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Offline Lars

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2016, 08:25:50 am »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.

I see no reason of that amount of hate tho unless you want everyone to agree with your ' Great ' ideas that makes no sense at all.
From you last suggestions about Pvp & pvm situations we all can understand that you just want to kill everyone that pvm at wildy without any kind of effort.
Dragon darts was already nerfed few times, I see no point on doing it all over again.

Guys I beg you to let lars kill you next time he trys to rush, I don't really want to lose the run ability while I'm in combat .

Btw I love you too
>A pker suggesting pvp related changes
>People who never pk don't understand the importance of said changes and therefore automatically disagree
>Nothing gets change therefore more and more suggestions pile up
>People who never pk tell you to stop suggesting so many things
>Meanwhile those people don't suggest jackshit themselves even though there's probably many pvm/skilling things that require change

Going to ask Martin right away why he promoted you to admin because you're obviously not qualified for the role.

Your suggestion just doesn't make sense at all, when was the last time you saw someone using Toktiz-xil-ul ? It is useless.
You just went straight away to the last option we may have which is nerfing its damage and accuracy instead of the speed.
Once you suggest something about a pvp situations please think what effects it may has to a pvm situation.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Doing the same shit over and over again to d darts will just make it useless.

about the amount of hate when someone disagree with your incredibly great ideas, you should really grow up.
Guthans ,  Gwd shortcut , Dragon darts, any kind of any other weapon / gear can be used against magic .

Well done son.
Let me ask you one question; have you ever seen dragon darts being used in a pvp situation?

Offline Fireblast12

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2016, 09:13:46 am »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.

I see no reason of that amount of hate tho unless you want everyone to agree with your ' Great ' ideas that makes no sense at all.
From you last suggestions about Pvp & pvm situations we all can understand that you just want to kill everyone that pvm at wildy without any kind of effort.
Dragon darts was already nerfed few times, I see no point on doing it all over again.

Guys I beg you to let lars kill you next time he trys to rush, I don't really want to lose the run ability while I'm in combat .

Btw I love you too
>A pker suggesting pvp related changes
>People who never pk don't understand the importance of said changes and therefore automatically disagree
>Nothing gets change therefore more and more suggestions pile up
>People who never pk tell you to stop suggesting so many things
>Meanwhile those people don't suggest jackshit themselves even though there's probably many pvm/skilling things that require change

Going to ask Martin right away why he promoted you to admin because you're obviously not qualified for the role.

Your suggestion just doesn't make sense at all, when was the last time you saw someone using Toktiz-xil-ul ? It is useless.
You just went straight away to the last option we may have which is nerfing its damage and accuracy instead of the speed.
Once you suggest something about a pvp situations please think what effects it may has to a pvm situation.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Doing the same shit over and over again to d darts will just make it useless.

about the amount of hate when someone disagree with your incredibly great ideas, you should really grow up.
Guthans ,  Gwd shortcut , Dragon darts, any kind of any other weapon / gear can be used against magic .

Well done son.
Use your logic on d claws then..
I don't understand how a "rational" person could be thinking like that..
You never been in wilderness, you never used those darts in a pvp situation yet you are telling all of us, that pk daily, that d darts are not a problem..
According to the speed change you suggested, d darts are supposed to be fast, changing their speed would take awa y their use..
The dmg atm is retarded, you can be hitting 35-40s twice as fast as a dragon scim--> your opponent will just have to spam his mantas,he won't even be able to counterattack cos of the combat delay after eating..
Still not convinced? Go into wilderness and try it yourself.

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

Offline Attacker35

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2016, 10:25:37 am »
Imo they should be nerfed but not to farlands. They need to have an use, not like current claws at main pking or guthan's.
I think what could fix it would be giving rune knives a slight buff and nerfing darts with "care". Why the rune knives? I think it would balance the usage of darts out, and don't say that "this would be a new OP weapon" because they are slower than darts.

Online Ameer

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2016, 11:33:40 am »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.

I see no reason of that amount of hate tho unless you want everyone to agree with your ' Great ' ideas that makes no sense at all.
From you last suggestions about Pvp & pvm situations we all can understand that you just want to kill everyone that pvm at wildy without any kind of effort.
Dragon darts was already nerfed few times, I see no point on doing it all over again.

Guys I beg you to let lars kill you next time he trys to rush, I don't really want to lose the run ability while I'm in combat .

Btw I love you too
>A pker suggesting pvp related changes
>People who never pk don't understand the importance of said changes and therefore automatically disagree
>Nothing gets change therefore more and more suggestions pile up
>People who never pk tell you to stop suggesting so many things
>Meanwhile those people don't suggest jackshit themselves even though there's probably many pvm/skilling things that require change

Going to ask Martin right away why he promoted you to admin because you're obviously not qualified for the role.

Your suggestion just doesn't make sense at all, when was the last time you saw someone using Toktiz-xil-ul ? It is useless.
You just went straight away to the last option we may have which is nerfing its damage and accuracy instead of the speed.
Once you suggest something about a pvp situations please think what effects it may has to a pvm situation.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Doing the same shit over and over again to d darts will just make it useless.

about the amount of hate when someone disagree with your incredibly great ideas, you should really grow up.
Guthans ,  Gwd shortcut , Dragon darts, any kind of any other weapon / gear can be used against magic .

Well done son.
Use your logic on d claws then..
I don't understand how a "rational" person could be thinking like that..
You never been in wilderness, you never used those darts in a pvp situation yet you are telling all of us, that pk daily, that d darts are not a problem..
According to the speed change you suggested, d darts are supposed to be fast, changing their speed would take awa y their use..
The dmg atm is retarded, you can be hitting 35-40s twice as fast as a dragon scim--> your opponent will just have to spam his mantas,he won't even be able to counterattack cos of the combat delay after eating..
Still not convinced? Go into wilderness and try it yourself.

I don't pk but I've been there enough to write that ( mostly using my another accounts ),

According to the speed change you suggested, d darts are supposed to be fast, changing their speed would take awa y their use..

Changing the Dmg and accuracy would make it useless, most of the times I use d darts on accurate while I pvm.
so as I've said above, speed is nothing compared to Dmg and accuracy ( Sara sword for example )

-balance accuracy to that of other t60 weapons
-nerf damage

This will make it the same as Toktz-xil-ul, just a lil bit faster but still not used at all.

Instead of nerfing it, why don't we just suggest making it harder to obtain ? moving it to a t75 weapons ? make it a lil bit slower so it can't be " Abused " at wilderness ?

Nerfing it just to kill the usage of it on a pvp situations will also make it useless when it comes to a pvm.

Emps-World Player Moderator Since July 18, 2015
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Emps world player since the day I resigned, dunno when.

Offline Yaz

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2016, 11:41:47 am »
I didn't read your topic at all but the title.

Regardless the hatred in the replies of this topic, I wanted to give a feedback alike about d darts.

Thus; my agreement.

Bubblebeam2 [11|Sep 01:08 am]:   Yaz is love, Yaz is Life
Drugs [12|Sep 05:08 pm]:
Charr [11|Oct 09:24 pm]:   Yaz pls stop using riven ult irl.
Emps Loover [07|Dec 09:37 pm]:   I want to see you in a mc donalds suit yaz
Charr [06|Jan 02:21 pm]:   Yazdonalds

Offline Lars

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2016, 11:49:09 am »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.

I see no reason of that amount of hate tho unless you want everyone to agree with your ' Great ' ideas that makes no sense at all.
From you last suggestions about Pvp & pvm situations we all can understand that you just want to kill everyone that pvm at wildy without any kind of effort.
Dragon darts was already nerfed few times, I see no point on doing it all over again.

Guys I beg you to let lars kill you next time he trys to rush, I don't really want to lose the run ability while I'm in combat .

Btw I love you too
>A pker suggesting pvp related changes
>People who never pk don't understand the importance of said changes and therefore automatically disagree
>Nothing gets change therefore more and more suggestions pile up
>People who never pk tell you to stop suggesting so many things
>Meanwhile those people don't suggest jackshit themselves even though there's probably many pvm/skilling things that require change

Going to ask Martin right away why he promoted you to admin because you're obviously not qualified for the role.

Your suggestion just doesn't make sense at all, when was the last time you saw someone using Toktiz-xil-ul ? It is useless.
You just went straight away to the last option we may have which is nerfing its damage and accuracy instead of the speed.
Once you suggest something about a pvp situations please think what effects it may has to a pvm situation.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Doing the same shit over and over again to d darts will just make it useless.

about the amount of hate when someone disagree with your incredibly great ideas, you should really grow up.
Guthans ,  Gwd shortcut , Dragon darts, any kind of any other weapon / gear can be used against magic .

Well done son.
Use your logic on d claws then..
I don't understand how a "rational" person could be thinking like that..
You never been in wilderness, you never used those darts in a pvp situation yet you are telling all of us, that pk daily, that d darts are not a problem..
According to the speed change you suggested, d darts are supposed to be fast, changing their speed would take awa y their use..
The dmg atm is retarded, you can be hitting 35-40s twice as fast as a dragon scim--> your opponent will just have to spam his mantas,he won't even be able to counterattack cos of the combat delay after eating..
Still not convinced? Go into wilderness and try it yourself.

I don't pk but I've been there enough to write that ( mostly using my another accounts ),

According to the speed change you suggested, d darts are supposed to be fast, changing their speed would take awa y their use..

Changing the Dmg and accuracy would make it useless, most of the times I use d darts on accurate while I pvm.
so as I've said above, speed is nothing compared to Dmg and accuracy ( Sara sword for example )

-balance accuracy to that of other t60 weapons
-nerf damage

This will make it the same as Toktz-xil-ul, just a lil bit faster but still not used at all.

Instead of nerfing it, why don't we just suggest making it harder to obtain ? moving it to a t75 weapons ? make it a lil bit slower so it can't be " Abused " at wilderness ?

Nerfing it just to kill the usage of it on a pvp situations will also make it useless when it comes to a pvm.
Making them harder to obtain/changing it to t75 changes nothing. They will still be overpowered, just a bit more expensive. They have to be nerfed; they're op at every combat level from pures to mains. If you can't understand why then please just refrain from posting as I'm no longer willing to convince oblivious people like you. I'm done.

Offline Charr

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2016, 03:19:24 pm »
Dragon darts devalue crossbows pretty much entirely. Why would someone use a slower crossbow with a 33% chance of applying an effect which pretty much relies on that effect to hit well and uses expensive ammo and would also be risking that crossbow? Why not just use expensive ammo that can be thrown? It's higher dps and a lot more reliable than a crossbow. You also don't risk jack using them.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Is everything okay Ameer?

Saradomin sword's bonuses: Accuracy: +105 Strength: +90 Prayer: +3 Defence: None
Zamorakian spear's bonuses: Accuracy: +150 Strength: +149 Prayer: None Defence: None (Increased accuracy vs large monsters)
Whip + arcane's bonuses: Accuracy: +102 Strength: +89 Prayer: +5 Defence: +59 +70 +47
Whip + dfs's bonuses: Accuracy: +98 Strength: +83 Prayer: None Defence: +59 +70 +47 (Dragonfire protection)

In situations where you do not need the additional def bonus and the monster is not large, the saradomin sword is the most opimal weapon to use. In PvM this would be against monsters like abyssal demons and nechryaels. Most of our high level pvm content consists of large monsters, which is why you see zs and angers used so much instead of ss. In PvP some players may favor higher defenses instead of that slight boost in damage, and 70 attack pures aren't really a thing either. It does see use in PvP, just very little.
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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2016, 03:44:15 pm »
I know Charr, just didn't want to waste my time explaining it to him as he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. Seriously you're making a fool of yourself Ameer. Not one person with a decently sized brain agreed with you, so take my advice and please refrain from commenting.
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Offline Someone12116

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2016, 04:34:20 pm »
Lemme guess your next suggestion,
Removing running option while you are in combat ?
Good job. Before I thought your IQ was just below average, after reading this I realize it's on the level of a 3 year old with Down's.

Anyone who disagrees does not deserve a forum account. Saying a level 60 weapon being the highest dps in the game is not a problem is almost as retarded as someone like you being an admin. Then again after reading numerous replies to several of my topics I realize it's probably best to have some idiots with <30 IQ in the staff time. Makes communicating with the majoriy of players a lot easier. So I tip my hat to you Martin, you found yourself a great person to fulfill this role.

I see no reason of that amount of hate tho unless you want everyone to agree with your ' Great ' ideas that makes no sense at all.
From you last suggestions about Pvp & pvm situations we all can understand that you just want to kill everyone that pvm at wildy without any kind of effort.
Dragon darts was already nerfed few times, I see no point on doing it all over again.

Guys I beg you to let lars kill you next time he trys to rush, I don't really want to lose the run ability while I'm in combat .

Btw I love you too
>A pker suggesting pvp related changes
>People who never pk don't understand the importance of said changes and therefore automatically disagree
>Nothing gets change therefore more and more suggestions pile up
>People who never pk tell you to stop suggesting so many things
>Meanwhile those people don't suggest jackshit themselves even though there's probably many pvm/skilling things that require change

Going to ask Martin right away why he promoted you to admin because you're obviously not qualified for the role.

Your suggestion just doesn't make sense at all, when was the last time you saw someone using Toktiz-xil-ul ? It is useless.
You just went straight away to the last option we may have which is nerfing its damage and accuracy instead of the speed.
Once you suggest something about a pvp situations please think what effects it may has to a pvm situation.

Sara sword for example, shitty accuracy, no dmg at all but still the fastest 2 handed weapon we have in game yet it is not used by anyone nor at pvp or pvm.
Doing the same shit over and over again to d darts will just make it useless.

about the amount of hate when someone disagree with your incredibly great ideas, you should really grow up.
Guthans ,  Gwd shortcut , Dragon darts, any kind of any other weapon / gear can be used against magic .

Well done son.

Do you even play the goddamn game? Dragon darts deal the highest consistent DPS of any weapon in the whole game, yet they only require level 60 ranged. That's retarded, and you're an absolute idiot if you don't see anything wrong with that. Should we buff Dragon Scimitar to hit consistent 50's so it would be more stronger than elemental whips? No. That's not how the weapon tiers should work.

And about SS, it's offensively stronger than Abyssal whip + Arcane. Its accuracy isn't shit, and it can actually deal quite a lot of damage.

It's also immature to tell people to grow up when they suggest things that could use an improvement.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 04:37:46 pm by Someone12116 »

Offline Charr

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2016, 04:43:09 pm »
I know Charr, just didn't want to waste my time explaining it to him as he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. Seriously you're making a fool of yourself Ameer. Not one person with a decently sized brain agreed with you, so take my advice and please refrain from commenting.
It's never a waste of time to explain things to people, it's what could possibly get them to agree with you, which is what you should be aiming for in the first place. Maybe it's a decent idea to compare darts to a god bow with god arrows using dummies.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 04:46:42 pm by Charr »

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2016, 04:45:42 pm »
I know Charr, just didn't want to waste my time explaining it to him as he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. Seriously you're making a fool of yourself Ameer. Not one person with a decently sized brain agreed with you, so take my advice and please refrain from commenting.
Maybe it's a decent idea to compare darts to a god bow with god arrows using dummies.

Dragon darts are far more superior. My source for this information? Months of Ranged PvM experience and 154M ranged XP trained solely at bosses. Try it out yourself goddamn it and forget the dummies.

Offline Lars

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2016, 04:49:48 pm »
I know Charr, just didn't want to waste my time explaining it to him as he obviously has no idea what he's talking about. Seriously you're making a fool of yourself Ameer. Not one person with a decently sized brain agreed with you, so take my advice and please refrain from commenting.
It's never a waste of time to explain things to people, it's what could possibly get them to agree with you, which is what you should be aiming for. Maybe it's a decent idea to compare darts to a god bow with god arrows using dummies.
I tried but this guy is just hopeless.

And comparing them like that doesn't really work. You have to realize that darte can be combined with a shield. That's why they're so strong in pvp; accurate, consistent damage with maximum defence bonus. Godbows are actuallt better dps but they come with a severe disadvantage being low defence.

Offline Charr

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2016, 04:52:31 pm »
Dragon darts are far more superior. My source for this information? Months of Ranged PvM experience and 154M ranged XP trained solely at bosses. Try it out yourself goddamn it and forget the dummies.
I know they are, some people don't. Factual evidence in the form of a video would do more to convince them than someone talking about their experience.

And comparing them like that doesn't really work. You have to realize that darte can be combined with a shield. That's why they're so strong in pvp; accurate, consistent damage with maximum defence bonus. Godbows are actuallt better dps but they come with a severe disadvantage being low defence.
Afaik they were superior even without considering the defense bonus. Even if it isn't factored in, if the damage of darts is similar to zbow that already tells us more than enough.

Online Ameer

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2016, 05:10:33 pm »

Do you even play the goddamn game? Dragon darts deal the highest consistent DPS of any weapon in the whole game, yet they only require level 60 ranged. That's retarded, and you're an absolute idiot if you don't see anything wrong with that. Should we buff Dragon Scimitar to hit consistent 50's so it would be more stronger than elemental whips? No. That's not how the weapon tiers should work.

And about SS, it's offensively stronger than Abyssal whip + Arcane. Its accuracy isn't shit, and it can actually deal quite a lot of damage.

It's also immature to tell people to grow up when they suggest things that could use an improvement.

I never said that Dragon darts are not powerful ( inb4 i did somewhere ) I am just against the idea of nerfing the Dmg + Accuracy instead of the speed.
Yes darts are supposed to be fast but any change to the accuracy and dmg will just kill the usage of these darts, in both pvp and pvm
I don't think we need another useless weapon in game.
A lot of things can be done to darts instead of just adding em the the unused items list.
Veracs used to be OP, nerfed twice --> you only can find few that still use it these days
Same goes to guthans instead of searching for a solution we just nerfed it.


I don't know but it seems to me that Upgraded whip + arcane is much better than ss .

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Re: Nerf dragon darts
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2016, 05:15:58 pm »

Nerf their speed -> nerf their only unique feature = nerf them completely.

Just nerf the damage a bit and we're done here.
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