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Offline King125

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Re: Religion
« Reply #495 on: February 09, 2016, 08:40:11 pm »
I just found this topic lol , religion is funny.... no one knows who's right but we are all willing to kill or discredit each other for what we believe to be the truth. I have my own beliefs and experiences, the world is too beautiful and expansive to be so black and white(with out having some spiritual nature). I believe in a afterlife as well, but in this material plane I also believe the only thing that truly exist is my own conscious. reality isn't really real.. the only "real" thing is what we perceive. in the Christian bible there is a story about how a man doubted god so god withdrew his presence from this man for 40 years. so in a sense it would be true to say for that man in those 40 years god did not exist. but to have a doubt in god, would also mean their was a god for you to lack certainty in. I believe in god  and I am a Christian but that does not limit me to only believing what everyone says. the bible says believe jesus is lord and god and to repented for your sins then baptized in water. I'm a very spiritual person but I'm very practical at the same time. stuff like the big bang theory and evolution just don't make sense.  yes there might be a 'god" particle but that doest explain intelligent life. these are just some of my thought lol

p.s I'm just trying to get my 10 post done so I can post on forums freely..
Holy shit an actual rational person on this topic. It's a miracle.

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Offline Rocklal

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Re: Religion
« Reply #496 on: February 18, 2016, 03:47:29 pm »
I believe in god and actually in allah.
but I still support the evolution theory until a certain point though, however bigbang theory is false and there's no denying it, for several scientific reasons it just doesn't make sense, and that's why it's still a theory.

as for why do I believe in allah that's because I was convinced entirely by my own research :D.
I read so many books and articles, and one of them is called my aithiest friend

Offline Charr

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Re: Religion
« Reply #497 on: February 18, 2016, 04:18:23 pm »
but I still support the evolution theory until a certain point though, however bigbang theory is false and there's no denying it, for several scientific reasons it just doesn't make sense, and that's why it's still a theory.

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Re: Religion
« Reply #498 on: February 27, 2016, 04:49:24 am »
How is this topic still alive lol....
also 10k views....

I'm usually not as active here, but my discord is ashootsh. Hit me up if you wanna talk :)
I'm here from now & then.. don't worry

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Re: Religion
« Reply #499 on: March 05, 2016, 10:04:47 pm »
I don't believe in anything until I see it.

tbh EMIN3M is god

Offline Skelon

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Re: Religion
« Reply #500 on: March 07, 2016, 07:42:35 pm »
Big Bang theory is more believable than the bible/Quran purely because these scientists show us facts and figures where as a book was written by some guy/woman however many years ago, if you want me to believe what has been written in a book then where is my hogwarts acceptance letter?
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Offline Yaz

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Re: Religion
« Reply #501 on: March 08, 2016, 06:57:58 am »
Big Bang theory is more believable than the bible/Quran purely because these scientists show us facts and figures where as a book was written by some guy/woman however many years ago, if you want me to believe what has been written in a book then where is my hogwarts acceptance letter?

Brb throwing some bombs and making humans



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Re: Religion
« Reply #502 on: March 08, 2016, 08:05:06 am »
Big Bang theory is more believable than the bible/Quran purely because these scientists show us facts and figures where as a book was written by some guy/woman however many years ago, if you want me to believe what has been written in a book then where is my hogwarts acceptance letter?

Brb throwing some bombs and making humans



Considering it wasn't a bomb but okay,

Ive read the bible and find it hard to believe
This is more believable to me
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Offline Zeepleeuw

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Re: Religion
« Reply #503 on: March 08, 2016, 08:17:10 am »
Big Bang theory is more believable than the bible/Quran purely because these scientists show us facts and figures where as a book was written by some guy/woman however many years ago, if you want me to believe what has been written in a book then where is my hogwarts acceptance letter?

Brb throwing some bombs and making humans


Big Bang didn't only create earth ;) also, there was no life on the planet Earth for a long time
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Offline Nightfall12

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Re: Religion
« Reply #504 on: March 08, 2016, 04:22:57 pm »
Do you believe in a God?
Why do you believe in God?
Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?

Have you experienced anything out off the natural?
If so, tell me. I would like to hear :P

In my opinion, i can't believe something i can't see.
Here is a quote that explains perfectly fine what i believe in :P

I dont believe in heaven and hell. I dont know if i believe in god.
All i know is that as an individual, i wont allow this life - the only thing i know to exist - to be wasted. - George Clooney

"Religion. It’s just the ultimate hustle. Why can’t god just defeat the devil? It’s the same reason a comic book character can’t defeat his nemesis. Then there’s no story. If god gets rid of the devil, and he could because he’s all powerful, well there’s no fear. No reason to come to church." -unknown

I don't believe in god, but ill make some valid points in people who believe in gods favor once the debate start :D

Normal forum and debate rules apply, dont go off-topic or personal!

I believe in a oneness, you may call this God,Buddah,Goddess,Allah,etc. To be specific this God is all of us, we are all apart of the "God" experience. We create and destroy. In fact to say God is male is false for "God" is not a specific gender nor being to be precise.

She is all that is, all that isn't, all that will ever be; The space you see and the space you don't see.

I don't believe in the Bible, I think there is good teachings that can be applied to your life to help you become a more evolved being. However nothing should be taken literal in anyway. I don't believe in "Right" and "Wrong" those are things society created that consistently change corresponding to our evolution as a species.

I don't believe in Hell/Satan, the same way I don't believe in right/wrong. It's a slap to Gods face when you say there's right/wrong the same way you say there's Hell.

1.) If God is all powerful she could easily just eradicate your very existence, there's is no need for Hell.

2.) If She gave us free will why would he say "Oh hey but don't do this", what kind of free will is that? It's a contradiction, thus again invented by Humans.

I honestly believe organized religion is one of the biggest evils of the world, how many nations have fallen, people killed/tortured etc, in the name of one God/Goddess. You don't need to do anything to be with "God" or pay anything or attend anything, eat/drink/do/become etc.

God is all around you every day, speaking to you constantly, she's in the words you're reading now, or in the lyrics of a song you listened to, or the words your friends just spoke, in the animal you just saw, the rivers that flow, list goes on.

Our purpose here is to simply remember who we are spiritually, to be who we have always been, to experience the things that don't make us, US. To live the experience of God. For God to know itself, it must experience itself through us, but in the end we are still one.

Example: You're baking a pie in the kitchen put the air smells wonderful, you go into the bathroom and the air is not so nice, or you do into the attic and say "Hey it's stuffy in here!" So you open a window to get some air, in reality it's all the same air, just in different perspectives, which is a first grade example of our Soul(s).

We are all one, in this together, there is no death, time does not exist, it's one moment. There is no sin, wrong/right.

There's a fraction of what I believe in, there's so much more but it'd take a while to type.
"Look unto the stars to teach us
 How the master’s thoughts can reach us
 Each one follows Newton’s math Silently along its path.”

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Offline Yaz

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Re: Religion
« Reply #505 on: March 09, 2016, 06:46:42 am »
Big Bang theory is more believable than the bible/Quran purely because these scientists show us facts and figures where as a book was written by some guy/woman however many years ago, if you want me to believe what has been written in a book then where is my hogwarts acceptance letter?

Brb throwing some bombs and making humans



Considering it wasn't a bomb but okay,

Ive read the bible and find it hard to believe
This is more believable to me
I don't know what bibble says, I ain't a christian. Neither interested to read either lol

Plus, you got my point of the "bomb" meaning, aka explosion. Or was the big bang something else? ::)

Bubblebeam2 [11|Sep 01:08 am]:   Yaz is love, Yaz is Life
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Charr [11|Oct 09:24 pm]:   Yaz pls stop using riven ult irl.
Emps Loover [07|Dec 09:37 pm]:   I want to see you in a mc donalds suit yaz
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Offline Rocklal

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Re: Religion
« Reply #506 on: March 11, 2016, 12:32:13 am »
Do you believe in a God?
Why do you believe in God?
Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?

Have you experienced anything out off the natural?
If so, tell me. I would like to hear :P

In my opinion, i can't believe something i can't see.
Here is a quote that explains perfectly fine what i believe in :P

I dont believe in heaven and hell. I dont know if i believe in god.
All i know is that as an individual, i wont allow this life - the only thing i know to exist - to be wasted. - George Clooney

"Religion. It’s just the ultimate hustle. Why can’t god just defeat the devil? It’s the same reason a comic book character can’t defeat his nemesis. Then there’s no story. If god gets rid of the devil, and he could because he’s all powerful, well there’s no fear. No reason to come to church." -unknown

I don't believe in god, but ill make some valid points in people who believe in gods favor once the debate start :D

Normal forum and debate rules apply, dont go off-topic or personal!

I believe in a oneness, you may call this God,Buddah,Goddess,Allah,etc. To be specific this God is all of us, we are all apart of the "God" experience. We create and destroy. In fact to say God is male is false for "God" is not a specific gender nor being to be precise.

She is all that is, all that isn't, all that will ever be; The space you see and the space you don't see.

I don't believe in the Bible, I think there is good teachings that can be applied to your life to help you become a more evolved being. However nothing should be taken literal in anyway. I don't believe in "Right" and "Wrong" those are things society created that consistently change corresponding to our evolution as a species.

I don't believe in Hell/Satan, the same way I don't believe in right/wrong. It's a slap to Gods face when you say there's right/wrong the same way you say there's Hell.

1.) If God is all powerful she could easily just eradicate your very existence, there's is no need for Hell.

2.) If She gave us free will why would he say "Oh hey but don't do this", what kind of free will is that? It's a contradiction, thus again invented by Humans.

I honestly believe organized religion is one of the biggest evils of the world, how many nations have fallen, people killed/tortured etc, in the name of one God/Goddess. You don't need to do anything to be with "God" or pay anything or attend anything, eat/drink/do/become etc.

God is all around you every day, speaking to you constantly, she's in the words you're reading now, or in the lyrics of a song you listened to, or the words your friends just spoke, in the animal you just saw, the rivers that flow, list goes on.

Our purpose here is to simply remember who we are spiritually, to be who we have always been, to experience the things that don't make us, US. To live the experience of God. For God to know itself, it must experience itself through us, but in the end we are still one.

Example: You're baking a pie in the kitchen put the air smells wonderful, you go into the bathroom and the air is not so nice, or you do into the attic and say "Hey it's stuffy in here!" So you open a window to get some air, in reality it's all the same air, just in different perspectives, which is a first grade example of our Soul(s).

We are all one, in this together, there is no death, time does not exist, it's one moment. There is no sin, wrong/right.

There's a fraction of what I believe in, there's so much more but it'd take a while to type.

logically saying, so many things you mentioned were beyond human acceptance and understanding, it's really messed up. how can possibly anyone imagine that time doesn't exist.
if time doesn't exist then there is no night or morning neither spring nor fall, I think that's absolutely wrong.
as for my part, the reason I believe in religion is the "soul" it's the thing that can't be explained well.
basically if there is no soul then there is no what we call a "human" or even an animal.
what I mean by that is they will start aacting like robots even if there body parts were functioned.
it's shows how mysterious the "soul" is.
also so many things in this world happened with no logical explanation,  for example "dreams" they aren't explained until our day, nor we know the real cause behind it, I mean sometimes you dream while nothing really special happens in your daily life.
and the reason i believe in allah is another story which happened in the past.
I was about 13 years old and my heart was hesitating, I was really lost that time, people walking around me like they had no purpose but in the end of the day they all have a purpose, what was going through my mind. thoughts like "why am I even walking" and" will I ever reach my goal" has went through my mnd the whole time, until I say "that" a light in the sky shined and landed on the top of aqsa mosque then before anyone knew it, "it" already took off, something that seems to mean nothing, changed a life of person so much, that day I felt like "how supreb" I still recall that day very well, one can't just ignore that can we

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Re: Religion
« Reply #507 on: March 14, 2016, 07:39:05 pm »
Do you believe in a God?
Why do you believe in God?
Does it make you a better/worse person to believe or not believe?

Have you experienced anything out off the natural?
If so, tell me. I would like to hear :P

In my opinion, i can't believe something i can't see.
Here is a quote that explains perfectly fine what i believe in :P

I dont believe in heaven and hell. I dont know if i believe in god.
All i know is that as an individual, i wont allow this life - the only thing i know to exist - to be wasted. - George Clooney

"Religion. It’s just the ultimate hustle. Why can’t god just defeat the devil? It’s the same reason a comic book character can’t defeat his nemesis. Then there’s no story. If god gets rid of the devil, and he could because he’s all powerful, well there’s no fear. No reason to come to church." -unknown

I don't believe in god, but ill make some valid points in people who believe in gods favor once the debate start :D

Normal forum and debate rules apply, dont go off-topic or personal!

I believe in a oneness, you may call this God,Buddah,Goddess,Allah,etc. To be specific this God is all of us, we are all apart of the "God" experience. We create and destroy. In fact to say God is male is false for "God" is not a specific gender nor being to be precise.

She is all that is, all that isn't, all that will ever be; The space you see and the space you don't see.

I don't believe in the Bible, I think there is good teachings that can be applied to your life to help you become a more evolved being. However nothing should be taken literal in anyway. I don't believe in "Right" and "Wrong" those are things society created that consistently change corresponding to our evolution as a species.

I don't believe in Hell/Satan, the same way I don't believe in right/wrong. It's a slap to Gods face when you say there's right/wrong the same way you say there's Hell.

1.) If God is all powerful she could easily just eradicate your very existence, there's is no need for Hell.

2.) If She gave us free will why would he say "Oh hey but don't do this", what kind of free will is that? It's a contradiction, thus again invented by Humans.

I honestly believe organized religion is one of the biggest evils of the world, how many nations have fallen, people killed/tortured etc, in the name of one God/Goddess. You don't need to do anything to be with "God" or pay anything or attend anything, eat/drink/do/become etc.

God is all around you every day, speaking to you constantly, she's in the words you're reading now, or in the lyrics of a song you listened to, or the words your friends just spoke, in the animal you just saw, the rivers that flow, list goes on.

Our purpose here is to simply remember who we are spiritually, to be who we have always been, to experience the things that don't make us, US. To live the experience of God. For God to know itself, it must experience itself through us, but in the end we are still one.

Example: You're baking a pie in the kitchen put the air smells wonderful, you go into the bathroom and the air is not so nice, or you do into the attic and say "Hey it's stuffy in here!" So you open a window to get some air, in reality it's all the same air, just in different perspectives, which is a first grade example of our Soul(s).

We are all one, in this together, there is no death, time does not exist, it's one moment. There is no sin, wrong/right.

There's a fraction of what I believe in, there's so much more but it'd take a while to type.

logically saying, so many things you mentioned were beyond human acceptance and understanding, it's really messed up. how can possibly anyone imagine that time doesn't exist.
if time doesn't exist then there is no night or morning neither spring nor fall, I think that's absolutely wrong.
as for my part, the reason I believe in religion is the "soul" it's the thing that can't be explained well.
basically if there is no soul then there is no what we call a "human" or even an animal.
what I mean by that is they will start aacting like robots even if there body parts were functioned.
it's shows how mysterious the "soul" is.
also so many things in this world happened with no logical explanation,  for example "dreams" they aren't explained until our day, nor we know the real cause behind it, I mean sometimes you dream while nothing really special happens in your daily life.
and the reason i believe in allah is another story which happened in the past.
I was about 13 years old and my heart was hesitating, I was really lost that time, people walking around me like they had no purpose but in the end of the day they all have a purpose, what was going through my mind. thoughts like "why am I even walking" and" will I ever reach my goal" has went through my mnd the whole time, until I say "that" a light in the sky shined and landed on the top of aqsa mosque then before anyone knew it, "it" already took off, something that seems to mean nothing, changed a life of person so much, that day I felt like "how supreb" I still recall that day very well, one can't just ignore that can we

Time is a tool of measurement to better help us comprehend daily life. Just as we use Lbs/Kilos to determine the heaviness of an object. If we take away the tool of measurement for weight(Pounds/Kilos/etc) that object does not all of a sudden become weightless or less than it was or vice versa. It just is as it was. So stating that if time exist would not all of a sudden eliminate Morning/Fall/Spring/Day/Night is illogical.

Time is just a tool a measurement.

You believe in Allah because your parents/teachers/elders told you to so that is now apart of your sub-consciousnesses. So when you dream of course you believe it to be Allah. If you were raised in a Christian household you would it it was Jesus.

I don't disagree with you about your dream in anyway, but all means I'm happy you have a enlightened experience that changed your life in a positive way, I just disagree with calling Allah of a certain Gender/Form, since I believe God/Allah/Buddha (Etc) is all the same. Just different cultures have their own ideology on the subject so they shape it in their likeness.

Check your privilege bro.

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Re: Religion
« Reply #508 on: November 26, 2017, 06:41:10 pm »
I found this and read through all the "debating"
LOL ur all so lost on this...
just ask god urself if u dont understand something about him  ;D

here's a link to one of gods prophets:
you may find some aswers here too...

sorry i'm 1 year late with this reply lol
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