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Offline Gold2m

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2014, 09:18:26 pm »
The trucks were half empty when they reached Ukraine tho. Military items were dropped off before.

Offline Fireblast12

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2014, 10:15:20 pm »
The trucks were half empty when they reached Ukraine tho. Military items were dropped off before.

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2014, 11:38:15 am »
Don't know about Russia vs Ukraine, but I think China has a large impact on the economy of the world, and economy of the USA. Much more than USA has impact on the rest of the world.

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2014, 02:49:03 pm »
The motherland will rise again.

IGN: Rican soul15

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2014, 09:14:06 pm »
The trucks were half empty when they reached Ukraine tho. Military items were dropped off before.
Teacher in my school told that the trucks were suppose to be half empty. They went empty to Ukraine and came back with Ukrainian army equipment. Now when russians decide to shoot another airplane down, look whos equipment was used..

First ever russian F1 GP took place today.. Was quite funny to see Putin walking around there. He arrived like 14laps before the end, and pretty much after each lap they had to show him on tv >_<

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Offline Fireblast12

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2014, 11:47:33 am »
The trucks were half empty when they reached Ukraine tho. Military items were dropped off before.
Teacher in my school told that the trucks were suppose to be half empty. They went empty to Ukraine and came back with Ukrainian army equipment. Now when russians decide to shoot another airplane down, look whos equipment was used..

First ever russian F1 GP took place today.. Was quite funny to see Putin walking around there. He arrived like 14laps before the end, and pretty much after each lap they had to show him on tv >_<
No proof that russia shot down the planes ^^

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2014, 07:47:02 am »
i'd like to apologize for the long post but please bear with me because i have alot to say  ;)
i'm not a European but i'll say my opinion as a victim of great powers.

first of all we need to know that wars don't happen for no reason, starting from civil wars in Africa and ending with world wars. There is this theory in international relations that says: "everything goes by interest".So no matter where the war happens you need to look at the interests behind it.

We, people who live in the so called third world, know better than anyone the ulterior motives and the reasons behind these wars, whether in the middle east, Africa, or Europe. Imperialism is your answer to this matter.From the very start of the world itself, great powers always attempted to rule over as much as possible from the world map, and have always strived for power. the issue of Ukraine, as well as Syria, Iraq,African countries...etc is as simple as this. powerful countries always  try to use small and weaker countries to even become more powerful and rich. while trying to do that, as a great power you'll eventually clash with other great powers. History has seen many devastating wars that left nothing but regrets for people,and that is where fear enters the game. we have yet to experience a great war like WW1 or 2, so Russia and America, the two great powers that rule the international system are not interested in such a war. So they use other countries for their clashes, which is exactly the case in Ukraine.

I myself not really on anyone's side but looking at the scene from afar i can say that what happened there was that USA wanted to score a point at Russia so it was best to try and win Ukraine to use it for many things that threatens Russia, such as installing rockets batteries there and using Ukraine's air in the worst case scenario. But of course Russia did not take that laying, so they decided to urge the Russian people who live there to start a riot and demand to gain independence, which has really lit the civil war's first spark and still continues to make things worst there.

lastly, i would like to say that i'm too sad for what is happening there because i know, as a middle eastern, how devastating civil wars can be. i hope that the issue gets solved soon and no one gets hurt anymore.   

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2014, 08:01:42 am »
Tbh russia just answering on the shit 'muricans are doing to russia.
Europe is just a slave of 'murica.
>Tbh russia just answering on the shit 'muricans are doing to russia.
Answering? That's a pretty aggressive way to answer. To what anyways? What are the things americans do to Russia, that Russia's "answer" is attacking Ukraine? Where's the logic?

>Europe is just a slave of 'murica
Europe? You do know that Russia is a part of Europe?
If you're meaning European Union, then you should know that Ukraine isn't even in it.

I'm sorry, pal, but you're a victim of Putin's propaganda.
Russia didn't attack ukraine, russian led troops into crimea to protect russian citizens from pro european ukrain people...
Geographicaly russia is half europe half asia, you can't tell that russia is fully europe, and ye I meant the union.
In ukraine there was a revolution, pro russian ukrains vs pro european ukrains.
Pro europeans breached the parlement building and took the power ILLEGALY, then they declared a war to russian people.
The pro europeans who took the power told all the ukrain citizens to kill russian people, they told em that russian people are evil.
After this happening, the ex president of ukraine wrote a letter to putin and asked him to move troops into crimea to protect russian citizens.
Idk if you know the history of crimea but crimea used to be a part of russia, so there are 80%+ russian citizens.
Putin answered to that request and moved his troops into crimea WITHOUT any killings, shooting or w/e.
Then there was a referendum, people of crimea had the choice to vote , they could choose between staying by ukraine or becoming a part of russia.
More than 50% chose the 2nd option.
You can say now "but the referendum was false, propaganda, blablabla.
Other countires like poland led the referendum to be sure that everything would be as honest as it can be.
The thing is, noone saw images and videoclips of the happiness and euphoria of the people of crimea after the referendum cos european scrubs and 'muricans blocked it.
An friends uncle is a russian and he had been in crimea during all this shit.
He told stories about the peace in crimea after the referendum.
Another thing about 'murica.
There were shootings in ukraine and there was a breach on the parlement , pro europeans managed to breach the parlement like I said before.
Guess three times who sponsored all the armory and supplies?
Yes, 'muricans, the one who only care about freedom, democracy and peace.
Last thing, why do you think 'murica wants ukraine to become a part of the european union?
'murica wants to come as close as they can to russia  so that if needed they can just attack russia in a very fast and deadly way.
Ukraine is a "buffer" state between russia and 'murica+european union.
then let's talk about the sanctions.
Europe started the sanctions against russia, russia answered them with their own sanctions.
Putin even said ' we will drop our sanctions if you drop yours'.
Now you dare to say that putin spreads propaganda and 'murica and europe are honest countries that never did anything wrong.
I think that you are a victim of propaganda, not me.
Sources: Have family in russia, have friends in ukraine, lots of tv(both russian and european), lots of internet, lots of reading , lots of discusions.
Ps: I know that I wrote tons of mistakes, idgaf :c
i can't agree more, you said everything that i wanted to say and didn't include in my reply , although i'm a bit against the way you refer to USA and you are a bit too biased  ;D

Offline Fireblast12

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2014, 08:07:39 am »
Tbh russia just answering on the shit 'muricans are doing to russia.
Europe is just a slave of 'murica.
>Tbh russia just answering on the shit 'muricans are doing to russia.
Answering? That's a pretty aggressive way to answer. To what anyways? What are the things americans do to Russia, that Russia's "answer" is attacking Ukraine? Where's the logic?

>Europe is just a slave of 'murica
Europe? You do know that Russia is a part of Europe?
If you're meaning European Union, then you should know that Ukraine isn't even in it.

I'm sorry, pal, but you're a victim of Putin's propaganda.
Russia didn't attack ukraine, russian led troops into crimea to protect russian citizens from pro european ukrain people...
Geographicaly russia is half europe half asia, you can't tell that russia is fully europe, and ye I meant the union.
In ukraine there was a revolution, pro russian ukrains vs pro european ukrains.
Pro europeans breached the parlement building and took the power ILLEGALY, then they declared a war to russian people.
The pro europeans who took the power told all the ukrain citizens to kill russian people, they told em that russian people are evil.
After this happening, the ex president of ukraine wrote a letter to putin and asked him to move troops into crimea to protect russian citizens.
Idk if you know the history of crimea but crimea used to be a part of russia, so there are 80%+ russian citizens.
Putin answered to that request and moved his troops into crimea WITHOUT any killings, shooting or w/e.
Then there was a referendum, people of crimea had the choice to vote , they could choose between staying by ukraine or becoming a part of russia.
More than 50% chose the 2nd option.
You can say now "but the referendum was false, propaganda, blablabla.
Other countires like poland led the referendum to be sure that everything would be as honest as it can be.
The thing is, noone saw images and videoclips of the happiness and euphoria of the people of crimea after the referendum cos european scrubs and 'muricans blocked it.
An friends uncle is a russian and he had been in crimea during all this shit.
He told stories about the peace in crimea after the referendum.
Another thing about 'murica.
There were shootings in ukraine and there was a breach on the parlement , pro europeans managed to breach the parlement like I said before.
Guess three times who sponsored all the armory and supplies?
Yes, 'muricans, the one who only care about freedom, democracy and peace.
Last thing, why do you think 'murica wants ukraine to become a part of the european union?
'murica wants to come as close as they can to russia  so that if needed they can just attack russia in a very fast and deadly way.
Ukraine is a "buffer" state between russia and 'murica+european union.
then let's talk about the sanctions.
Europe started the sanctions against russia, russia answered them with their own sanctions.
Putin even said ' we will drop our sanctions if you drop yours'.
Now you dare to say that putin spreads propaganda and 'murica and europe are honest countries that never did anything wrong.
I think that you are a victim of propaganda, not me.
Sources: Have family in russia, have friends in ukraine, lots of tv(both russian and european), lots of internet, lots of reading , lots of discusions.
Ps: I know that I wrote tons of mistakes, idgaf :c
i can't agree more, you said everything that i wanted to say and didn't include in my reply , although i'm a bit against the way you refer to USA and you are a bit too biased  ;D
I am so mad cos I live in Europe and every day I hear how bad puin is and how good murica is, there is more propaganda in eu than people see.

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

Offline Avenus

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2014, 10:54:21 am »
Wanna know why i am mad?
I am mad cause all the poor pussies aka people from Estonia, Poland and Lithauen is coming
to my fucking country, lets say a dad comes. He works there for 2 months. And get welfare for the rest
of his life from norway cause his wife doesn't work or his child doesnt go to kindergarten.
They get EVERY fucking thing served. House, money to buy food, health care and expenses.

Go earn your own money in your own country.

7 Years ago, there was 866 off you.
Now it's 17279.

Offline Gold2m

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2014, 03:28:53 pm »
Wanna know why i am mad?
I am mad cause all the poor pussies aka people from Estonia, Poland and Lithauen is coming
to my fucking country, lets say a dad comes. He works there for 2 months. And get welfare for the rest
of his life from norway cause his wife doesn't work or his child doesnt go to kindergarten.
They get EVERY fucking thing served. House, money to buy food, health care and expenses.

Go earn your own money in your own country.

7 Years ago, there was 866 off you.
Now it's 17279.
Off topic.


"poor pussies"

Just because they come there to work, doesn't mean they're poor, it's the wage that's shitty. I know plenty of people who work in Scandinavia, but are far from being poor (and were before). Don't be such an egoist and non respectful pig. I'm pretty sure if you'd live in Estonia, you or your parents would do the same thing.

Offline Il Skill L

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2014, 09:11:43 pm »
Wanna know why i am mad?
I am mad cause all the poor pussies aka people from Estonia, Poland and Lithauen is coming
to my fucking country, lets say a dad comes. He works there for 2 months. And get welfare for the rest
of his life from norway cause his wife doesn't work or his child doesnt go to kindergarten.
They get EVERY fucking thing served. House, money to buy food, health care and expenses.

Go earn your own money in your own country.

7 Years ago, there was 866 off you.
Now it's 17279.
Then there's something wrong with your country not us. Change the laws to prevent it and stop complaining. Not our problem that it is made so easy to make better money in Norway.. But 2 months? You must be out of your mind. In finland you must work for 7 years to get finnish pension, and through those 7 years you have to pay your taxes to finland. Its definitely not 2 months in norway.

Don't be such an egoist and non respectful pig.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 09:33:57 pm by Il Skill L »

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Offline Avenus

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2014, 01:48:23 pm »
Wanna know why i am mad?
I am mad cause all the poor pussies aka people from Estonia, Poland and Lithauen is coming
to my fucking country, lets say a dad comes. He works there for 2 months. And get welfare for the rest
of his life from norway cause his wife doesn't work or his child doesnt go to kindergarten.
They get EVERY fucking thing served. House, money to buy food, health care and expenses.

Go earn your own money in your own country.

7 Years ago, there was 866 off you.
Now it's 17279.
Then there's something wrong with your country not us. Change the laws to prevent it and stop complaining. Not our problem that it is made so easy to make better money in Norway.. But 2 months? You must be out of your mind. In finland you must work for 7 years to get finnish pension, and through those 7 years you have to pay your taxes to finland. Its definitely not 2 months in norway.

Don't be such an egoist and non respectful pig.

I didn't talk about sallary did i?
I was talking about the WELFARE MONEY, you guys get.
If you wanna come here and work its fine, but if lets say your dad comes here to work.
Then your mom, brother, you and everyone else in your family should not get welfare money for doing nothing besides living in another country.

Its all fine if you wanna come work, but not do anything and live on our money. That's not ok.

Both of you need to learn to read obviously.
There is 17279 people living on Norwegian Welfare, made from taxes NORWEGIANS pay.
7 years ago, there was 866 off you. 17279-866 = 16413 more in 7 years.

@il skill l, you are here talking of some kind of pension? What the actual fuck.
Do you know what welfare is?

All the money the 17279 people get(most of them doesnt even live here) is from our taxes.
And yes, we should re-write the law.

Offline Fireblast12

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2014, 11:49:01 pm »
What have Estonia, Poland and Lithuania  to do with this topic?:P
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 11:51:08 pm by Fireblast12 »

When soldiers have nowhere to run to - if their bridges have been burned - they fight much harder than they otherwise would have. When you find something that you care about enough, be prepared to burn your bridges.-Chait

Offline Il Skill L

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Re: we Europeans know what's it about
« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2014, 10:30:53 am »
Wanna know why i am mad?
I am mad cause all the poor pussies aka people from Estonia, Poland and Lithauen is coming
to my fucking country, lets say a dad comes. He works there for 2 months. And get welfare for the rest
of his life from norway cause his wife doesn't work or his child doesnt go to kindergarten.
They get EVERY fucking thing served. House, money to buy food, health care and expenses.

Go earn your own money in your own country.

7 Years ago, there was 866 off you.
Now it's 17279.
Then there's something wrong with your country not us. Change the laws to prevent it and stop complaining. Not our problem that it is made so easy to make better money in Norway.. But 2 months? You must be out of your mind. In finland you must work for 7 years to get finnish pension, and through those 7 years you have to pay your taxes to finland. Its definitely not 2 months in norway.

Don't be such an egoist and non respectful pig.

I didn't talk about sallary did i?
I was talking about the WELFARE MONEY, you guys get.
If you wanna come here and work its fine, but if lets say your dad comes here to work.
Then your mom, brother, you and everyone else in your family should not get welfare money for doing nothing besides living in another country.

Its all fine if you wanna come work, but not do anything and live on our money. That's not ok.

Both of you need to learn to read obviously.
There is 17279 people living on Norwegian Welfare, made from taxes NORWEGIANS pay.
7 years ago, there was 866 off you. 17279-866 = 16413 more in 7 years.

@il skill l, you are here talking of some kind of pension? What the actual fuck.
Do you know what welfare is?

All the money the 17279 people get(most of them doesnt even live here) is from our taxes.
And yes, we should re-write the law.
You calling estonians pussies made me angry, should have read more carefully. My bad. But my dad has worked in finland/norway for years and we don't get any kind of welfare money. Care to explain the system?

King125: minimum wage in estonia 2.5€ wtf
King125: 25€ for 10h work day :D :D :D
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