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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2016, 07:22:30 am »
It's actually disgusting seeing the amount of people my age saying the older generation don't deserve a say. My grandad is the most intelligent person I know and he voted out. I'd rather have someone who's seen what being in the EU has done to this country over the past years have a huge say in our vote than someone who's not been around long enough to see the damage that it has caused.

That's a quote from a close family member of mine, and I think she's absolutely right.

The damage? dude UK is the 5th economy of the world, but hey I am sure EU damaged it so badly.

Most of the elderly voted out because of the immigrants and the fascist communist ideas they still have, whereas the youth are way more opened to the globalization.

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2016, 08:19:20 am »
It's actually disgusting seeing the amount of people my age saying the older generation don't deserve a say. My grandad is the most intelligent person I know and he voted out. I'd rather have someone who's seen what being in the EU has done to this country over the past years have a huge say in our vote than someone who's not been around long enough to see the damage that it has caused.

That's a quote from a close family member of mine, and I think she's absolutely right.

The damage? dude UK is the 5th economy of the world, but hey I am sure EU damaged it so badly.

Most of the elderly voted out because of the immigrants and the fascist communist ideas they still have, whereas the youth are way more opened to the globalization.
I think one of the big reasons elderly people voted out was because they were brainwashed by all the leave EU propaganda. Fake promises were made and younger people simply looked past the propaganda, not believing it.


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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2016, 01:43:20 pm »
It's actually disgusting seeing the amount of people my age saying the older generation don't deserve a say. My grandad is the most intelligent person I know and he voted out. I'd rather have someone who's seen what being in the EU has done to this country over the past years have a huge say in our vote than someone who's not been around long enough to see the damage that it has caused.

That's a quote from a close family member of mine, and I think she's absolutely right.

The damage? dude UK is the 5th economy of the world, but hey I am sure EU damaged it so badly.

Most of the elderly voted out because of the immigrants and the fascist communist ideas they still have, whereas the youth are way more opened to the globalization.
I think one of the big reasons elderly people voted out was because they were brainwashed by all the leave EU propaganda. Fake promises were made and younger people simply looked past the propaganda, not believing it.
What? No no no. Propaganda is made for the young people, old people don't fall for tricks. Elders are just more conservative than the youth, which is completely normal too.

@George, "Fascist communist ideas they still have". They are just older and know more of this world. No need to label them with such harsh words.

While it is true Cameron "gambled" A LOT on this action, it was never predicted as a lose, and only started to take the shape of a tight battle once the campaigning started and to be blunt the false promises that the Leave party made created this huge turnaround.

tl;dr while it true the PM David Cameron gambled probably too much on this, it is the stupid people, that believed this was the heaven and paradise promised within the Leave party, at fault.
Stop being so butthurt, please.

As long as I followed the online polls, "leave" was always in favour. "It is the stupid people" - imagine yourself being as old as the ones that voted leave and being called stupid by a 20-something-year old. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

I am 100% certain that the Remain parties also created bullshit stories. It's politics.
Also, mind naming me some of the blunt false promises that were made, which created the huge turnaround? Or is this just rage?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 01:50:05 pm by Gold2m »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2016, 03:01:25 pm »
@George, "Fascist communist ideas they still have". They are just older and know more of this world. No need to label them with such harsh words.

While it is true Cameron "gambled" A LOT on this action, it was never predicted as a lose, and only started to take the shape of a tight battle once the campaigning started and to be blunt the false promises that the Leave party made created this huge turnaround.

tl;dr while it true the PM David Cameron gambled probably too much on this, it is the stupid people, that believed this was the heaven and paradise promised within the Leave party, at fault.
Stop being so butthurt, please.

As long as I followed the online polls, "leave" was always in favour. "It is the stupid people" - imagine yourself being as old as the ones that voted leave and being called stupid by a 20-something-year old. You know nothing, Jon Snow.

I am 100% certain that the Remain parties also created bullshit stories. It's politics.
Also, mind naming me some of the blunt false promises that were made, which created the huge turnaround? Or is this just rage?

Actually Remain was in favor up until the Referendum day, whereas online polls showed either 50-50% or 51 (Remain) in favor of 49 (Leave) prognostic.

Being 20 year old or 60 year old makes no difference if one is informed properly about a subject; let me put it in simple words for you, you may eat cake all your life, I eat veggie for 5 years; I will know my share and be entitled to an opinion at least the same as you, considering my fare share of knowledge on the matter, if not more than you.

The mediocrity level is very high and the level of information the elderly get is mostly coming from the TV media, where every information is controlled and fed to the mass like a shepherd controlling the sheeps, whereas the youth are exposed to a larger area of information on the online world. That makes for a great difference without even getting on one subject, so always bear that in mind.

Also it is pretty clear you haven't read anything regarding the subject otherwise you wouldn't be so misinformed about the lies sold by the Leave party, I will give you a very rough example, coming only hours AFTER the referendum closed, Nigel Farage exposes the truth behind the promise to give NHS the European money and lies about the numerous ADVERTS that promised this all around their campaign (Read about it:

Oh and btw.. don't jump on this assumption that the elderly are smarter than the youth, because that's just one of the most retarded old generation logic ever that is apparently still believed.

EDIT: Also to read Noam Chomsky's The Chomsky Decalogue:
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 03:04:08 pm by Rock Gyo »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2016, 04:30:53 pm »
So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround?

And also yes, I haven't read anything about the topic. I'm just pointing out the logical mistakes in your statements.

EDIT: Your statement, that it's easier to feed lies to elders than the youth, is simply wrong. "whereas the youth are exposed to a larger area of information on the online world." That doesn't mean that the information they get is true tho? That just means they get more of it.

Are you seriously this butthurt that you have to start making stuff like this up? It's general knowledge that it's easier to feed propaganda to the youngsters, because they often lack interest in such topics and they follow the masses. Elders on the other hand have their own opinions and they don't believe everything told by the masses.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 04:38:57 pm by Gold2m »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2016, 05:22:15 pm »
So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround?

And also yes, I haven't read anything about the topic. I'm just pointing out the logical mistakes in your statements.

EDIT: Your statement, that it's easier to feed lies to elders than the youth, is simply wrong. "whereas the youth are exposed to a larger area of information on the online world." That doesn't mean that the information they get is true tho? That just means they get more of it.

Are you seriously this butthurt that you have to start making stuff like this up? It's general knowledge that it's easier to feed propaganda to the youngsters, because they often lack interest in such topics and they follow the masses. Elders on the other hand have their own opinions and they don't believe everything told by the masses.

Firstly, I did try to be gentle on your opinion but since you keep being so obloquious and obsolete, I will be blunt on this and say, your arguments are retarded and strongly lack any bit of fact, you call them as you think everything is, and refuse to rely on plain evidence that is being given to you or research your own evidence, for that matter.

You refuse to admit some things and eventually and as it seems you start to contradict yourself; that if the youth get more information than the elders, and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information, that still does not reason any awareness of the youth for a topic on which the elders simply don't have any clue about; no, in your point/opinion, you think that if you are ~60 years old you've known them all, you've seen them all, you don't need to be fed proper information and you will automatically choose smart on anything based on ... years of, something?

That is a very wrong thinking I believe, starting any discussion or argument based on categorizing the elders as a whole, smarter than the youth, purely based on age factor.

You refuse to accept hard proof evidence such as the NHS and have the absolute rudeness, I must say, to call the promise of the NHS money scheme "just a thing" since this thing alone doesn't seem to be enough for you to consider voting for, or against a campaign (and while it is true that one's opinion must not stick to just one campaign promise, being as it may, the starting point of your opinion an NHS Money Scheme promise that is literally a lie, how can you consider further, the smaller promises of one's campaign).

The NHS money was one of their strongest features of their campaign, hence the billboards all over UK coming along with that, so if you think just for a second that hundreds of millions of pounds directed to the Health System is "just a thing", I can already rest my case and leave you waste the air around you.


Oh and by the way, I would abstain from attacking me directly again and calling me butthurt and stuff if I were you, and rather attack my opinion if you feel the need; if you can't maintain a proper discussion then, by all means, please ignore this topic.

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2016, 06:03:05 pm »
"refuse to rely on plain evidence that is being given to" -> example?

"You refuse to admit some things" -> example?

"and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information" Information given by the media is not unfiltered? It's filtered by the owners of newspapers, by the directors?

"topic on which the elders simply don't have any clue about" How do you know that the elders don't have any clue about? Stop *insert quote* categorizing.

"based on ... years of, something?" That is called life experience.

"categorizing the elders as a whole, smarter than the youth, purely based on age factor." Not saying that elders are smarter. I'm saying that commonly elders interest more in politics than the common youngster. Sure there are a lot of exceptions, but mostly it is that way.

"You refuse to accept hard proof evidence such as the NHS and have the absolute rudeness, I must say, to call the promise of the NHS money scheme "just a thing"". I never refused to accept proof about NHS and I never called it just a thing. Why are you putting words into my mouth?

You spoke in plural, but only talked about one example, so I simply asked for more?


Oh and by the way, if you can't hold back your emotions while writing statements, put words into my mouth and/or get offended by the word "butthurt", please ignore this topic.


Percentage of participants by age group.
18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%

So who cared more about the referendum? Who were more interested?

"and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information"
"information the elderly get is mostly coming from the TV media, where every information is controlled and fed to the mass like a shepherd controlling the sheeps"

So if the youngster gets information from the media, it's unfiltered, but if an elder gets it, it's suddenly controlled aka filtered?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 07:03:29 pm by Gold2m »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2016, 07:22:17 pm »
"refuse to rely on plain evidence that is being given to" -> example?

I give you examples of the NHS and you say (I quote) "So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround? "; I will explain this to you again, they promised over 300 MILLION pounds and billboarded their campaign around this main promise, and ONLY tell the truth about it (obviously that it's not going to happen) after the supporters voted for it (NOT in the campaign, not before the referendum, BUT AFTER).

You think of this as a minor promise since you don't consider this as any relevant for a turnaround, where in fact it was one of the main points for the turnaround.

"You refuse to admit some things" -> example?

Read above.

"and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information" Information given by the media is not unfiltered? It's filtered by the owners of newspapers, by the directors?


"topic on which the elders simply don't have any clue about" How do you know that the elders don't have any clue about? Stop *insert quote* categorizing.

Second day after the debate people go out and claim "If I'd have known, I'd have voted otherwise. I wish I could vote again". This goes without saying, but if you want me to put it into words for you; they finally understood that a promise that could hardly come as trustworthy from the PM, but from some opposing side campaigner was revealed and understood unfortunately too late for them as a LIE.

"based on ... years of, something?" That is called life experience.

You actually think that if you live 60 years you have the knowledge of all the subjects or something? Your argument is way invalid and very uncalled for.

"categorizing the elders as a whole, smarter than the youth, purely based on age factor." Not saying that elders are smarter. I'm saying that commonly elders interest more in politics than the common youngster. Sure there are a lot of exceptions, but mostly it is that way.

That is wrong, again. Why do you start on the presumption that elders are interested in politics? You actually consider that watching politicians on TV and newspaper and other media resources makes one interested in politics. If you think that the elders have nothing better or had nothing better to do with their lives other than wasting every day of their life actually looking into politics (other than tv feed), you are wrong.

"You refuse to accept hard proof evidence such as the NHS and have the absolute rudeness, I must say, to call the promise of the NHS money scheme "just a thing"". I never refused to accept proof about NHS and I never called it just a thing. Why are you putting words into my mouth?

You spoke in plural, but only talked about one example, so I simply asked for more?

Quote "So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround?" End Quote.

Oh and by the way, if you can't hold back your emotions while writing statements, put words into my mouth and/or get offended by the word "butthurt", please ignore this topic.

I am way more than able to hold back, hence why you haven't seen me responding with similar words. In fact, you are the one who went low and started being obsolete, being unable to do anything else really. And I did not put words into your mouth, but you considered a hundreds of millions of pounds scheme as irrelevant stand alone for a turnaround; while they had more promises that will soon unfold as untrue (most likely next in line the Restriction of Free Passing of Immigrants Vs. The access to the EU single market; they won't have one without the other, so supporters will soon be again dissapointed).

Oh and btw going awfully wrong already :)

I won't reply anymore here, go on private if you need to understand other things..

« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 07:25:23 pm by Rock Gyo »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2016, 08:36:33 pm »
"refuse to rely on plain evidence that is being given to" -> example?

I give you examples of the NHS and you say (I quote) "So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround? "; I will explain this to you again, they promised over 300 MILLION pounds and billboarded their campaign around this main promise, and ONLY tell the truth about it (obviously that it's not going to happen) after the supporters voted for it (NOT in the campaign, not before the referendum, BUT AFTER).

You think of this as a minor promise since you don't consider this as any relevant for a turnaround, where in fact it was one of the main points for the turnaround.

"You refuse to admit some things" -> example?

Read above.

"You refuse to accept hard proof evidence such as the NHS and have the absolute rudeness, I must say, to call the promise of the NHS money scheme "just a thing"". I never refused to accept proof about NHS and I never called it just a thing. Why are you putting words into my mouth?

You spoke in plural, but only talked about one example, so I simply asked for more?

Quote "So the NHS money promise alone created the whole huge turnaround?" End Quote.
I never refused to believe it. Putting words into my mouth again. 

You spoke in plural, but only talked about one example, so I simply asked for more?

"and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information" Information given by the media is not unfiltered? It's filtered by the owners of newspapers, by the directors?

"that if the youth get more information than the elders, and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information,"

Who is contradicting.

Also look:
"and literally get unfiltered (by the media) information"
"information the elderly get is mostly coming from the TV media, where every information is controlled and fed to the mass like a shepherd controlling the sheeps"

So if the youngster gets information from the media, it's unfiltered, but if an elder gets it, it's suddenly controlled aka filtered?

So you're saying the youth gets unfiltered information by the media and aren't easily manipulated and elders get filtered information by the media and are easily manipulated, but the youth also gets filtered information by the media and isn't easily manipulated and the elders also get unfiltered information by the media and aren't easily manipulated? Wow we have to go deeper.
"topic on which the elders simply don't have any clue about" How do you know that the elders don't have any clue about? Stop *insert quote* categorizing.

Second day after the debate people go out and claim "If I'd have known, I'd have voted otherwise. I wish I could vote again". This goes without saying, but if you want me to put it into words for you; they finally understood that a promise that could hardly come as trustworthy from the PM, but from some opposing side campaigner was revealed and understood unfortunately too late for them as a LIE.
Still doesn't explain how you are almight and know everything, including what elders know and what they do not.

"based on ... years of, something?" That is called life experience.

You actually think that if you live 60 years you have the knowledge of all the subjects or something? Your argument is way invalid and very uncalled for.
I think that as you live more, you see more, you experience more, you understand more.

"categorizing the elders as a whole, smarter than the youth, purely based on age factor." Not saying that elders are smarter. I'm saying that commonly elders interest more in politics than the common youngster. Sure there are a lot of exceptions, but mostly it is that way.

That is wrong, again. Why do you start on the presumption that elders are interested in politics? You actually consider that watching politicians on TV and newspaper and other media resources makes one interested in politics. If you think that the elders have nothing better or had nothing better to do with their lives other than wasting every day of their life actually looking into politics (other than tv feed), you are wrong.
Percentage of participants by age group.
18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%


Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2016, 10:28:35 pm »

who else stopped reading
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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2016, 01:15:34 pm »

who else stopped reading
I did x) @Ekke, you do know that the amount of people in the world is growing insane amounts each year? It's called population aging. It means that there are more older people than younger people. So obviouly not everyone votes no matter what is put on poll, and the percentage is that much different simply because there are too many old people.

It's our decisions that define us


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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2016, 01:26:49 pm »

who else stopped reading
I did x) @Ekke, you do know that the amount of people in the world is growing insane amounts each year? It's called population aging. It means that there are more older people than younger people. So obviouly not everyone votes no matter what is put on poll, and the percentage is that much different simply because there are too many old people.
That makes no sense. The numbers show what % of the age group took part in voting. i.e from males/women aged 18-24, only 36% voted, either in or out. Anyways, the more elders there are, the smaller the participation % should be, and that proves even more that elders are more interested.   

Or what exactly did you have in mind?
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 01:28:46 pm by Gold2m »

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2016, 02:01:14 pm »
shit happens when you party naked
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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2016, 09:45:32 pm »
Fuck me for seeing this so late, but hey. Here i am.

I can start off by telling you how many times this discussion have been in Norway after WW2.
Every now and then, the theme has been there. "Should Norway join the EU"?
And we have voted for it, several times past 6-7 decades. Always been no. Why? Cause Norway was a country under development after WW2, and saw their independences opportunities quite good as our oil adventure started. If we were to be in the EU, we would have lost so much money and benefits we already have. What we managed to get however was the Schengen deal whom i think is both good and bad. Opens for a lot of smuglers, but then again fastens the industrialization and get a better flow work wise in countries that benefit both companies and private persons. But the interesting thing here is the so called EØS-Deal Norway managed to get. I have no clue how the fuck we got it, but the fact we got it is cool. Its like we are allied with EU, and it feels like we are in EU. We got only advantages and no disadvantages yet. But mark my word when i say yet.

Cause now that Brexit has fulfilled its shit, they will be forced to workout a deal like Norway got. Experts say there is no way they will get a deal like this. And i doubt they will. And i think EU will need to workout a new system. For all parties, the ones in EU and the ones outside. They need to start all over, with the same vision they had after WW2.
Cause there is no way GBR will get a good deal.

I just typed really fucking fast from 0 to a 100 real quick, so dont you fucking hate on my shit cause i havent read through it yet and i wont either. Hope you get the point.

Kudos Norway

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Re: UK voted Leave, what's to come and how did this happen
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2016, 08:36:07 am »
unfortunately they had no choice when it comes to their second exit  ::) :-X

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