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Offline Tgod Bro

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2016, 12:35:44 am »
As an skiller, im unhappy aswell. Skiller or not, this update didnt bring any positive feedback from any player yet.
Am i supposed to donate to get my 50m thieving xp that's missing now? nty, it was a pain in the ass getting 200m with double xp. Just make them tradeable again, or add them back to the EP thing? They were easy to get, i know. But if you used them, it meant that you were going to be active all the time of double xp the scroll gave you, you actually had to play. No scrolls as nobody donates for them, less active players. We can't have less players than we have right now. That's my opinion.

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Offline Someone12116

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2016, 11:24:32 am »
As an skiller, im unhappy aswell. Skiller or not, this update didnt bring any positive feedback from any player yet.
Am i supposed to donate to get my 50m thieving xp that's missing now? nty, it was a pain in the ass getting 200m with double xp. Just make them tradeable again, or add them back to the EP thing? They were easy to get, i know. But if you used them, it meant that you were going to be active all the time of double xp the scroll gave you, you actually had to play. No scrolls as nobody donates for them, less active players. We can't have less players than we have right now. That's my opinion.

Don't do shit you don't enjoy doing -> suddenly the gameplay becomes much more enjoyable. There's absolutely nothing beneficial for training 200m/250m in a skill, but still people do it. You could do so many things in and outside of emps that you would actuallu enjoy but instead you decide to sit 100+ hours on your ass training useless skills for absolutely nothing. The mindset behind that is cancerous.

This is what people has asked for, this is  what we got because of that. You should had voiced your opinion BEFORE the changes were implemented. You are only complaining about your own personal stupidity over here.

People used to call me ''salty'' when I voiced my opinion about PvM in the past, and this is what you get for not voicing your opinion loud enough. Pure disappointment. It's amusing, to be honest.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 11:31:54 am by Someone12116 »
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Offline Tgod Bro

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2016, 01:15:28 pm »
As an skiller, im unhappy aswell. Skiller or not, this update didnt bring any positive feedback from any player yet.
Am i supposed to donate to get my 50m thieving xp that's missing now? nty, it was a pain in the ass getting 200m with double xp. Just make them tradeable again, or add them back to the EP thing? They were easy to get, i know. But if you used them, it meant that you were going to be active all the time of double xp the scroll gave you, you actually had to play. No scrolls as nobody donates for them, less active players. We can't have less players than we have right now. That's my opinion.

Don't do shit you don't enjoy doing -> suddenly the gameplay becomes much more enjoyable. There's absolutely nothing beneficial for training 200m/250m in a skill, but still people do it. You could do so many things in and outside of emps that you would actuallu enjoy but instead you decide to sit 100+ hours on your ass training useless skills for absolutely nothing. The mindset behind that is cancerous.

This is what people has asked for, this is  what we got because of that. You should had voiced your opinion BEFORE the changes were implemented. You are only complaining about your own personal stupidity over here.

People used to call me ''salty'' when I voiced my opinion about PvM in the past, and this is what you get for not voicing your opinion loud enough. Pure disappointment. It's amusing, to be honest.

Oh, if you think there's nothing benefitial for training 250m in a skill, everybody must have the same thinking? It was my opinion champ. Let's see if this update benefits anybody.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.

Offline Someone12116

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2016, 01:17:50 pm »
As an skiller, im unhappy aswell. Skiller or not, this update didnt bring any positive feedback from any player yet.
Am i supposed to donate to get my 50m thieving xp that's missing now? nty, it was a pain in the ass getting 200m with double xp. Just make them tradeable again, or add them back to the EP thing? They were easy to get, i know. But if you used them, it meant that you were going to be active all the time of double xp the scroll gave you, you actually had to play. No scrolls as nobody donates for them, less active players. We can't have less players than we have right now. That's my opinion.

Don't do shit you don't enjoy doing -> suddenly the gameplay becomes much more enjoyable. There's absolutely nothing beneficial for training 200m/250m in a skill, but still people do it. You could do so many things in and outside of emps that you would actuallu enjoy but instead you decide to sit 100+ hours on your ass training useless skills for absolutely nothing. The mindset behind that is cancerous.

This is what people has asked for, this is  what we got because of that. You should had voiced your opinion BEFORE the changes were implemented. You are only complaining about your own personal stupidity over here.

People used to call me ''salty'' when I voiced my opinion about PvM in the past, and this is what you get for not voicing your opinion loud enough. Pure disappointment. It's amusing, to be honest.

Oh, if you think there's nothing benefitial for training 250m in a skill everybody must think like you do? It was my opinion champ. Let's see if this update benefits anybody.

''nty, it was a pain in the ass getting 200m with double xp.''

You still did it. Even if you didn't enjoy it, you still did it. Why? That's beyond my sane comprehension, because you could had done so many more enjoyable things but instead decided to sit on your ass for so many days.

Offline Adam

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2016, 09:24:14 pm »
In my own, personal opinion, I think scrolls(any form of double xp/xp boost) should be removed from the game completely. Getting maxed used to be a(kind of) challenge and double exp rates ruined it completely.

Maxing your exp in a specific skill is completely optional, I don't see why you should be given double exp/exp boosts just to try and max the exp, lol.

Getting maxed became far too easy when double experience rates were introduced, anyway.
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Offline Str Owns All

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2016, 06:28:43 am »
In my own, personal opinion, I think scrolls(any form of double xp/xp boost) should be removed from the game completely. Getting maxed used to be a(kind of) challenge and double exp rates ruined it completely.

Maxing your exp in a specific skill is completely optional, I don't see why you should be given double exp/exp boosts just to try and max the exp, lol.

Getting maxed became far too easy when double experience rates were introduced, anyway.

I suggest putting double xp back in EP shops with a higher price (3-5 points per scroll), or what Adam said, just remove them from the game completely.

Offline Magecrune

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2016, 07:13:24 am »
Gettings 99s and therefore maxing in Emps-World was never a challenge, nor should it be. We're still an RSPS afterall.

Should have let people cash out their tickets before removing the scrolls is the real problem here

I guess if people could have cashed out their EP for scrolls with a warning it would be more acceptable, people who didnt cash out will naturally feel like shit

- give warning 24-48h
- remove all scrolls from everyones bank

I can see the idea behind being vague about it not to upset more players, but naturally it brings some people who dislike it anyways
But do you really want to fuck over some people with hundreds of EP that will go to waste? Idk lul

I believe double exp scroll was best reward for doing dailies, and after doing them for weeks/months people get fucked over like this? It better bring something positive to this server as an result
I couldn't agree more.

It's just unfair that the lucky people who had collected scrolls, got them suddenly tripled, while they became restricted to anyone else. Now those people can sit on their 100+ hours of double xp and mock the ones who are suffering.

The way this change was handled is just plain stupid. We should've got a chance to cash our EP in.

Now we have these choices:
  • Add them back to EP shop permanently with the same or increased price (if the price is higher, it would still be unfair)
  • Add them back to EP shop temporarily with the previous price, so others could cash in their EP (would be fair)
  • Remove the current scrolls ingame and refund EP (would be fair, but double xp would become dead content).
We should level the playing fields by either adding them back temporarily or by removing and refunding. Then we can decide on what should be done next. I'll tell you the options after this unfairness has been dealt with.

It's good that DXP is gone, supplies will be worth a shit and gathering skills will be more profitable with stable prices.
Supply prices have been steady, they won't be increasing from this bs. You'll just be seeing even less people actually using them.
The amount of materials me and my fellow (200/250M) skillers have used, is higher compared to "regular" people.
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Offline Fund Kakare

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2016, 03:19:35 pm »
Personal view on their existence for both shops:
I personally think that they should've never left EP shop. Yes, since they were a bit easy to get, we could've increased the price up to 2 EP per scroll, which would've been sufficient, since most people don't bother doing all tasks.

i like this idea and it seems quite fair aswell.

Get a proper degree -> get a proper job -> get a proper paycheck -> oh wait, you won't even care about Emps at that point to donate

if i would get a proper job, i wouldn't have time for emps-world anymore. this makes the server lose players and less people will be there to donate and tbh, i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway

Offline Someone12116

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2016, 05:03:08 am »
Personal view on their existence for both shops:
I personally think that they should've never left EP shop. Yes, since they were a bit easy to get, we could've increased the price up to 2 EP per scroll, which would've been sufficient, since most people don't bother doing all tasks.

i like this idea and it seems quite fair aswell.

Get a proper degree -> get a proper job -> get a proper paycheck -> oh wait, you won't even care about Emps at that point to donate

if i would get a proper job, i wouldn't have time for emps-world anymore. this makes the server lose players and less people will be there to donate and tbh, i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway

Flawed logic, since everything will eventually end. Your life will come to an end aswell, so why invest time and effort on living when you could just neck yourself.

Offline Fund Kakare

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2016, 07:35:53 am »
Personal view on their existence for both shops:
I personally think that they should've never left EP shop. Yes, since they were a bit easy to get, we could've increased the price up to 2 EP per scroll, which would've been sufficient, since most people don't bother doing all tasks.

i like this idea and it seems quite fair aswell.

Get a proper degree -> get a proper job -> get a proper paycheck -> oh wait, you won't even care about Emps at that point to donate

if i would get a proper job, i wouldn't have time for emps-world anymore. this makes the server lose players and less people will be there to donate and tbh, i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway

Flawed logic, since everything will eventually end. Your life will come to an end aswell, so why invest time and effort on living when you could just neck yourself.

if you are trying to say that is shouldn't "waste my time on a game" you're just telling that i should kill myself because i dont wanna spend any of my desirved irl money on a game. i think you should neck yourself because you waste your time on replying to post if you dont even are ingame yourself. if you tell emps-world players to neck theirself why is it a point of investing time on taking emps to higher states?

Offline Someone12116

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2016, 08:33:34 am »
Personal view on their existence for both shops:
I personally think that they should've never left EP shop. Yes, since they were a bit easy to get, we could've increased the price up to 2 EP per scroll, which would've been sufficient, since most people don't bother doing all tasks.

i like this idea and it seems quite fair aswell.

Get a proper degree -> get a proper job -> get a proper paycheck -> oh wait, you won't even care about Emps at that point to donate

if i would get a proper job, i wouldn't have time for emps-world anymore. this makes the server lose players and less people will be there to donate and tbh, i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway

Flawed logic, since everything will eventually end. Your life will come to an end aswell, so why invest time and effort on living when you could just neck yourself.

if you are trying to say that is shouldn't "waste my time on a game" you're just telling that i should kill myself because i dont wanna spend any of my desirved irl money on a game. i think you should neck yourself because you waste your time on replying to post if you dont even are ingame yourself. if you tell emps-world players to neck theirself why is it a point of investing time on taking emps to higher states?

My point is that we spend our time and money on things to make our finite life as enjoyable as possible. If you don't enjoy something enough to not spend money on it, why spend time on it to begin with? You support the game by donating and by doing that you'll make emps last longer.

''i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway''
Everything will come to an end.

Why buy a phone cuz it will break some day anyway?
Why buy food cuz you'll die anyway?
Why take a girl on a date cuz the date won't last forever?
Eventually you're going to buy toys for your children knowing that there will be a day they won't touch them anymore.

Your logic is so damn flawed and it's so amusing you can't see it for youself.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 08:41:36 am by Someone12116 »

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2016, 02:39:08 pm »
Personal view on their existence for both shops:
I personally think that they should've never left EP shop. Yes, since they were a bit easy to get, we could've increased the price up to 2 EP per scroll, which would've been sufficient, since most people don't bother doing all tasks.

i like this idea and it seems quite fair aswell.

Get a proper degree -> get a proper job -> get a proper paycheck -> oh wait, you won't even care about Emps at that point to donate

if i would get a proper job, i wouldn't have time for emps-world anymore. this makes the server lose players and less people will be there to donate and tbh, i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway

Flawed logic, since everything will eventually end. Your life will come to an end aswell, so why invest time and effort on living when you could just neck yourself.

if you are trying to say that is shouldn't "waste my time on a game" you're just telling that i should kill myself because i dont wanna spend any of my desirved irl money on a game. i think you should neck yourself because you waste your time on replying to post if you dont even are ingame yourself. if you tell emps-world players to neck theirself why is it a point of investing time on taking emps to higher states?

My point is that we spend our time and money on things to make our finite life as enjoyable as possible. If you don't enjoy something enough to not spend money on it, why spend time on it to begin with? You support the game by donating and by doing that you'll make emps last longer.

''i wouldnt donate to something that will come to a end anyway''
Everything will come to an end.

Why buy a phone cuz it will break some day anyway?
Why buy food cuz you'll die anyway?
Why take a girl on a date cuz the date won't last forever?
Eventually you're going to buy toys for your children knowing that there will be a day they won't touch them anymore.

Your logic is so damn flawed and it's so amusing you can't see it for youself.
Well it's pretty clear to see that Emps isn't gonna last much longer so I don't know why you're comparing it to real life events

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Offline Therun

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2016, 11:16:52 am »
a lot of players need that exp scrolls and specialy ironman's , thomy u cant remove them cuz players need to play I quess u can back them to ep shop and up the price of them to 5 ep and make the time 30 minuts
but changed the place to [ec shop] not good idea
srry if something wrong!

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2016, 11:39:40 am »
thomy u cant remove them cuz players need to play

Oh shit you need to actually PLAY the game to progress in it? Wtf, what is this absolute blasphemy.

Maxing is totally optional. If you do not enjoy training a skill, do not simply train it.

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Re: Double xp scrolls
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2016, 12:58:47 pm »
thomy u cant remove them cuz players need to play

Oh shit you need to actually PLAY the game to progress in it? Wtf, what is this absolute blasphemy.

Maxing is totally optional. If you do not enjoy training a skill, do not simply train it.
first of all I didn't talk to you , 2nd there a lot of players training much hours to get 1 level and removing dpx its not idea
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