Emps-World Forum

Emps-World => Feedback => Topic started by: Attacker35 on January 04, 2017, 02:21:34 am

Title: Low accuracy, yet high maxhit
Post by: Attacker35 on January 04, 2017, 02:21:34 am
Topic states mostly everything in terms of PvP. If theres something that would be messed up in pvm along  with what i suggested, let me know ;)
Many weapons have that problem and it's just making it more and more about who's luckier.

Vesta's Spear

Main gear maxhit range ~76-81
Maxhit - 85? (+ sidehits)
Just wayyy too inaccurate with a wayyy too high of a maxhit. No wonder it was broken when it was accurate and has a maxhit of over 90 with the side hits.
My opinion: Nerf a solid amount of damage, accuracy buff for the special attack only.

Dark bow ::)

Main gear common maxhit range - 43-43 to 50-50
Maxhit - 52-52?

Ive struggled to make this weapon viable, yet with the latest buffs it's still useless. Just really inaccurate! Not much to say here, i would say a damage reduction to would be required but please, after buffing its accuracy, test it out on different gears ranging from void and dragon  to barrows and godwars.
A magic shortbow hits more often than this shit, even if it has a lower maxhit by quite a bit - this is in terms of main pk...
Literally nobody uses it constantly. Last time I saw somebody use it was after it's buff, when people had their hopes up.
Not actually sure if it needs an accuracy buff on just the spec or overall. Definitely needs to be tested.

Dragon claws

Maxhit - ?

Very inaccurate. Maxhit yet again high as hell,  very unsure about numbers but definitely 80+ with void and no max strength acessories. Was nerfed via both damage and accuracy though all it needs imo is a very small accuracy buff along with maybe a damage nerf, though that already happened. (depends on how much you buff the accuracy)

Obsidian claws

Maxhit - 64-?

Inaccurate for such a rare drop/low maxhit weapon which requires 50% spec - though still very useless compared to other spec weps.
Its acually an amazing feature to have the hit a bit delayed along with having 'stacking' potential.
The store value of it should also be increased. Opinions, on whether if it should prot over a spirit shield or not?

In terms of me whining because of shit not hitting, i've pked with all of them, and quite alot. I just can't see why a Vspear should be so useless Compared to an Ags, or obsidian claws respectively. Of course, everything doesn't have to hit like an ags, though a dds or a magic shortbow will easily outdamage and have a higher chance of hitting than obsidian claws and vesta's spear.
In terms of Dclaws and dark bow, they just have stupidly high maxhits, i'm not sure why they were nerfed via accuracy (and claws also by maxhit) but it definitely was a solution to their usage.

If anything will be changed, i don't know whether it usually is or not, but test it against armors without it going live and having it be a "old vesta's spear buff" a over again.

Pkers use mostly Ags, Zs, granite maul and dds, axes and javelins for ranged. Very little variety, compared to how much weapons there are that are meant for pvp. Adjusting these weapons would make it more varied.

Thank you in advance, opinions please!
Title: Re: Low accuracy, yet high maxhit
Post by: Dabaus on January 04, 2017, 03:18:43 pm
I dont like how weabons are inaccurate af(almost 100% low hits) if ur not in full melee set.
Title: Re: Low accuracy, yet high maxhit
Post by: Someone12116 on January 04, 2017, 03:47:02 pm
I dont like how weabons are inaccurate af(almost 100% low hits) if ur not in full melee set.

And if weapons were accurate without proper melee gear you would be crying about 1 itemers. Pick your poison.
Title: Re: Low accuracy, yet high maxhit
Post by: Attacker35 on January 05, 2017, 12:29:45 pm
I dont like how weabons are inaccurate af(almost 100% low hits) if ur not in full melee set.

And if weapons were accurate without proper melee gear you would be crying about 1 itemers. Pick your poison.
if there was 1 itemers the hungry pkers would grab their scims and brids.
Anyway having to have armor to hit accurately is a dumb thing by itself.
Title: Re: Low accuracy, yet high maxhit
Post by: Someone12116 on January 05, 2017, 03:00:34 pm
I dont like how weabons are inaccurate af(almost 100% low hits) if ur not in full melee set.

And if weapons were accurate without proper melee gear you would be crying about 1 itemers. Pick your poison.
if there was 1 itemers the hungry pkers would grab their scims and brids.
Anyway having to have armor to hit accurately is a dumb thing by itself.

Risk more and you shall hit more, seems perfectly fine to me.