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Offline Kena

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game rules
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:56:04 am »
i think most of you if not all know what happened with our clan, if you still have no idea what i'm talking about, go check clans section. Now what i want to say is that many rules in this game are lacking efficiency and care for the players. i don't know what other crazy rules could exist, but i know at least two , that i have suffered because of them. the first rule , is the items recovery rule, in my opinion, there should be some kind of surveillance done by the game system that would make a player's life way easier when they lose valuable items due to a bug or any unique situation that couldn't be prevented. it is utterly unfair to ask for a video proof without taking into consideration the fact that many players might have slow machines that wouldn't support many applications running together (meaning , it would have so many lags because the pc is slow,nothing else intended) my toaster is one example.
the second and most important for me now is the lack of care for clans, to be honest , it should be on top of the priority list , because clans are the only organized gathering platform of this game's players and that takes enormous effort to work on without an advanced, player friendly system.
we in clan noise have suffered a very bad fate and couldn't get any help because "what he did doesn't break any game rules" and now the clan is as good as done for. we have made a mistake, yes, we trusted someone because he is a famous figure in emps which proved to be really naive, but we never asked him as the owner to destroy our clan. imagine an in-real institution that would bring someone who was a famous manager with a successful and distinguished past. that would be really normal , they'd give him the keys to everything in order to give him the room to lead them to success. and if he was ever to betray their trust and sabotage the company for his own personal reasons i'm sure they can sue him and put him in prison. the problem is that we don't have anything like a state or a government or any regulated code of conduct so that anyone who'd dare to do this kind of crime would get his punishments, regardless of blind rules that wouldn't give us back our lost rights.
i know that i might have wasted some 15 minutes of my life writing this , but at least i have said what was inside me ,and i could hope for some change too, because the best advantage we have over any state or country out there is that this is a game that (probably) has everything under control without the need for any complicated process.

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Re: game rules
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 08:19:26 am »
@ The first rule, did you consider the opposite of 'enabling' it? Spawning items to the game for no reason just cuz someone said I lost items in bug? Lol, if that would have to happen then I'm more than happy to get back my money as well, but no, no proof no items return.

@ The second rule, "lack of care for clans" is that even a rule? What...

Sorry for your loss, it's not worth the sadness of you over pixels.

Bubblebeam2 [11|Sep 01:08 am]:   Yaz is love, Yaz is Life
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Re: game rules
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2015, 10:15:35 am »
i think most of you if not all know what happened with our clan, if you still have no idea what i'm talking about, go check clans section. Now what i want to say is that many rules in this game are lacking efficiency and care for the players. i don't know what other crazy rules could exist, but i know at least two , that i have suffered because of them. the first rule , is the items recovery rule, in my opinion, there should be some kind of surveillance done by the game system that would make a player's life way easier when they lose valuable items due to a bug or any unique situation that couldn't be prevented. it is utterly unfair to ask for a video proof without taking into consideration the fact that many players might have slow machines that wouldn't support many applications running together (meaning , it would have so many lags because the pc is slow,nothing else intended) my toaster is one example.
the second and most important for me now is the lack of care for clans, to be honest , it should be on top of the priority list , because clans are the only organized gathering platform of this game's players and that takes enormous effort to work on without an advanced, player friendly system.
we in clan noise have suffered a very bad fate and couldn't get any help because "what he did doesn't break any game rules" and now the clan is as good as done for. we have made a mistake, yes, we trusted someone because he is a famous figure in emps which proved to be really naive, but we never asked him as the owner to destroy our clan. imagine an in-real institution that would bring someone who was a famous manager with a successful and distinguished past. that would be really normal , they'd give him the keys to everything in order to give him the room to lead them to success. and if he was ever to betray their trust and sabotage the company for his own personal reasons i'm sure they can sue him and put him in prison. the problem is that we don't have anything like a state or a government or any regulated code of conduct so that anyone who'd dare to do this kind of crime would get his punishments, regardless of blind rules that wouldn't give us back our lost rights.
i know that i might have wasted some 15 minutes of my life writing this , but at least i have said what was inside me ,and i could hope for some change too, because the best advantage we have over any state or country out there is that this is a game that (probably) has everything under control without the need for any complicated process.

Slow PC of players is not Thomy's concern. I can play Emps fine my 5-year-old 300€ laptop whose screen is almost completely broken. I can't possibly see anyone having worse machine than that.

What comes to clans, they are completely optional. I have never been in a clan, and I have never wanted to. They seem completely useless to me.

My conclusion: you're a crybaby.
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Re: game rules
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2015, 10:34:29 am »
Most naive part of this topic is that you came here with the assumption that we would all care and read what happened to your clan and then come back here and post. Now, dare to explain what the case is?

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Re: game rules
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2015, 10:36:52 am »
Most naive part of this topic is that you came here with the assumption that we would all care and read what happened to your clan and then come back here and post. Now, dare to explain what the case is?
6446 :kappa:

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Offline Hazerofdoom

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Re: game rules
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 01:39:50 pm »
Imagine an in-real institution that would bring someone who was a famous manager with a successful and distinguished past. that would be really normal , they'd give him the keys to everything in order to give him the room to lead them to success

This wouldn't happen.
They wouldn't just give him the keys to everything, Kena.
Signing of legal contracts and other safe guards exist in real life, comparing this situation to a real life situation is not accurate.
You already know you made a mistake by handing over the account to someone.
This is why account sharing is discouraged.

I just want to give some advice, next time you decide to give someone the account information of your clan account,
Make sure that account has a bank PIN.
If you want to give someone access to manage the thread and the clan, and not risk items - bank pins are the way to go.
Either that or have a separate account for the clan bank than the clan thread account.

I don't mean to rub salt in the wound, Kena.
However, what happened here was completely and utterly your fault.
We would try to help get the items back if they were traded to specifically one account,
However due to the fact that the majority of the items were dropped and random users picked them up, tracking all of this is very difficult if not impossible, and it would be unfair to the random users who got these items to randomly get them taken back.

I've managed to semi-restore the clan thread, and I'm sure the account has been secured back at this time as well.
Just got to focus on re-building the clan bank up and being less naive to give out information and share accounts next time.
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Offline Suryoyo K0

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Re: game rules
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 02:09:14 pm »
the fact that you gave him the password 10 minutes after he applied for the clan, shows that it was your own stupidity that ruined the clan.
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Offline Charr

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Re: game rules
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2015, 02:17:28 pm »
Oh boy, where do we start.

any unique situation that couldn't be prevented
These "unique situations" can quite easily be prevented. This is why account sharing is discouraged.
it is utterly unfair to ask for a video proof
So the judge in court has surveillance cameras following you around all day so you don't have to defend yourself at all in court? We need proof to act, otherwise all staff would just be abusing.
many players might have slow machines that wouldn't support many applications running together (meaning , it would have so many lags because the pc is slow,nothing else intended) my toaster is one example.
This is like saying it's unfair that nintendo 64 games won't work if you don't have a nintendo 64. There's certain things you'll simply need to have an optimal experience while playing, being able to provide evidence of stuff that happened is one of them.
the second and most important for me now is the lack of care for clans, to be honest , it should be on top of the priority list , because clans are the only organized gathering platform of this game's players and that takes enormous effort to work on without an advanced, player friendly system.
Opinions. I'd say it's already a miracle you weren't all banned for account sharing imo.
they'd give him the keys to everything
Because you'd totally give away your company to a stranger and expect good stuff to happen. People aren't like that.

Kena, you made the mistake, please stop blaming the staff team.
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Offline Kena

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Re: game rules
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2015, 03:51:03 pm »
well you have all replied to my post arrogantly, regardless of what i said there, i have admitted my mistake, but none of you really talked about this topic's main subject , all you tried to do is to blame and belittle me for my mistake, and this is exactly what i'm talking about. if a simple minded person like myself made a mistake like that, i think it would be too much to make him pay for it and ignore the one who committed the crime. don't keep saying that it is my mistake and that there is nothing to do, because this is why i'm here, if you have anything else to say then you're welcome. but don't bring this fruitless approach here,because i already know it was my fault.
to be honest you need to get out of the rules box a bit and work on applying justice in this game. the fact is that we are victims here, no matter what was our mistake.
and one really important point is the account sharing you're talking about, we shared this account because of the lack in the clans system, there isn't anything else we can do to give powers to all the owners.

Offline Hazerofdoom

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Re: game rules
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2015, 04:22:27 pm »
I wasn't being arrogant at all, I'm just stating that it's hard to recover items in this situation.
This situation was also caused by a few rules being broken to begin with.
You have stated that the rules of account sharing were broken due to clans not having a good safeguard for these issues.
As for when it comes to item recovery and punishments for this situation, what do you suggest?

It's hard to punish someone for this as you voluntarily gave them the account information.
There's no scamming or hacking involved, and we (currently) don't have rules that cover this situation yet.
There is no 'crime' here technically, which is making it difficult.
Sure, he gave away the items in the bank, and removed the thread.
If he got into the account illegitimately then this would be much more of an issue.

Now, I'll try and respond to the two points you've posted;

Item Recovery Feedback

We do have logs when it comes to things such as staking and trading.
The issue is with bugs and unique situations is it's hard to prepare against them.
Bugs are just that - if some item randomly got deleted somehow, it could bypass any logs currently put into place, since the action of it being deleted was a bug it might not trigger any script to write about this issue.

Video Proof

The reason we ask for video proof is due to images and logs being easily edited, whereas videos are much harder to manipulate successfully. There are many, and I mean many people in games like this who fake images to try and get items for free from unsuspecting staff.

It's just a way of validating what happened.
Of course, images aren't completely nullified as proof in many cases, though they have a lot of requirements to be valid themselves.
In the end, if we just went off of what users said, then item recovery would be a lot more of a mess.


Rules regarding account sharing should be looked over and reviewed due to this case, I agree.
What happened in this situation of Estpure giving out the bank items of Noise didn't break the rules.
Though this is something that is considered griefing, with the thread deletion and the items being given away.

Honestly though, I think you would have had better responses from people if you made a suggestion thread with ideas on how to prevent this in the future. With this case there's not much we can do - though in the future we could put rules in so that this isn't acceptable.

In the end though it comes to the fact that even if we put more placeholders in to stop griefing from happening again, they could just be bypassed with social engineering.

For example, you trusted Estpure enough to give him access to the account (to presumably change and update the forum thread) however, if you had a bank pin - the issue of the items being given away wouldn't have happened....unless you also trusted him enough to give out the bank pin as well.

I'll make a thread suggesting that we add in Griefing to the rules and make this a punishable offense in the future, to at least deter people from doing this again.
Need help about an issue like account and item recovery?
Make a helpdesk ticket!

Want information about something in game?
The wiki is exactly for that!

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Offline Kena

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Re: game rules
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2015, 06:08:36 pm »
I wasn't being arrogant at all, I'm just stating that it's hard to recover items in this situation.
This situation was also caused by a few rules being broken to begin with.
You have stated that the rules of account sharing were broken due to clans not having a good safeguard for these issues.
As for when it comes to item recovery and punishments for this situation, what do you suggest?

It's hard to punish someone for this as you voluntarily gave them the account information.
There's no scamming or hacking involved, and we (currently) don't have rules that cover this situation yet.
There is no 'crime' here technically, which is making it difficult.
Sure, he gave away the items in the bank, and removed the thread.
If he got into the account illegitimately then this would be much more of an issue.

Now, I'll try and respond to the two points you've posted;

Item Recovery Feedback

We do have logs when it comes to things such as staking and trading.
The issue is with bugs and unique situations is it's hard to prepare against them.
Bugs are just that - if some item randomly got deleted somehow, it could bypass any logs currently put into place, since the action of it being deleted was a bug it might not trigger any script to write about this issue.

Video Proof

The reason we ask for video proof is due to images and logs being easily edited, whereas videos are much harder to manipulate successfully. There are many, and I mean many people in games like this who fake images to try and get items for free from unsuspecting staff.

It's just a way of validating what happened.
Of course, images aren't completely nullified as proof in many cases, though they have a lot of requirements to be valid themselves.
In the end, if we just went off of what users said, then item recovery would be a lot more of a mess.


Rules regarding account sharing should be looked over and reviewed due to this case, I agree.
What happened in this situation of Estpure giving out the bank items of Noise didn't break the rules.
Though this is something that is considered griefing, with the thread deletion and the items being given away.

Honestly though, I think you would have had better responses from people if you made a suggestion thread with ideas on how to prevent this in the future. With this case there's not much we can do - though in the future we could put rules in so that this isn't acceptable.

In the end though it comes to the fact that even if we put more placeholders in to stop griefing from happening again, they could just be bypassed with social engineering.

For example, you trusted Estpure enough to give him access to the account (to presumably change and update the forum thread) however, if you had a bank pin - the issue of the items being given away wouldn't have happened....unless you also trusted him enough to give out the bank pin as well.

I'll make a thread suggesting that we add in Griefing to the rules and make this a punishable offense in the future, to at least deter people from doing this again.
thanks for the objective analysis and criticism of the topic and the situation as a whole. this reply is the only one that actually tried to solve these problems instead of blaming me and running in circles.  this game needs more care for the players and new rules to help in these kinds of situations. as for the proof suggestion , since i have barely any basic knowledge about coding , i don't think i can suggest anything, but if it was possible i'd like that the game would be able to detect deaths and dropped items , and if possible , the cause of the death. that way there could be a hint on the conditions a certain player died in.

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Re: game rules
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2015, 06:12:50 pm »
i'd like that the game would be able to detect deaths and dropped items , and if possible , the cause of the death. that way there could be a hint on the conditions a certain player died in.
We have pickup/drop logs, these also count items on death. These include the location of pickup/drop.

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Re: game rules
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2015, 06:16:20 pm »
There are so many people bullshitting about losing items, if you lose items get over it. It aint shit.

I don't care for clans

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Re: game rules
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2015, 07:33:46 pm »


« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 07:47:52 pm by Drugs »
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Re: game rules
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2015, 07:52:09 pm »
thanks for the objective analysis and criticism of the topic and the situation as a whole. this reply is the only one that actually tried to solve these problems instead of blaming me and running in circles.  this game needs more care for the players and new rules to help in these kinds of situations. as for the proof suggestion , since i have barely any basic knowledge about coding , i don't think i can suggest anything, but if it was possible i'd like that the game would be able to detect deaths and dropped items , and if possible , the cause of the death. that way there could be a hint on the conditions a certain player died in.

Wanna hear a secret? Don't be dumb, and you won't get into situations in these. That little secret has carried me through my whole life.
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