back in the days. He started playing around the same time as me, and i remember what kept him in the game for so long. Merching. He loved to stand in falador for hours and just merch, dont ask me why but he did. He had a way more stable bank than me and had way more contact with players to get items that was needed for skilling or pvm, but he also got the bigger game knowledge cause he went pvming with players he bought stuff from.

He said something like this when he quit fully some weeks after GE being out.

"As far as GE goes, it just takes out all the charm of what i loved in this game. Interacting with players, connecting a network while making friends and future contacts item and skillwise, that's what i loved about this game. Now that GE is up, less players actually wont bother standing around the GE and selling their stuff, it's harder to get that contact with other players. It was a great way making friends but also doing something productive. Now players play more for themselves and dont really need that same interaction"
Granted I'm not going to lie, I kind of miss that as well. I had fun doing the exact same thing. That's not to say the GE hasn't brought a tremendous amount of good things with it. While it takes the interaction out of trading (that is if you only use the GE, plenty of people still trade outside of it) it also makes it so that you don't have to waste hours upon hours looking for a seller. It got rid of those pesky trade scammers that tried to quickly remove their cash from the trade just before you hit accept completely. We no longer have people that fake selling items on another account to make what they're asking on their main account seem like a better deal. People no longer have to download an autotalker or destroy their fingers to effectively sell stuff. Yes, the GE took out some player interaction, but it gave a lot of quality of life in return.

What i think you should have done, instead of asking for a new player experience. Ask what people that already plays the game what they used to like/love about the game. Emps-world needs to get back to their roots again.
A topic like this, is something you should make. #LetsGetBackToOurROOTS

It would have been easier for majority of players atleast the ones from scape, if you asked them what they used to love about the game.
What do they miss?
If people can prevent themselves from putting on their nostalgia goggles and demanding back MUH EMPS SCAPE then we can have a thread like that, but I don't expect that to be the reality we're currently in.

Il Skill l suggestion with the old Jad game applies for me. I used to love when we grouped up killing the jad. Same goes for good old Emps-Wars. Was a real fun time, and it forced you to interact with players. Interaction is a big part in this game. Make updates that forces people to interact instead of having a game where everyone just focus on themselves getting the biggest bank or the biggest stats.
Wouldn't be bad, just make sure the reward is acceptable.

Currently, people never play any minigames as far as i have reckoned. So simply, make it less available as they will enjoy it once it gets there. Have a gamemode open at different times of the month. Mon-Friday Emps-Wars is open. The other minigames wont be available. Force us to interact playing minigames together. Rotate the minigames as it wont be the same every week/month. I am not suggesting the what time it should and should not be up. But it would definitely get a group going on this exact time.
Wouldn't mind this, don't think it's entirely necessary though. Might frustrate people that can only play for a limited amount of time a week.

Something new that just striked my brain; We need something that benefits being in a clan more. Give a monthly rank for the most active clan, give them a monthly item, give them something that makes being in a huge clan attractive. Clan events used to be the best events.
I remember when TNG used to host emps-war events. We filled up that thing. Just goodgood times.
Clans have potential but I do think we need actual clans before making content catered towards them. Anyone can go out and create a clan, why don't you?

Minigame finder - A tool where you can find a group of people to join specific minigames. The tool would also show current activity in minigames, so it'll be easier to see what is popular.
Featured minigames - Higher rewards for featured minigames. I could imagine something like 20% additional tickets. These would rotate based on an in-game timer. For example Castle-Wars being highlighted for an hour with broadcasted messages.
Unique daily minigame task. Separated from skilling tasks; you will also always get a unique daily minigame task.
Finder is really good. You can combine the latter two into one thing. A daily task that everyone will share to do a few rounds of that minigame. They'll be rewarded with EP and extra tickets upon completion.

Emps-Wars and the Jad minigame. I could re-create those as featured minigame modes? So every now and then, Castle-Wars will turn into Emps-Wars and the Fight pits into the Jad minigame.
This.. is actually not that bad. If this doesn't take you too long to code it would be good. I do think some of the flaws of both old minigames will come to light more than they did in the past, but that's fine.

Cash rewards for daily tasks - Making them especially useful to complete for newcomers. I could even change them the way they are in RS, where you have to hand in the created items and get other items as reward. Reward could be current GE price and the system would just throw them into the GE system. Thoughts?
I would rather see better rewards for the EP shop. I find that having to bring the items you gathered is a bit tedious and it's really annoying if you forget them.

Quests in or around Barbarian village that give new players armours and beginner items. It will make the game's start definitely easier and will give some guidance on what to do and where to do it?
Yes. Just make sure it doesn't turn into people continually create new accounts for profit. Would you also take a look at the armour shop in barbarian? The armours from dagannoth kings (rockshell/spined/skeletal). They could be moved to DK droptables and replaced with rune and green dhide, new players would recognise these armours a lot easier. Having quests that will lead them to locations of interest such as certain skilling locations, monster locations or shop locations would be beneficial because it would teach them where they are.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 11:37:06 am by Charr »
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