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PC peripherals setup thread

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3st Ranger X:
Fahad, imo the Deathadder is pretty shit, mousepad aint needed and the headset is overpriced. But meh, that's just my opinion.
I only got a mouse, as i have a laptop, and some random headset, wich i'm pretty happy with actually.
My mouse:


--- Quote from: Charr on July 13, 2015, 12:03:29 pm ---Logitch K120 aka the cheap as fuck keyboard
Logitech G430 aka the headset master race
Madcatz r.a.t. 3 aka mouse

--- Quote from: Weed4u2 on July 12, 2015, 08:08:19 am ---

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>Mfw Kane has the same keyboard as u

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>Mfw we have the same keyboard :cake:


--- Quote from: 3st Ranger X on July 13, 2015, 12:41:58 pm ---Fahad, imo the Deathadder is pretty shit, mousepad aint needed and the headset is overpriced. But meh, that's just my opinion.
I only got a mouse, as i have a laptop, and some random headset, wich i'm pretty happy with actually.
My mouse:

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Im planning to change it to Razer Naga

DeathAdder is good for now, the headset i got, TBH it was overpriced, but i got it for a lower price on other stores

Razer Naga mouses are much better, and i prefer to have razer products :D


* SteelSeries Siberia V2 headset
* SteelSeries Sensei mouse
* SteelSeries 6Gv2 keyboard

I gotta buy a new mouse. The current one is really worn out lol


10/10 gaming setup :kappa:


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