Emps-World Forum

Community => Events => Topic started by: Callmedragon on October 08, 2015, 04:12:16 pm

Title: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 08, 2015, 04:12:16 pm
Hello everyone. So I was thinking... Everyone is always scrambling to find enough players to do a castle wars game so they can play a few games and get some tickets to buy some brawling gloves for double xp. Since I constantly see this scramble I thought I would make it a weekly thing to host some castle wars events. Therefore, I am going to start hosting castle wars events every Thursday at 11 a.m. (My game time is -5). Or you can simply look at the time of THIS post, subtract 12 minutes, and that is the time when the event will occur.

The official clan chat to join is simply "Cw event", join it if you have any questions about the event or are waiting for the event to start, i'll be in it 1 hour prior of the event. The length of the event I am unsure about because players seem to vanish as time goes on. It will last at least an hour, if players stay longer than that would be fantastic also. If you could post on this topic weekly saying if you will attend or not that would be helpful, just to get a rough estimate on how many players will be attending.

If word gets around about this event and we get enough players to do it today (October 8, 2015) then I will host one, if not this event will start next Thursday.
If you have any questions please post them here, pm me in-game, or ask me in the clan chat that I will be active in 1 hour prior to the event.
Countdown clock:https://countingdownto.com/countdown/castle-wars-countdown-clock-2ab32938-aa85-4867-b5f4-b496fe9eee80
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Bubblebeam2 on October 08, 2015, 04:22:30 pm
I would attend if castle wars wasn't so boring.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 08, 2015, 04:24:10 pm
I have no idea what time this will be at for me. It says you posted the topic at 4:12:16 pm, except that it's not even noon here yet lol.

Anyway, I would attend if castle wars wasn't so boring.
Like I said, just subtract 12 minutes from the post time and that is the time it will occur for you.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Big Chris on October 09, 2015, 04:19:05 am
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 09, 2015, 04:33:39 am
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
Add me in-game and we could talk about what type of footage you and/or I should shoot.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Camlatty on October 09, 2015, 05:55:54 am
This is a great idea bro! I will try get involved as well, and help you out if I am on at the time. Wouldn't mind some brawling gloves :D.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Zudikas95187 on October 09, 2015, 02:18:15 pm
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
oh yeah, just running around with a damn flag like a freaking idiot, would totally play again, earned 50 tickets there and realized that i've just spent 30 minutes of my life in the most boring way possible...
8/8 minigame... even botting in karamja agility course could be more entertaining than this lmao.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 09, 2015, 04:55:49 pm
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
oh yeah, just running around with a damn flag like a freaking idiot, would totally play again, earned 50 tickets there and realized that i've just spent 30 minutes of my life in the most boring way possible...
8/8 minigame... even botting in karamja agility course could be more entertaining than this lmao.
Not sure why you posted on this when you're just hating on it.
Bye :)
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Deandam7 on October 09, 2015, 04:57:39 pm
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
oh yeah, just running around with a damn flag like a freaking idiot, would totally play again, earned 50 tickets there and realized that i've just spent 30 minutes of my life in the most boring way possible...
8/8 minigame... even botting in karamja agility course could be more entertaining than this lmao.

There's no need for such negativity, people always want to play castle-wars for the brawlers, but it's just not a popular minigame anymore.

I think this is a decent idea, I'd join but the time of the event is no good for me.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 09, 2015, 05:02:29 pm
I'd totally be down for a CW event. It's one of my favourite mini-games and doesn't get played enough. I think it'd be great to get some cw footage too XD
oh yeah, just running around with a damn flag like a freaking idiot, would totally play again, earned 50 tickets there and realized that i've just spent 30 minutes of my life in the most boring way possible...
8/8 minigame... even botting in karamja agility course could be more entertaining than this lmao.

There's no need for such negativity, people always want to play castle-wars for the brawlers, but it's just not a popular minigame anymore.

I think this is a decent idea, I'd join but the time of the event is no good for me.
It's the only real time that I have on Thursdays or really any days except the weekend that I don't have classes back to back and am Unable to log in for more than minutes. And by the time I can login for a few hours everyone is already off so I thought this day and time would work best for me, hopefully it will for others. Maybe you can make it on a few times.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Il Pk I on October 09, 2015, 07:16:11 pm
Slightly off topic but you should use this website for the countdown:

Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 09, 2015, 08:38:36 pm
Slightly off topic but you should use this website for the countdown:

Okay I will, thank you Ozzy.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 15, 2015, 03:49:22 pm
Caste wars event set to take place in 10 minutes! Join the clan chat "cw event" for more information! See you all there.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 28, 2015, 08:40:54 pm
Castle wars event tomorrow at the original set time. I'll try and give you an hour warning, if not at least a 30 minute one. Just follow the countdown timer at the top of the page. Post here or pm in-game if you're coming, I want to try and take a video of the event so I want to try and have a full team of actual players opposed to afkers.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 29, 2015, 03:02:51 pm
Little less than an hour till the event, be there or be square!
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on October 29, 2015, 04:45:57 pm
Camtasia wasn't working for me, so I was left doing screenshots.. Only took two though because I spent a lot of time trying to fix Camtasia.
Overall, really successful event, a lot of Pvp going on which made the game a lot more interesting. Thanks everyone who came, i'll host another one next week.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on November 04, 2015, 10:48:34 pm
Castle wars event is scheduled to be on time tomorrow. Check the count down clock on the first page to know when it starts.
Last weeks event was really successful, unfortunately my camtasia wasn't working and I didn't get any good footage. It should be fully functioning for tomorrow, so let's get another big turnout!
Pm me with questions!
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Bubblebeam2 on November 05, 2015, 08:54:39 am
Won't be able to attend, I'll be at school. Good luck with your event Dylan!
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on November 05, 2015, 05:20:59 pm
Location change, we're now doing pest control, world 1! Everyone come join us!!
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on November 05, 2015, 05:49:50 pm
Location change, we're now doing pest control, world 1! Everyone come join us!!
Well, Camtasia didn't work again so I wasn't able to record, yet again.. I think i'm going to scope around for a new recording method, really irritating me.
Here are some pictures from the pest control event.








Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Bubblebeam2 on November 06, 2015, 12:44:20 am
You could use Obs. The only problem with it is that there isn't a self contained editing system in it, so you would have to edit some other way if you wanted to.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Charr on November 06, 2015, 01:00:14 am
You could use Obs. The only problem with it is that there isn't a self contained editing system in it, so you would have to edit some other way if you wanted to.
Use OBS to record, camtasia to edit. Easy.
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: Callmedragon on November 12, 2015, 05:32:29 am
Castle wars event is off for tomorrow. I have an advising meeting for school tomorrow during the scheduled event time. Sorry guys!
Title: Re: Castle Wars event
Post by: En3mey on November 12, 2015, 08:24:37 pm
Castle wars event is off for tomorrow. I have an advising meeting for school tomorrow during the scheduled event time. Sorry guys!
ok we forgive you