Miscellaneous > Computers and Technology

317 pi rsps

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Mad Str:
well guys I got 317 Pi rsps and when you do the skill capes emotes they make ice barrage i searched for a help but it kinda was useless if anyone have any guide or any way to solve this issue i would be glad

Check your skillcape gfx client side, I'm guessing spotAnim.java and check them server side and see if the gfx IDs are the same, if not change them...

Mad Str:

--- Quote from: Blake on November 10, 2014, 09:53:03 pm ---Check your skillcape gfx client side, I'm guessing spotAnim.java and check them server side and see if the gfx IDs are the same, if not change them...

--- End quote ---
yeh thought of this il try it out

Knight Night:
If you didn't find it, i used to search for the skill cape item id, after that it might give you some files or maybe one file, that contain the soil cape item id, after that keep looking around until you find the anim, gfx.

Mad Str:

--- Quote from: Knight Night on November 16, 2014, 08:27:57 pm ---If you didn't find it, i used to search for the skill cape item id, after that it might give you some files or maybe one file, that contain the soil cape item id, after that keep looking around until you find the anim, gfx.

--- End quote ---
Still looking cant find anim/gfx file to replace the ones i have


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