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Feedback: May 13th updates
« on: May 13, 2016, 01:52:44 pm »
First off, I'm very happy to see an update.
  • Overall monster defence / accuracy slightly increased. This change only has a larger effect on stronger monsters. We've identified that a lot of monsters are too weak with the new tier 80 items and thus need to be made stronger a little bit.
While this update is something I don't dislike I do have to point something out. The new tier 80 items (elemental weapons) are horrid in PvM and almost nobody uses them for that. Mainly due to it not taking more than 6 slayer tasks for your elemental whip to be gone.
  • Boss monsters have higher accuracy and defence now, on top of the global buff. They will hit more often and take less hits. The aim of this update is to make bossing a challenge again, even with maxed out items, and to avoid endless solo trips.
Again, not something I dislike. But perhaps it should've recieved more attention on an idividual level. KBD and chronozon were fine as they were when it came to their difficulty. Bossing is something that should be challenging, but there should be bosses that aren't too difficult in order to get people to learn bosses. I haven't tried them myself since the update, but it may cause people with lower tiers of gear to have to wait out on bossing.

Unless it's not in the notes, there are still some fundamental problems with some bosses. Phase changing (both KQ and corp) takes way too long and unnecessarily drags out a boss fight, it's not fun at all. Bosses need some care on a personal level.

Boss tasks are also affected by this. Since bosses are harder and the rewards for boss tasks haven't changed along with that, I myself no longer think they are worth doing and will probably cancel all of them now. Something should be done about that.
  • New items have been added to the EC shop. You can now purchase a King black dragon outfit. The outfit can also be trimmed with Dragon (g) kits, just like other dragon armour parts! The armour scales with your character up to level 60.
The amount of uses for the dragon g kit keep increasing. Meanwhile sp kit gets no love and becomes worthless while g kits skyrocket in price because of it's rarity. It might be time to do something about that. Adding it as a super rare to crystal key chests might be a decent idea. The stats are unnecessary in my opinion.
  • Daily Task System
Much needed update. A continued source of EP, a reason for people to log in every day. All in all, a great thing to have. The exp at the end of them is a nice touch as well. I do have a few things to say about it though.

I got a karamja course task today. I was told that tasks are chosen from the highest 3 possible tasks. While this system works for some things, it doesn't work for other things.

Smithing/crafting/fletching: My main issue with this is that it's specific about what you have to make. I would much rather have a system that would only pay attention to the material that is used. For example we would have 'smith x rune bars' instead of 'make x rune daggers'. It would make the tasks feel a bit less forced and probably a lot more enjoyable for people to do. If that's not an option, at the very least make rune platebody an available task.

Agility: For one, the requirements for the courses should recieve some attention. While it is possible to do things at that level, it will take a HUGE amount of time for someone at 45 agility to do a karamja course task. This should be looked at. We have 4 agility courses, even someone at 99 would have to run the karamja course which is way below his level. The karamja course also relies on tickets, which isn't a good thing. It should rely on obstacles, like the other courses. The karamja course in general should recieve some updates in order to make it less wonky. There are a few bugs in it that are quite annoying to deal with as well, for example: on the obstacle with the 3 planks crossing the ones on the sides will always make you fall, and the hitbox of the side ones overlaps the middle one, resulting in many drops even if you are clicking the middle one. If people are gonna be led to this arena, it should get some touch ups.

Fishing/cooking: Should just be the highest one, everyone that can fish mantas doesn't want to fish seas, that goes for cooking too. Might be interesting to add caskets/snape grass to fishing tasks.

Combat/slayer: Seems to be missing an exp reward. Would be lovely to have. It would be nice to have combat tasks change into slayer tasks if you're 200m in every combat skill or even for just being member. Combat tasks seem like a waste to me to do, while slayer ones are the complete opposite.

Runecrafting: Could we have them turned into catagories instead of single runes? I would mind making mind runes at a high level, but I wouldn't mind making elemental ones. Could we maybe turn them into 4 catagories: elemental runes (air, water, earth, fire), battle runes (mind, chaos, death, blood), utility runes (body, nature, law, cosmic) and celestial runes (astral & soul). Again, it would make the tasks feel less forced.

Mining/woodcutting: Blurite needs to be removed from the list, I'm not sure if it's even available but nobody will enjoy mining it. Ess, gem rocks and stardust may need to be added. Stardust with a 70 or 80 requirement. Both mining and woodcutting would work out better if it's just the highest one as well, people tend to enjoy not backtracking to lower level ores.

Herblore: Cleaning herbs/making unfinished potions could be okay tasks as well, as long as they aren't specific.

Exp: I would love a 'earn x overall exp' task that would have some difficulty to it just as an extra. It would drive people to be quite competitive in terms of earning exp.

Tasks in general: It would be absolutely fantasic to have the ability to upgrade a task. I would more than gladly lay down money every single day if it meant that I would get tasks that are either more efficient or I would enjoy more. If it would be done via cash, 100k is a fine amount. I really want this, it would be such a great cash sink. Something similar to the vis wax system runescape has isn't a bad idea either.

I would also like the ability to turn off a kind of task once you recieve 200m exp in that skill. This should only be available for skills that take resources, not for ones that give you resources.
  • Drops changes
It's definitely a step in the right direction. I'm quite satisfied with this one, well done.
  • Double xp weekends and Event Points (EP)
Was necessary, I'll get used to weekends being removed.

If you have any feedback yourself or wish to respond to mine, feel free to post it.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 02:26:45 pm by Charr »
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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2016, 02:14:12 pm »
Nice man, very nice, I appreciate the typing efforts.

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2016, 02:40:49 pm »
Boss tasks might be tweaked to be more consistent with the buffs, individually we'll wait for feedback on certain bosses if some need nerfing (e.g. kbd is generally for lower leveled players than gwd bosses)

g kits added as superrare to more things sounds nice now theres actual demand;

gonna look into rune platebody but in general we would like to avoid having to do the exact same task over and over again and assigning a specific task will encourage ppl looking into more choices and more ways to do things/trade things;

agility bugs have nothing to do with the update and should just need reviewing another time;

fishing/cooking see above task feedback;

already planned xp lamp for combat that rewards xp based on the (combat) skill you use it on, slayer tasks already give slayer xp;

runecrafting categories not sure if possible, but you should not be able to get a mind rune task if youre higher than lets say 30rc, so it's not very relevant;

will remove blurite;

tasks will stay specific, also if its about resources that means the tasks will be longer as you need to put in effort, and i think nobody enjoys making a ton of unfinished pots. Cleaning herbs maybe;

not enough elaboration on the all xp thingy; needs an example that would be worthy of earning 'overall' xp, and even so, this would be insignificant on a 1 skill level;

tasks upgrade: maybe in the future

considering the 200m players i don't think its worthwhile for them to do tasks either way, unless they do it for ep. It's not efficient for them to do the tasks for the xp, they do it for EP anyway and is thus not relevant if its a task in a 200m skill or not. The xp is disposable

Offline Magecrune

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2016, 02:42:49 pm »
I agree with Charr on KBD and Chronozon difficulty. KBD drops were nerfed very much already, the boss itself shouldn't be harder. I personally don't mind the change, but there was no reason to buff them.
I must also agree on brimhaven's agility arena task, since it actually requires higher level + membership. Either change the level to like 70+ or remove the tickets, make it obstacle-specific.
Also, if you have 200m in a certain skill, you shouldn't get those tasks. I got cooking today and it wasn't fun at all, since I already maxed the skill.

The new kbd armour is awesome, especially with g kits on it. I really like this. It should get an additional feature though: if you're wearing the full set, you can do a KBD emote (Mary, make it happen please).
Charr has a point on Sp kits. They should also get something new.

The only issue I had with this update was regarding bone weapons. I'm fine with them being back in the game, however I hated the way they were implemented. So far bone items were considered as collectibles and they had a high price point. Now the items are dropped by weak monsters with very easy droprates. I just can't approve this. If they were added to a troll-type boss with a rare droprate, I would've been completely fine with it. Also there are 2 more bone weapons (dagger and crossbow), why weren't those added?


Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2016, 03:13:01 pm »
I agree with Charr on KBD and Chronozon difficulty. KBD drops were nerfed very much already, the boss itself shouldn't be harder. I personally don't mind the change, but there was no reason to buff them.
I must also agree on brimhaven's agility arena task, since it actually requires higher level + membership. Either change the level to like 70+ or remove the tickets, make it obstacle-specific.
Also, if you have 200m in a certain skill, you shouldn't get those tasks. I got cooking today and it wasn't fun at all, since I already maxed the skill.
You complete it for the EP or don't complete it. The tasks should not be focused around leveling, players that already have 200m definitely wouldnt complete the tasks because its an inefficient way of training (regardless if it was that skill or another skill that wasnt 200m yet)

The new kbd armour is awesome, especially with g kits on it. I really like this. It should get an additional feature though: if you're wearing the full set, you can do a KBD emote (Mary, make it happen please).
Charr has a point on Sp kits. They should also get something new.
not sure what kind of emote youre looking for; i cannot create custom emotes. SP kits is a good point, maybe an idea for a later item/outfit that you can use those for (just looking for another purpose for sp kits in general then)

The only issue I had with this update was regarding bone weapons. I'm fine with them being back in the game, however I hated the way they were implemented. So far bone items were considered as collectibles and they had a high price point. Now the items are dropped by weak monsters with very easy droprates. I just can't approve this. If they were added to a troll-type boss with a rare droprate, I would've been completely fine with it. Also there are 2 more bone weapons (dagger and crossbow), why weren't those added?
adding a discontinued item back ingame that is only worthwhile because it was discontinued would not have any value adding it as a rare drop or common drop, theres no difference in it. A perfect example was dark dagger: a pretty cool but useless item, and nobody wanted it even though it was a rare drop. Also these items were not ment to be discontinued.

i believe dagger and crossbow weren't ingame either way, so i didn't add them. also because crossbow would require bolts n stuff

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2016, 03:48:42 pm »
Already tried to explain the emote ingame, hope you can make it work :P

I only brought the bone weapons up, because with my recommendation, the price wouldn't have crashed like this. They would've slowly came back into the game via pvming and in time the droprates could've been made easier. This way the price would've slowly decreased. Currently they were just dumped in to the game, crashing its price.

I'm not really sure about the bone dagger, but the crossbow was definitely in-game. I was told it used to exist in castle-wars reward shop, but was removed for some reason. I'm not sure when it took place, but it certainly existed, if the information I've received is correct.
Good example with the dagger, I wanted it though (I have 2). However the price was low on this one, because we also have a glowing dagger, which is exactly the same model with an extra outline. Glowing dagger is very easy to get (dagannoth mothers), so the low price on dark dagger was explainable. It would not have been like that with bone items.

Anyway, it's too late to correct now. Atleast I managed to give a heads up for few of my fellow collectors.

Offline Charr

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2016, 04:05:43 pm »
considering the 200m players i don't think its worthwhile for them to do tasks either way, unless they do it for ep. It's not efficient for them to do the tasks for the xp, they do it for EP anyway and is thus not relevant if its a task in a 200m skill or not. The xp is disposable
I'd like daily tasks to be something I look forward to doing, no matter what task I get. That's all I'm goin' for here.

I'm not really sure about the bone dagger, but the crossbow was definitely in-game. I was told it used to exist in castle-wars reward shop, but was removed for some reason. I'm not sure when it took place, but it certainly existed, if the information I've received is correct.
This was zanik's crossbow. It was the one that fired silver bolts. I don't know that much about it aside from that.


Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2016, 04:30:50 pm »
The bone crossbow or dorgeshuun crossbow was available in the Clan Wars Ticket exchange. All items from that exchange have been wiped or moved elsewhere ingame. It's unrelated to the bone club or spear (can't find where or when these disappeared)

edit: rune platebody tasks will be fixed next update
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 05:34:02 pm by Mary »

Offline Bubblebeam2

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2016, 09:24:36 pm »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2016, 10:38:43 pm »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

Proud owner of a dorgeshuun in emps-scape
that shit makes no actual sense lmao but ok

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2016, 02:17:34 am »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

Proud owner of a dorgeshuun in emps-scape
that shit makes no actual sense lmao but ok

Blame Jonner

Thomy [21|Sep 03:14 pm]:   :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman:

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2016, 10:35:28 am »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

Proud owner of a dorgeshuun in emps-scape
How high does it hit ;o ?

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2016, 03:35:26 pm »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

Proud owner of a dorgeshuun in emps-scape
How high does it hit ;o ?

Silver bolts have damage comparable to sapphire bolts, so take the maxhit of sapphire bolts and double it, that's about how high it would be able to hit

Thomy [21|Sep 03:14 pm]:   :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman:

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Offline Charr

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2016, 04:43:06 pm »
Silver bolts were drops from Ice Trolls on Neitiznot Island

Bone Crossbow was a crossbow that could only shoot silver bolts, dealing double the normal maxhit with them.

Proud owner of a dorgeshuun in emps-scape
How high does it hit ;o ?

Silver bolts have damage comparable to sapphire bolts, so take the maxhit of sapphire bolts and double it, that's about how high it would be able to hit
It's getting really off-topic. This is feedback for the updates, not a topic about silver bolts.

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Re: Feedback: May 13th updates
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2016, 08:12:29 am »
Just here to mention that mini games are dead without double xp weekend anymore. Cya
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