Emps-World Forum

Emps-World => Feedback => Topic started by: Mtn Alin0 on September 29, 2015, 10:21:15 am

Title: hey thomy..
Post by: Mtn Alin0 on September 29, 2015, 10:21:15 am
So my feedback is about making godbows slower.. just first of all i want to say that god bows are mostly used for pvm. Meaning this update made it totally crap for pvm. They suck too badly now. This will cause god bows prices will go down more.. since its mostly used for pvm i suggest to make it back to as fast as it was. It wasnt op at pvp anyways the way it was.. bff instead your buffing claws ? ugh.. i dont get why you messed up the speed with god bows while it was balanced. Disliking. 2nd i dont see why d darts/javs and axes drop had to make smaller. These are one of the only items which price has been stable and its been good. Maybe javs and axes drop making bit smaller would been good but only 15-25 at time? its way too low even if its special wep. I would say 50-100 would be good. Then d darts, already very hard specially to buy. I would even say making their drop even more than it was already. Anyways.. thats the negatives i got from the update so far.. otherwise very good update, was waiting for those items for long. Also nice that you fixed the lags atleast im not lagging anymore like i was before. Great job.