wait what you are saying religions have more holes than big bang theory, tell me 1 hole in islam and i will shut up , since you lack knowledge about islam you will use wiki or any other internet source
so yeah go on, ill fix every corrupt thought about islam
The quran itself is the hole. That damn book is more than a thousand year old and you expect us to believe in it? if people are this ignorant enough to believe in it, imagine how ignorant they were a thousand years ago when delusional people wrote it.
3- ever wondered why almost everyone who was muslim since he was kid never really changed his mind and started being atheist?
because once you're brainwashed it's very hard to get unbrainwashed
ignored everything and directly went on to make a joke hmm
Because they actually are brainwashed in case you don't know it. if a kid would choose by himself/herself, i bet most of them wouldn't believe any of that nonsense. the parents are the ones responsible of their religion.
did you even reconsider anything else i wrote?? no you didn't ofc
a dumb answer as usual would be: because it's bullshit
I find it thoroughly enjoying at how much of a hypocrite you're being. "Did you even read what I wrote blah blah blah".
You're not reading his replies either, lol.
I agree with Suryoyo, parents force children into religion. From a young age kids are fed horse shit regarding religion, my own personal view is, let your child grow up and choose to be religious or not. If I ask you one simple question, will you answer it honestly?
When you started going to church/mosque whatever, was it your choice, or did your parents take you while you were growing up? Making it become apart of your life, something you do to this day because it's how you've been raised.