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Re: Religion
« Reply #135 on: July 28, 2015, 05:43:39 pm »
You said that religion caused psycho related bullshit. Also you said that god is the biggest murderer and questioned his nature.. Even tho I am not religious i'm pretty sure thats offensive towards people who believe.

"What it seems like to you doesn't matter to anyone. " ???
Also why are you calling me a "crybaby"?
You make all those long ass replies and try to make religion look bad and now you're calling me a crybaby?
It's not the first time that Our god has been offended.
We can't do anything about it, If they really hate our god because they think he/she/it a murderer, that's their opinion.

We tried defending and showin that our god is peaceful and wise god. But they seem to not be affected by it. As i stated. It's their opinion on what god is.
It's all that Charlie Hebdo shit all over again.
I find Islam to be incredibly interesting and peaceful religion.
I believe that your god and religion have been offended so much because people just know nothing about Islam and its something different for them. And different people(for example black and white people, lesbians and homos and so on) have always been kind of discriminated.

You wrote in bold for us not to go personal but that's what you're doing Avenus.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 05:48:36 pm by Il Skill L »

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Re: Religion
« Reply #136 on: July 28, 2015, 06:49:00 pm »
Do you believe in a God? No
Why do you believe in God? Because i dont
Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe? Better because i dont have to waste time for worshipping it

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Re: Religion
« Reply #137 on: July 28, 2015, 07:51:13 pm »
You said that religion caused psycho related bullshit. Also you said that god is the biggest murderer and questioned his nature.. Even tho I am not religious i'm pretty sure thats offensive towards people who believe.

"What it seems like to you doesn't matter to anyone. " ???
Also why are you calling me a "crybaby"?
You make all those long ass replies and try to make religion look bad and now you're calling me a crybaby?

Also superheroes haven't been talked about for thousands of years. Believing in superheroes isn't as popular as any religion is. Why would you want to prove anyone religious wrong anyways? As far as i'm concerned you can be a Brony and believe in those little ponies too. If this helps you to live your life better and make better choices then go ahead. I'm not going to judge you.

Also i don't need to be told about European school systems. Thank you very much.

Delusional as always. You only read what you want to read.
As you can see Bubblebeam commented ->
I believe religions were created to give some people a push in the right direction. For some,  believing in a higher power can help them to become better people. There is nothing wrong with religion,  each person can belive in whatever God/Object/Mythical Creature they choose,  and I have no problem with that if it helps them to grow as an individual.

He said there is nothing wrong with religion. That it was created to give some people a push in the right direction.
Then i asked a question. Mark question. Hence why i used this sign "?".
And religion hasnt caused war or anything psycho related bullshit?

^That is my exact quote. So don't come here tell me that i wrote if you can't even read.

You said that religion caused psycho related bullshit. Also you said that god is the biggest murderer and questioned his nature.
I didnt say nor stated. I questioned. And i also gave an example off something that happened in Norway.
The coroners concluded after hundreds off house with interview with the "murderer" that he was in a psychosis.
Where he thought or atleast claimed that he was speaking to God. What i didn't state before now.
Is that he smoked marijuana hourse before this, and came in the psychosis while they all where sleeping.
And then he "got the vision from god".

So my question again is. What if there was no religion? Would something else tip him off?
Something strong as thinking he would go straight to hell?

Then i wrote under, in same comment:
"But then again. You got those who murder people, go to jail and find god and might live a peacefull life until they get back out on the streets to see how the world actually works."

You also said: You make all those long ass replies and try to make religion look bad and now you're calling me a crybaby?
Long ass replies? I got no long ass replies in this topic yet but my first one where i told a story. I dont try to make religion look bad, it's not why i made the topic. If people want to believe its their choice. What i want to know, hence the reason i made the topic is [...]. That i wanted to discuss this exact sentence: Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?. I had this debate with my gf 2 days before i made the topic, and then i had it with some friends the night before when we were out and drunk and just discussing this. So i made the thread instead to see what people around the world think. Because in my area it's pretty much onesided.

Oh and BTW HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE BIBLE??? Cause i have. And god is the biggest murder off all in there.
If you even try to come tell me something else then you can just travel on a 10 year vacation to bahamas and start reading the bible.
Cause you got no clue if not.

You also said that "Also superheroes haven't been talked about for thousands of years"
They haven't? Have you been to the cinema past 2 decades? Or dont you have cinema in estonia?  ::)
Havent you looked in the bookshelves off your libraries that i bet you have?
Thousands of years? Most absurd thing i have read today lmfao.

Greek gods, ancient mythology. Maybe. Superheroes. Nty.

And you also said "If this helps you to live your life better and make better choices then go ahead".
Are you now saying that something is the correct way to believe? Because if he make good choices as a christian.
He couldnt have med good choices as an atheist? Or budhist?. What you said in that sentence, is the real offending thing in here.
Because after what i have experienced. There is no blueprint on how to live life.

You might follow ISIS and believe in what they believe in. As long as they make "better choices" for themselves it's ok?
You're tripping. Tripping realllllllllllll bad.

Also i don't need to be told about European school systems. Thank you very much.
Scandinavian school system and european school system is not the same. Dont come here and tell me you know how my school system work unless you went through the grades.
You need to be told a lot off stuff, like get away from my topic until you learn to reflect comments. You are so obsessed with me and my comments in here that you are blindfolded
and can't see what i respond to. You went personal, not me.

^Now that is a long ass reply.

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Re: Religion
« Reply #138 on: July 28, 2015, 08:08:29 pm »
You said that religion caused psycho related bullshit. Also you said that god is the biggest murderer and questioned his nature.. Even tho I am not religious i'm pretty sure thats offensive towards people who believe.

"What it seems like to you doesn't matter to anyone. " ???
Also why are you calling me a "crybaby"?
You make all those long ass replies and try to make religion look bad and now you're calling me a crybaby?

Also superheroes haven't been talked about for thousands of years. Believing in superheroes isn't as popular as any religion is. Why would you want to prove anyone religious wrong anyways? As far as i'm concerned you can be a Brony and believe in those little ponies too. If this helps you to live your life better and make better choices then go ahead. I'm not going to judge you.

Also i don't need to be told about European school systems. Thank you very much.

Delusional as always. You only read what you want to read.
As you can see Bubblebeam commented ->
I believe religions were created to give some people a push in the right direction. For some,  believing in a higher power can help them to become better people. There is nothing wrong with religion,  each person can belive in whatever God/Object/Mythical Creature they choose,  and I have no problem with that if it helps them to grow as an individual.

He said there is nothing wrong with religion. That it was created to give some people a push in the right direction.
Then i asked a question. Mark question. Hence why i used this sign "?".
And religion hasnt caused war or anything psycho related bullshit?

^That is my exact quote. So don't come here tell me that i wrote if you can't even read.

You said that religion caused psycho related bullshit. Also you said that god is the biggest murderer and questioned his nature.
I didnt say nor stated. I questioned. And i also gave an example off something that happened in Norway.
The coroners concluded after hundreds off house with interview with the "murderer" that he was in a psychosis.
Where he thought or atleast claimed that he was speaking to God. What i didn't state before now.
Is that he smoked marijuana hourse before this, and came in the psychosis while they all where sleeping.
And then he "got the vision from god".

So my question again is. What if there was no religion? Would something else tip him off?
Something strong as thinking he would go straight to hell?

Then i wrote under, in same comment:
"But then again. You got those who murder people, go to jail and find god and might live a peacefull life until they get back out on the streets to see how the world actually works."

You also said: You make all those long ass replies and try to make religion look bad and now you're calling me a crybaby?
Long ass replies? I got no long ass replies in this topic yet but my first one where i told a story. I dont try to make religion look bad, it's not why i made the topic. If people want to believe its their choice. What i want to know, hence the reason i made the topic is [...]. That i wanted to discuss this exact sentence: Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?. I had this debate with my gf 2 days before i made the topic, and then i had it with some friends the night before when we were out and drunk and just discussing this. So i made the thread instead to see what people around the world think. Because in my area it's pretty much onesided.

Oh and BTW HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE BIBLE??? Cause i have. And god is the biggest murder off all in there.
If you even try to come tell me something else then you can just travel on a 10 year vacation to bahamas and start reading the bible.
Cause you got no clue if not.

You also said that "Also superheroes haven't been talked about for thousands of years"
They haven't? Have you been to the cinema past 2 decades? Or dont you have cinema in estonia?  ::)
Havent you looked in the bookshelves off your libraries that i bet you have?
Thousands of years? Most absurd thing i have read today lmfao.

Greek gods, ancient mythology. Maybe. Superheroes. Nty.

And you also said "If this helps you to live your life better and make better choices then go ahead".
Are you now saying that something is the correct way to believe? Because if he make good choices as a christian.
He couldnt have med good choices as an atheist? Or budhist?. What you said in that sentence, is the real offending thing in here.
Because after what i have experienced. There is no blueprint on how to live life.

You might follow ISIS and believe in what they believe in. As long as they make "better choices" for themselves it's ok?
You're tripping. Tripping realllllllllllll bad.

Also i don't need to be told about European school systems. Thank you very much.
Scandinavian school system and european school system is not the same. Dont come here and tell me you know how my school system work unless you went through the grades.
You need to be told a lot off stuff, like get away from my topic until you learn to reflect comments. You are so obsessed with me and my comments in here that you are blindfolded
and can't see what i respond to. You went personal, not me.

^Now that is a long ass reply.
Lol, Might wanna take a break :D Btw avenus, No hard feelings aye? we can joke, have fun together.

I'm usually not as active here, but my discord is ashootsh. Hit me up if you wanna talk :)
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Re: Religion
« Reply #139 on: July 28, 2015, 08:29:32 pm »
Nono ash there is no hard feelings. I just wanted to know why people believed in what they did.
And then debate it. We are all grown up in different communities. And environment and communities and friends and family have a big impact on how you are as a person.

If i met you irl ash i wouldnt even mention the fact you are religious.
I have friends that are muslims, budhists, christians and so on.
I am always up for a discussion but it never ends up being like im right fuck you jump off a cliff... :D

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Re: Religion
« Reply #140 on: July 28, 2015, 08:38:50 pm »
Nono ash there is no hard feelings. I just wanted to know why people believed in what they did.
And then debate it. We are all grown up in different communities. And environment and communities and friends and family have a big impact on how you are as a person.

If i met you irl ash i wouldnt even mention the fact you are religious.
I have friends that are muslims, budhists, christians and so on.
I am always up for a discussion but it never ends up being like im right fuck you jump off a cliff... :D

I'm usually not as active here, but my discord is ashootsh. Hit me up if you wanna talk :)
I'm here from now & then.. don't worry

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Re: Religion
« Reply #141 on: July 28, 2015, 09:29:53 pm »
My comment that religion isn't a bad thing is right in some cases, and also wrong in some cases. It affects different people in different ways.
*Cough* The Crusades *Cough*
Just one example of religion being a bad thing. Sometimes it can help people, and sometimes it makes people do terrible things.
But there are people, like Avenus said, that go to prison and come out as better people. In conclusion, religions help some people, and hurt others.

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Offline Joshiee

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Re: Religion
« Reply #142 on: August 02, 2015, 04:32:37 am »
Nobody has ever killed in the name of atheism.


Offline D0nt Rang It

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Re: Religion
« Reply #143 on: August 13, 2015, 08:14:55 am »
Yes, I believe in Allah, Islam.
Nowadays Islam is been given a bad face by social media and America and co.
But Islam is the most peaceful and loving religion out there.
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Re: Religion
« Reply #144 on: August 13, 2015, 12:45:06 pm »
Yes, I believe in Allah, Islam.
Nowadays Islam is been given a bad face by social media and America and co.
But Islam is the most peaceful and loving religion out there.
my nigga ;)

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Offline Bubblebeam2

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Re: Religion
« Reply #145 on: August 13, 2015, 01:38:54 pm »
Yes, I believe in Allah, Islam.
Nowadays Islam is been given a bad face by social media and America and co.
But Islam is the most peaceful and loving religion out there.
Islam is a great religion. There's about 99% of good people who belive in Islam,  and then there's the 1% who are terrorists. For whatever reason,  here in America everyone overlooks the 99% and only see the 1%.

Thomy [21|Sep 03:14 pm]:   :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman: :batman:

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Re: Religion
« Reply #146 on: August 13, 2015, 02:19:31 pm »
Yes, I believe in Allah, Islam.
Nowadays Islam is been given a bad face by social media and America and co.
But Islam is the most peaceful and loving religion out there.
Islam is a great religion. There's about 99% of good people who belive in Islam,  and then there's the 1% who are terrorists. For whatever reason,  here in America everyone overlooks the 99% and only see the 1%.

It's the media brainwashing the stupid people, a.k.a. the majority.

Offline Joshiee

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Re: Religion
« Reply #147 on: August 15, 2015, 05:14:54 am »
"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Qur'an 2:191
"Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood." Qur'an 9:123
"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Qur'an 9:5
"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Qur'an 3:85
"The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them."... Qur'an 9:30
"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Qur'an 5:33
"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies." Qur'an 22:19
"The unbelievers are silly, urge the Muslims to fight them." Qur'an 8:65
"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Qur'an 3:28
"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Qur'an 8:12
"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Qur'an 8:60

« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 05:25:04 am by Joshiee »

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Re: Religion
« Reply #148 on: August 15, 2015, 05:28:30 am »
I don't believe in god nor any of the crap the bible says (the superficial stuff at least) but I'm still a christian. Mainly because I want to get married in church and stuff like that

Srry but you are 100% retarded and stupid. With out god you cant do shit!

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Re: Religion
« Reply #149 on: August 15, 2015, 06:09:26 am »
"Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Qur'an 2:191
"Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood." Qur'an 9:123
"When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Qur'an 9:5
"Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Qur'an 3:85
"The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them."... Qur'an 9:30
"Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Qur'an 5:33
"Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies." Qur'an 22:19
"The unbelievers are silly, urge the Muslims to fight them." Qur'an 8:65
"Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Qur'an 3:28
"Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Qur'an 8:12
"Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Qur'an 8:60


Lets look at History instead.
Occupation of Mecca, 629 CE: Upon victory, Muhammad emphasized on refraining from fighting instead of slaughtering the entire population of the Idol worshippers who occupied Mecca at the time.

Now at your selections from the Quraan:
>"kill the unbelievers"
Idol worshippers are nonbelievers, yet they were not killed when found
>"make war with infidels"
Did happen, but as a result of failed diplomatic attempts.
>"kill infidels where you catch them"
Idol worshippers not killed

From what I learned, all Muslims take Muhammad as the ideal figure to try strive to be like. If Muhammad didn't do as the Quraan had 'decreed', and he is the representative of the Religion , either Muhammad was an infidel, or the selections are being taken out of context/are open to interpretation depending on the situations at hand.

If someone kills another person—unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth—it is as if he had murdered all mankind (Al-Ma'idah 5: 32)

The "unless" clause seems pretty justified to me. And when the religion condones senseless killing to such a degree, I fail to see how that religion, as you claim, advocates it.

inb4 50000 more quotes from the quraan saying it advocates murder when i just fucking said history's seen otherwise

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