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!!! READ ME - Bug Report Guidelines !!!
« on: November 02, 2014, 06:33:34 pm »
Before you create a topic about your bug, please read through the following:
  • Discord - Most of our community is on Discord. If possible please post your bug reports there.
  • Screenshot - Please always provide a screenshot where your entire game client is visible. It greatly helps us to identify the problem and see what game settings you are using when you've encountered an issue. A bug report without a screenshot is no bug report!
  • Description - Tell us what exactly is wrong for you. It's now always clear to somebody else what to look for on a picture.
  • Reproducability - If possible try to find out how to reliably reproduce a bug and explain how it's done. This greatly helps in understanding what goes wrong and speeds up fixing the problem enormously! Without being able to reproduce a problem it's very hard to fix it.
  • Relevance - Only post or comment when talking about the actual bug. We want to avoid chit-chat in this section and focus on the issue.
  • Please check if the bug is already in someone else's active bug report! No need posting it twice.
  • Lag and disconnection issues are not bugs, they are technical problems. They are usually related to your own internet or computer, please do not post them!
  • If you are stuck ingame, please pm an administrator ingame or on the forums. Create a helpdesk ticket if nobody is available.
  • If you log into the game and find something is missing or glitched, please try typing ::reloadmap or restart the game before reporting the bug here.

We reserve the right to edit your topic title to keep things in order.

This will greatly help us in finding the issue and fixing it! Thanks for your help in advance. :)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2024, 07:54:51 am by Thomy »
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