Emps-World > FAQ and Rules

Forum Punishments [Infractions]


Emps World:
Forum Punishments [Infractions]

Please read this thread if you are in doubt about the following:

* What can you be punished for on forums;
* How much does a rule break weight in terms of infraction percentage;
* What you have to do to get your infraction percentage reduced;
* What does the private message from "Emps Forum" mean.

What can you be punished for on forums

In general all the forum rules apply to all sections, with very small differences from one section to another (i.e. Spamming is not so strict in Off-Topic as it is in all the other forum boards). We usually do not issue any formal forum warnings before actually sending infraction issues, that is because you have the Forum Rules & Guidelines which you should have read before starting posting stuff on the forums. However, the infractions are not so strict for spamming or other small rule-breaks, but you can get banned in a second if you break multiple rules/continuously break the rules over time/break the serious rules.

How much does a rule break weight in terms of infraction percentage

Notice: This list is non-exhaustive and ultimately it is up to discretion of the members of staff whether someone is required to be punished differently.

* Spamming - we usually issue 5 to 10% infraction for spamming, however, if continuously spamming or severe spamming you can receive 15% or more at a time;
* Digging - digging up old threads on the forums is usually punished with 5% infraction percentage only, if repeated it will be higher;
* Flaming/Trolling - we do not tolerate flaming of any sort or trolling on the forums - it will be punished with 10 to 15% infraction percentage;
* Inappropriate content - Any inappropriate content which is being posted with the intention to harm our community members or break the forum rules will be punished with a full forum mute;
* Bypassing Moderation/Filters - Any attempt to avoid our moderation process will be hardly punished with 20% + infraction on your (new) account(s);
* Advertising - this is NOT tolerated at all - this will be punished with a full forum mute on all your accounts

What you have to do to get your infraction percentage lowered/reduced

If you received forums infraction and are unhappy with it, do not panic! You can always get it lowered. All you have to do is respect the forum rules and act in an appropriate manner. Once infracted for over 10%, you automatically get on our Watched List, which means your activity on forums will be watched more strictly than all the others. While this may sound bad, it also means that if we see improvement in your behaviour, we will reduce it accordingly (and if you continue to misbehave, you may find yourself re-infracted or even end up muted on the forums).

When you get moderated on the forums, a staff member has to go through every new post you make and manually accept it, to make sure you do not post something that breaks the rules (again).

If you get muted on the forums, you can always come with another account. That goes without saying. However, if you do that in order to bypass our moderation and keep breaking our rules, you will find yourself IP banned on the forums. You can also show good behaviour on the new forum account and in a brief period of time you can ask a staff member to look over your activity, in order to release your other, muted, account, if desired.

If you end up being banned, or IP banned, on the forums, you will stay punished without any chance to set that account free again. Usually getting banned means a serious rule-break, or a series of rule-breaks which led to this. We do not tolerate that and we will not give you another chance.

What does the private message from "Emps World" means

When you get infracted, we usually punish you along with sending you a notification,  to make you aware of what topic/message broke which rule (though that is not always the case, you can get infracted without a notification). This notification comes in the form of a private message here on the forums from Emps Forum.

Thanks for reading,
Emps-World Staff Team.


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