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Offline Hrky

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Screenshot hunt #2
« on: February 15, 2023, 01:55:49 pm »
Screenshot hunt is back once again!

Lets repeat the instructions.

I will post screenshot of some object/place and you will have to locate it, take a FULL CLIENT screenshot and post it in #general channel on discord with my tag @hrki

There will be only one winner per each screenshot! I will try to keep this page updated as screenshots gonna get found so you don't waste your time searching for those that have already been found.

We are are starting tomorrow, February 16th at 16:00 SERVER TIME

Screenshots you will be looking for are going to be posted here along with rewards.

Winner of each found screenshot will receive 5 event tickets + 5 scrolls of double xp along with possibility of picking random number to pull out 1 of the following goodiebag items!

Screenshot #1 - Found by Bluestorm!

Screenshot #2 - Found by Bluestorm!

Screenshot #3 - Found by Bluestorm!
HINT 1: Pay attention to the trees! Especially jungle ones...

Screenshot #4 - Found by Bluestorm!

Screenshot #5 - Foun by Zamolxe!

Screenshot #6 - Found by Bluestorm!

Screenshot #7 - Found by Bluestorm!

Screenshot #8 - Found by Loser idiot!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2023, 03:59:37 pm by Hrky »
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Offline J H A M

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Re: Screenshot hunt #2
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2023, 10:10:26 pm »
good job :)
D bUtS :D
Emps since 16/9/2006
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