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Offline 3st Ranger X

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Re: Religion
« Reply #480 on: November 20, 2015, 10:02:51 pm »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?

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Re: Religion
« Reply #481 on: November 20, 2015, 10:14:53 pm »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?
what did i just read?
A wannabe conspiracy theorists uneducated opinion on a subject he has no idea of.

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Offline Rockmanexe

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Re: Religion
« Reply #482 on: November 21, 2015, 07:39:37 pm »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

thanks so much fate-kun

Offline 3st Ranger X

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Re: Religion
« Reply #483 on: November 21, 2015, 10:16:27 pm »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

That moment when i dont care that some random dude from somewhere random calls me scumbag. I'm free to say whatever i want, and so i will.

Offline Rockmanexe

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Re: Religion
« Reply #484 on: November 21, 2015, 10:42:28 pm »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

That moment when i dont care that some random dude from somewhere random calls me scumbag. I'm free to say whatever i want, and so i will.
i merely stated my opinion of you nothing else, if there isn't a rule against racism , then there really should be.

thanks so much fate-kun

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Re: Religion
« Reply #485 on: November 22, 2015, 10:10:17 am »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

That moment when i dont care that some random dude from somewhere random calls me scumbag. I'm free to say whatever i want, and so i will.
i merely stated my opinion of you nothing else, if there isn't a rule against racism , then there really should be.
Insulting retards isnt racism, retards are not a race.
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Offline Rockmanexe

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Re: Religion
« Reply #486 on: November 22, 2015, 10:38:10 am »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

That moment when i dont care that some random dude from somewhere random calls me scumbag. I'm free to say whatever i want, and so i will.
i merely stated my opinion of you nothing else, if there isn't a rule against racism , then there really should be.
Insulting retards isnt racism, retards are not a race.
it's not that only comment that applies to him. every single comment, he has to be a total douche.

here is something good for you: showing a little bit of respect for other people, would only get you respect

thanks so much fate-kun

Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: Religion
« Reply #487 on: November 22, 2015, 11:19:08 am »
Paris attacks occur: within 8 minutes, Obama has a speech ready to be delivered n shit. Guy blows himself up, everything gets the destroyed, except for his passport. 9/11? Inside job? And obviously, they are heard saying Islamic verses. Like seriously?

Did your mom drop you when you were younger?
out of all people in this game you are the biggest scumbag that anyone could meet for various reasons,I'll tell you what, you gain absolutely nothing from insulting people.

That moment when i dont care that some random dude from somewhere random calls me scumbag. I'm free to say whatever i want, and so i will.
i merely stated my opinion of you nothing else, if there isn't a rule against racism , then there really should be.
Insulting retards isnt racism, retards are not a race.
it's not that only comment that applies to him. every single comment, he has to be a total douche.

here is something good for you: showing a little bit of respect for other people, would only get you respect
we are going a bit off topic here.
so guys, guys, lets all be friends, there's no need to fight about d0nt rang it. he's probably reading all of our comments and laughing his ass off.

Offline Anarchy X3

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Re: Religion
« Reply #488 on: November 26, 2015, 11:19:46 am »

Offline Desno

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Re: Religion
« Reply #489 on: December 01, 2015, 06:35:21 pm »
Do you believe in a God? Yes I do

Why do you believe in God? Because I found faith after attending Sunday mass regularly as a child

Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe? Belief in God does not define whether you are a good person, you could be the most strict Muslim or strict Catholic on Earth, but how you are as a person, the actions you make and the words you speak, they define if you are a good person... I know plenty of religious people who were definitely not good people - just like I know many Atheists who are good people!

Have you experienced anything out off the natural? Yes I have, basically a meaningful song came on one day when I was home alone, I went to the toilet, so I left my the music playing on my computer, once I had  finished and began to wash my hands, just as I heard the chorus coming on, the song got turned up really loud. When I went back to my computer, it was as I left it, but the music was just insanely loud.
Vukovar - Main
Desno - Zerker

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Re: Religion
« Reply #490 on: December 02, 2015, 03:50:32 pm »
Do you believe in a God? Yes I do

Why do you believe in God? Because I found faith after attending Sunday mass regularly as a child

Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe? Belief in God does not define whether you are a good person, you could be the most strict Muslim or strict Catholic on Earth, but how you are as a person, the actions you make and the words you speak, they define if you are a good person... I know plenty of religious people who were definitely not good people - just like I know many Atheists who are good people!

Have you experienced anything out off the natural? Yes I have, basically a meaningful song came on one day when I was home alone, I went to the toilet, so I left my the music playing on my computer, once I had  finished and began to wash my hands, just as I heard the chorus coming on, the song got turned up really loud. When I went back to my computer, it was as I left it, but the music was just insanely loud.
God spoke to you while taking a shit, what are your thoughts?

Offline Justin Bieber

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Re: Religion
« Reply #491 on: December 02, 2015, 04:01:07 pm »
Do you believe in a God? Yes I do

Why do you believe in God? Because I found faith after attending Sunday mass regularly as a child

Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe? Belief in God does not define whether you are a good person, you could be the most strict Muslim or strict Catholic on Earth, but how you are as a person, the actions you make and the words you speak, they define if you are a good person... I know plenty of religious people who were definitely not good people - just like I know many Atheists who are good people!

Have you experienced anything out off the natural? Yes I have, basically a meaningful song came on one day when I was home alone, I went to the toilet, so I left my the music playing on my computer, once I had  finished and began to wash my hands, just as I heard the chorus coming on, the song got turned up really loud. When I went back to my computer, it was as I left it, but the music was just insanely loud.

Isn't this what we call going in to a psychosis?
Be nice to people on your way up because you might meet them again on your way back down.

Fate [10|Dec 01:31 am]:   It's an unsettling moment when Even knows the rules better than a staff member.
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Offline Zudikas95187

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Re: Religion
« Reply #492 on: December 02, 2015, 05:42:12 pm »
justin bieber
am i laughing from your name wayyyy to hard...yes.
are you actually justin...yes.
should you get insta and ip banned...from life...if you are justin bieber...YES.

going on topic, i do believe in god, and i used to walk to weekly ceremony every sunday, now i just rarely go to church :\
but i still believe there is an after life.
note: i'm a catholic, ty.

Offline Desno

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Re: Religion
« Reply #493 on: December 05, 2015, 01:03:33 pm »
Do you believe in a God? Yes I do

Why do you believe in God? Because I found faith after attending Sunday mass regularly as a child

Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe? Belief in God does not define whether you are a good person, you could be the most strict Muslim or strict Catholic on Earth, but how you are as a person, the actions you make and the words you speak, they define if you are a good person... I know plenty of religious people who were definitely not good people - just like I know many Atheists who are good people!

Have you experienced anything out off the natural? Yes I have, basically a meaningful song came on one day when I was home alone, I went to the toilet, so I left my the music playing on my computer, once I had  finished and began to wash my hands, just as I heard the chorus coming on, the song got turned up really loud. When I went back to my computer, it was as I left it, but the music was just insanely loud.

Isn't this what we call going in to a psychosis?

Call it what you want, to me, it's faith.
Vukovar - Main
Desno - Zerker

Offline A1r

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Re: Religion
« Reply #494 on: February 09, 2016, 08:08:15 pm »
I just found this topic lol , religion is funny.... no one knows who's right but we are all willing to kill or discredit each other for what we believe to be the truth. I have my own beliefs and experiences, the world is too beautiful and expansive to be so black and white(with out having some spiritual nature). I believe in a afterlife as well, but in this material plane I also believe the only thing that truly exist is my own conscious. reality isn't really real.. the only "real" thing is what we perceive. in the Christian bible there is a story about how a man doubted god so god withdrew his presence from this man for 40 years. so in a sense it would be true to say for that man in those 40 years god did not exist. but to have a doubt in god, would also mean their was a god for you to lack certainty in. I believe in god  and I am a Christian but that does not limit me to only believing what everyone says. the bible says believe jesus is lord and god and to repented for your sins then baptized in water. I'm a very spiritual person but I'm very practical at the same time. stuff like the big bang theory and evolution just don't make sense.  yes there might be a 'god" particle but that doest explain intelligent life. these are just some of my thought lol

p.s I'm just trying to get my 10 post done so I can post on forums freely..
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