Miscellaneous > Debates


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Do you believe in a God?
Why do you believe in God?
Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?

Have you experienced anything out off the natural?
If so, tell me. I would like to hear :P

In my opinion, i can't believe something i can't see.
Here is a quote that explains perfectly fine what i believe in :P

I dont believe in heaven and hell. I dont know if i believe in god.
All i know is that as an individual, i wont allow this life - the only thing i know to exist - to be wasted. - George Clooney

"Religion. It’s just the ultimate hustle. Why can’t god just defeat the devil? It’s the same reason a comic book character can’t defeat his nemesis. Then there’s no story. If god gets rid of the devil, and he could because he’s all powerful, well there’s no fear. No reason to come to church." -unknown

I don't believe in god, but ill make some valid points in people who believe in gods favor once the debate start :D

Normal forum and debate rules apply, dont go off-topic or personal!

I can predict the future. I am swegod, the swegger. I believe in myself.

I predict this topic is going to turn into a shitstorm real fast


--- Quote from: Weed4u2 on July 23, 2015, 10:37:38 am ---I can predict the future. I am swegod, the swegger.

I predict this topic is going to turn into a shitstorm real fast

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Weed4u2 on July 23, 2015, 10:37:38 am ---I can predict the future. I am swegod, the swegger.

I predict this topic is going to turn into a shitstorm real fast

--- End quote ---

atleast when you go out off the topic as first reply.
Someone ip ban this swegod? Thx in advance


that sums up everything :kappa:


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