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Offline Zaros

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Forum feedback/suggestion
« on: February 26, 2016, 05:44:41 am »
This topic is about forum signatures, I'm well aware that I've already created a topic concerning these, but this one can also be considered a different suggestion.

My suggestion this time, is to allow us to either enable, or disable signatures in various posts we make.
The utility of a such thing, would be to save some space in threads. I can use my clan page for example.
My first post in the topic, being about the clan, got my forum signature in it, and all 3 other reserved posts have them as well. For my side, I'd disable my signature in the following 3 posts, if not even in all 4 posts in it, to save space as it's an information page.

Feel free to give your opinion on this.

Offline Charr

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Re: Forum feedback/suggestion
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2016, 08:06:49 am »
I'd actually find this somewhat useful, if you're creating topics that need multiple posts like your clan topic or my slayer guide it's a bit weird to have your sig in the middle of it.
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