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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2016, 08:19:23 pm »
Fight people who actually want to fight if you don't want them to log or escape
Maybe lets move spectrals and revs to varrock centre?
You don't understand my point that those people who PvM don't want to fight players which is why they try to escape in whatever way.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
the fact that you don't care about this feature since it doesn't hurt you in anyway doesn't mean that you have to be a not very nice person..
The escaping is far too easy, it shouldn't be like that, most of the people with a brain agreed with me..
I'm not asking that escaping would be impossible, I'm just asking for a balance between easy escaping and hard escaping..
is it legit I can pj from other players, but I can't pj from a spectral?
I don't care if they do want fight or not, they entered wilderness so they should be prepared for a fight.
High risk high reward...
Now again, if you won't say something close to intelligent, I would like to ask you to stay away from the topic and go bash a wall or some crap to go away with your frustrations, luv <3
Don't make feedback topics if you start crying when people give their honest opinion

try changing my mind with good arguments instead of saying offensive shit that won't change anything

this system is probably here so that when people disconnect while PvM'ing that they have a chance to log out without dying, think your suggestion through in every single way before making a feedback topic
Where are your legit arguments? did you even read my posts?
You didn't even answer my simple question, yet you are being a smartass
I'll ask it again, is it legit that you can pj players from other players but you can't pj players from spectrals? answer this time please, if yes give me a good argument, since I didn't see a single argument of yours..
"Fight people who actually want to fight"--> what is that? an argument?
if someone is in the wilderness I could care less whether he wants to fight or not, he took the risk, he made a step into the wilderness.
Giving him more chances of making his escape than giving me more chances to kill him is simply unfair, feel free to escape, idc, but make it legit..
If this server is based on pvmers, then tell all the pkers to fuck off and move spectrals to varrock like earl said, if not then atleast try to listen instead of going all smartass/ignorant mode with your useless replies.. I don't want you on this topic unless you have to say something that will make sense..
You do have all pvmers behind you, not because your post make any sense but because you just share their opinion..
The problem is that you don't make sense either, what do you want? What is your desired change?
Don't give some vague description of your feedback and expect people to understand what you want changed, give a solution.

Wilderness combat works the same on emps as in runescape, you can't PJ people who are in a fight with a monster but you can PJ people who are in a fight with a player (which is how it's supposed to be).

We shouldn't overhaul the way the whole PvP system works just so you can kill people at spectrals, the changes would have to much impact on the wilderness in general.

'When you are fcing a random ranger can intercept you because you aren't being under attack, is that meant to be like that?
if not, can you change the pj timer that it works for both parties in a fight, so if I fc someone noone can intercept me since I would be classified as under attack.'
This is literally what PJ'ing is and why people suggested to add it so they could interupt fights.
Changing it so that it works for both parties isn't possible because you would have to remove the whole PJ system.
make it possible to pj from monsters if the guy doesn't attack back in x-time...---> isn't that kinda clear?
and stop about that rs crap argument, this isn't rs

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2016, 09:14:08 pm »
Fight people who actually want to fight if you don't want them to log or escape
Maybe lets move spectrals and revs to varrock centre?
You don't understand my point that those people who PvM don't want to fight players which is why they try to escape in whatever way.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
the fact that you don't care about this feature since it doesn't hurt you in anyway doesn't mean that you have to be a not very nice person..
The escaping is far too easy, it shouldn't be like that, most of the people with a brain agreed with me..
I'm not asking that escaping would be impossible, I'm just asking for a balance between easy escaping and hard escaping..
is it legit I can pj from other players, but I can't pj from a spectral?
I don't care if they do want fight or not, they entered wilderness so they should be prepared for a fight.
High risk high reward...
Now again, if you won't say something close to intelligent, I would like to ask you to stay away from the topic and go bash a wall or some crap to go away with your frustrations, luv <3
Don't make feedback topics if you start crying when people give their honest opinion

try changing my mind with good arguments instead of saying offensive shit that won't change anything

this system is probably here so that when people disconnect while PvM'ing that they have a chance to log out without dying, think your suggestion through in every single way before making a feedback topic
Where are your legit arguments? did you even read my posts?
You didn't even answer my simple question, yet you are being a smartass
I'll ask it again, is it legit that you can pj players from other players but you can't pj players from spectrals? answer this time please, if yes give me a good argument, since I didn't see a single argument of yours..
"Fight people who actually want to fight"--> what is that? an argument?
if someone is in the wilderness I could care less whether he wants to fight or not, he took the risk, he made a step into the wilderness.
Giving him more chances of making his escape than giving me more chances to kill him is simply unfair, feel free to escape, idc, but make it legit..
If this server is based on pvmers, then tell all the pkers to fuck off and move spectrals to varrock like earl said, if not then atleast try to listen instead of going all smartass/ignorant mode with your useless replies.. I don't want you on this topic unless you have to say something that will make sense..
You do have all pvmers behind you, not because your post make any sense but because you just share their opinion..
The problem is that you don't make sense either, what do you want? What is your desired change?
Don't give some vague description of your feedback and expect people to understand what you want changed, give a solution.

Wilderness combat works the same on emps as in runescape, you can't PJ people who are in a fight with a monster but you can PJ people who are in a fight with a player (which is how it's supposed to be).

We shouldn't overhaul the way the whole PvP system works just so you can kill people at spectrals, the changes would have to much impact on the wilderness in general.

'When you are fcing a random ranger can intercept you because you aren't being under attack, is that meant to be like that?
if not, can you change the pj timer that it works for both parties in a fight, so if I fc someone noone can intercept me since I would be classified as under attack.'
This is literally what PJ'ing is and why people suggested to add it so they could interupt fights.
Changing it so that it works for both parties isn't possible because you would have to remove the whole PJ system.
Don't even compare it to rs. Spectrals are different because of 2 reasons, them being:
- you can't attack the spectral even though the pvmer isn't fighting it.
- they can be spawned which means you can't prevent players from attacking them by attacking them yourself.

This allows for x logging which isn't good. Also the interval between a spectral dying and digging up a new one is extremely small and glitchy. You can attack someone who is digging and a spectral will still spawn causing you to lose your target.

Right now there is 0% skill needed to escape from pkers at spectrals. I wouldn't even call it escaping, it's more like evading.

-Firstly you can x log.
-Secondly if you somehow got attacked you can zgs spec the pker and there's nothing he can do about it. You don't even have to time it because even when you get refrozen after speccing you will still escape as the zgs freeze lasts longer than ice barrage.
-Thirdly there's a wilderness exit 30 steps south.

Seriously how much protection do pvmers need? Where's the high risk high reward?
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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2016, 03:55:22 am »
Just revert the change and let pkers hit people who are killing spectrals...This will at least eliminate one easy way to escape via x-logging.

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2016, 10:59:00 am »
Fight people who actually want to fight if you don't want them to log or escape
Maybe lets move spectrals and revs to varrock centre?

*All Ancient armour drops to 1m ea*
How the f do tards like you get promoted?

Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2016, 03:11:33 pm »
How the f do tards like you get promoted?
by not being like you, and "go quit" in every single of your reply doesn't help the situation.
i seriously can't handle all the turds that go nerdrage because they couldn't kill a guy in guthans set, if you can't kill a pvmer, how do you expect to kill a legit pker? like seriously, making a few clicks and freezing your enemy, instead of running around isn't that hard.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
arjen is being one of the few reasonable people here, i start to wonder if the rest of butthurt "pkers" here even think of what they're saying first, if i'm going to skill spectrals, i'll most likely end up killing them and not fighting a pker with a 5x times better gear than mine. if what I just said is still too hard for your dead brain to process then let me put it in this way. "WHY WOULD I FIGHT A PKER WHEN I CAME TO KILL SPECTRALS AND WHEN I KNOW I'D DIE?"

Offline Earl

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2016, 04:27:42 pm »
How the f do tards like you get promoted?
by not being like you, and "go quit" in every single of your reply doesn't help the situation.
i seriously can't handle all the turds that go nerdrage because they couldn't kill a guy in guthans set, if you can't kill a pvmer, how do you expect to kill a legit pker? like seriously, making a few clicks and freezing your enemy, instead of running around isn't that hard.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
arjen is being one of the few reasonable people here, i start to wonder if the rest of butthurt "pkers" here even think of what they're saying first, if i'm going to skill spectrals, i'll most likely end up killing them and not fighting a pker with a 5x times better gear than mine. if what I just said is still too hard for your dead brain to process then let me put it in this way. "WHY WOULD I FIGHT A PKER WHEN I CAME TO KILL SPECTRALS AND WHEN I KNOW I'D DIE?"
shut the fuck up retard you're an empty spot, nobody fucking cares about what you write piss off

Offline King125

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2016, 04:57:17 pm »
How the f do tards like you get promoted?
by not being like you, and "go quit" in every single of your reply doesn't help the situation.
i seriously can't handle all the turds that go nerdrage because they couldn't kill a guy in guthans set, if you can't kill a pvmer, how do you expect to kill a legit pker? like seriously, making a few clicks and freezing your enemy, instead of running around isn't that hard.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
arjen is being one of the few reasonable people here, i start to wonder if the rest of butthurt "pkers" here even think of what they're saying first, if i'm going to skill spectrals, i'll most likely end up killing them and not fighting a pker with a 5x times better gear than mine. if what I just said is still too hard for your dead brain to process then let me put it in this way. "WHY WOULD I FIGHT A PKER WHEN I CAME TO KILL SPECTRALS AND WHEN I KNOW I'D DIE?"
shut the fuck up retard you're an empty spot, nobody fucking cares about what you write piss off
and here's a keyboard warrior in its natural habitat, careful everyone, don't let it get too close to you

Bubblebeam2 [24|Oct 08:55 pm]:   finland is in asia

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Offline Earl

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2016, 05:08:44 pm »
How the f do tards like you get promoted?
by not being like you, and "go quit" in every single of your reply doesn't help the situation.
i seriously can't handle all the turds that go nerdrage because they couldn't kill a guy in guthans set, if you can't kill a pvmer, how do you expect to kill a legit pker? like seriously, making a few clicks and freezing your enemy, instead of running around isn't that hard.

Again: fight people who actually want to fight you or stop crying on the forums when you can't kill PvM'ers
arjen is being one of the few reasonable people here, i start to wonder if the rest of butthurt "pkers" here even think of what they're saying first, if i'm going to skill spectrals, i'll most likely end up killing them and not fighting a pker with a 5x times better gear than mine. if what I just said is still too hard for your dead brain to process then let me put it in this way. "WHY WOULD I FIGHT A PKER WHEN I CAME TO KILL SPECTRALS AND WHEN I KNOW I'D DIE?"
shut the fuck up retard you're an empty spot, nobody fucking cares about what you write piss off
and here's a keyboard warrior in its natural habitat, careful everyone, don't let it get too close to you
You obviously don't even know what "keyboard warrior" means

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2016, 05:20:28 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.
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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2016, 05:44:30 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.

But it's ridiculous to suggest changes into Wilderness because one cannot kill a PvMer who isn't even attacking back. Just accept the fact that you're shit, quit crying and move on with your life.
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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2016, 06:25:06 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.

But it's ridiculous to suggest changes into Wilderness because one cannot kill a PvMer who isn't even attacking back. Just accept the fact that you're shit, quit crying and move on with your life.
There's a huge difference between not being able to kill someone because of bullshit reasons and not being able to kill someone because you're shit.

Right now I kill everyone except for those that 'abuse':
- zgs
- x log
- pj immunity

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the problem is here.

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2016, 06:41:51 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.

But it's ridiculous to suggest changes into Wilderness because one cannot kill a PvMer who isn't even attacking back. Just accept the fact that you're shit, quit crying and move on with your life.
There's a huge difference between not being able to kill someone because of bullshit reasons and not being able to kill someone because you're shit.

Right now I kill everyone except for those that 'abuse':
- zgs
- x log
- pj immunity

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the problem is here.

In that case I'd be more interested in reading proper feedback instead of some mad guy insulting people who he kills 'cunts'. I still haven't seen anyone take this thread seriously.

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2016, 07:03:34 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.

But it's ridiculous to suggest changes into Wilderness because one cannot kill a PvMer who isn't even attacking back. Just accept the fact that you're shit, quit crying and move on with your life.
There's a huge difference between not being able to kill someone because of bullshit reasons and not being able to kill someone because you're shit.

Right now I kill everyone except for those that 'abuse':
- zgs
- x log
- pj immunity

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the problem is here.

In that case I'd be more interested in reading proper feedback instead of some mad guy insulting people who he kills 'cunts'. I still haven't seen anyone take this thread seriously.
And you chime in doing the same thing.
"move on with your life, you're shit" while I point out flaws in some bullshit logic in "dont attack pvmers"

Yeah it's equally interesting to read your bullshit quote to my post which was clearly fine.

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2016, 07:08:50 pm »
You can't say "go fight people who want to fight you" ... Pvmers are the ones who obviously walked into pkers territory, they are out of their comfortzone not us. It's our playground, not theirs.
Wild is for pking, when you have npcs put into wild the obvious idea behind it is that pvmers will should have a harder time of killing those certain npcs. (because pkers attack them). It's intended to be that way.

Like said, mind aswell add them into Varrock Square then. There's really fucking low % of dying at spectrals, which doesn't make sense because it's deep wild.

I dont actually know but I trust people who say so, but generally the damn reason npcs are in wild is that pkers will kill pvmers therefore items will have some value and at the same time create more content for pkers.

But it's ridiculous to suggest changes into Wilderness because one cannot kill a PvMer who isn't even attacking back. Just accept the fact that you're shit, quit crying and move on with your life.
There's a huge difference between not being able to kill someone because of bullshit reasons and not being able to kill someone because you're shit.

Right now I kill everyone except for those that 'abuse':
- zgs
- x log
- pj immunity

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the problem is here.

In that case I'd be more interested in reading proper feedback instead of some mad guy insulting people who he kills 'cunts'. I still haven't seen anyone take this thread seriously.
And you chime in doing the same thing.
"move on with your life, you're shit" while I point out flaws in some bullshit logic in "dont attack pvmers"

Yeah it's equally interesting to read your bullshit quote to my post which was clearly fine.

The obvious difference is that I wasn't giving feedback on game mechanics.

Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: issue with spectrals
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2016, 07:13:18 pm »
"move on with your life, you're shit" while I point out flaws in some bullshit logic in "dont attack pvmers"
you can attack pvmers, but don't complain about that you can't kill them, because of some unclear reasons, like zgz freezing you? seriously? zgz special attack should freeze your opponent, that's how it should be, if you don't want to get stunned, don't come near him like a retard, and just mage him from a remote distance, like you supposed to do.
and what's that about comfort zone? just because pvmers run from you and don't want to get killed you call them wussies? that's one of the stupidest things anyone has said ever.

shut the fuck up retard you're an empty spot, nobody fucking cares about what you write piss off
how are you not moderated yet, seriously?
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